What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 234 The Benefits of Bald Head (23 Guaranteed)

Chapter 234 The benefits of bald head (23 guaranteed)

This is probably the case. Aoki Si lazily sat on the sofa on the rooftop, enjoying this almost last leisure time.

Maeda Tora's eyes widened with excitement on his face: Boss, are you talking about the Supernova Competition that is said to be both artistic and combative, as well as passionate and inspirational?

Uh, I've never heard of this advertisement. Aokiji scratched his head with a dull look on his face.

But Tora Maeda was extremely excited: Wow! Is the boss going to become a celebrity?

He paced back and forth on the rooftop, his face turning red from holding back: Then can I also be on TV?

Aokiji always felt that this guy seemed to have special ideas about fame, so he looked at him strangely: Why are you on TV if I box?

Don't those reporters do interviews? I can be on camera as the boss's friend. Don't I see that in those programs, where the reporters interview the protagonist's friends to understand what kind of person he is?

What Maeda Tora said made Aokiji nodded thoughtfully: It seems that there will be. But this is a fighting competition, not a talent show.

Boss, you don't understand this. Maeda Tora said seriously: Based on my experience of watching TV for more than five hours a day, this Supernova Conference is no joke. The competition team is very ambitious at first glance. It’s big and I want to make this draft a reality show.”

It seems that Matsuyama Iwa also said something similar. Aokiji frowned a little irritably, boxing was okay, but it would be a bit annoying if it was really made into a reality show.

Aokiji didn't know much about this kind of thing. He only knew that this kind of reality show seemed to be inseparable from the camera 24 hours a day.

Really? he muttered, unsure of himself. Aokiji looked at Miao Fujiwara, who was wondering what he was thinking, and asked, What are you thinking about? So obsessed?

Ah, I was just thinking about whether I should also learn boxing. Fujiwara Miao touched the back of his head and said with a wry smile: I originally thought I was quite powerful, but after the last time I competed with Kaijiu's students, , I always feel like I’m a little arrogant.”

Even Kaiku's students are so good, what level must those Suzuran Hosen's students be at? After his words fell, Maeda Tora also fell into silence.

Matsuzaka Daitake sighed: I think so too. I have been a delinquent since junior high school, and I have been in more than a dozen fights. I originally thought I was quite strong, but

It's good to practice boxing. Aokiji did not refuse. On the one hand, fighting sports can enhance one's physique, and on the other hand, it can also shape a person's character.

It would be more beneficial to them than staying in the game hall and billiards hall.

If you want to learn, I'll say hello to the coach, and you can come and train with me. I'll make it easier for him. Aokiji nodded with a smile.

Okay! Maeda Tora's expression suddenly became excited again: I want to go too! With my conditions, maybe I can become a professional player if I work hard!

Aokiji felt that he was thinking too much, but he still did not dampen his enthusiasm: Then let's give it a try.

Although Aokiji never complained about how hard training was, only he knew whether he was tired or not. Normally, after just three or four hours of training, he would feel like he had lost half his life when he got home. If you really start training, it might be very tiring.

Anyway, it is a good hobby, so Aokiji said: Then I will give you the address, and you can practice it when you have time.

Okay! Maeda Tora and others nodded repeatedly.

Hey, in this case, do we also have the opportunity to be on TV? Matsusaka Daitake suddenly thought of something: The program team will definitely film the boss's training process by then, right? Can we also be on camera?

Miao Fujiwara's face changed drastically when he heard this. He touched his forehead and said with a bitter face: Ah? Are you going to be on TV?

He didn't object to being on TV, but he just felt that he didn't look very handsome with his bald head.

He glanced at Aoki Si with wandering eyes, and suddenly asked: Boss, when can we grow our hair?

Uh. Aokiji suddenly became embarrassed.

However, Maeda Tora jumped in front of Aokiji and scolded him righteously: A Miao, what's wrong with the bald head? Why do you have to grow hair?

Don't you think a bald head looks bad? Maeda Tora snorted, I've made it clear to you why I had a bald head in the first place. Boss, tell him the benefits again.

Well, the benefits of a bald head. The corner of Aokiji's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that Fujiwara Miao might not be as easy to deceive as Maeda Tora. After thinking for a moment, he said: Why not, when you are in the second year of high school, you can keep your hair if you want. Anyway, in the end, The purpose from the beginning is not to let you shave your heads.

If we directly say that we don’t have to shave our heads in the future, it would be unfair to those who have already shaved their heads. It would be better to simply set the rules. Well, those who want to join us in the future just need to shave their heads and prove themselves.

Otherwise, from now on, Wuyang's bunch of bald heads will compete with Fengxian High School for characters?

Just touching his bald head, Aokiji looked a little sad.

Okay. Fujiwara Miao nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he can't say he hates bald heads, nor can he say he likes them. He just thinks his hair looks better with longer hair - he also wants to find a girlfriend in his third year of high school. This bald hair style is not something ordinary people can manage. .

Maeda Toranori thought thoughtfully, and then clapped his right fist for a while: So that's it!

Maeda Tora looked at Aoki Tsukasa with admiration and said excitedly: It turns out that the boss has such far-reaching considerations!

ha? Aokiji didn't know what Maeda Tora thought about again.

Maeda Tora had an I understand expression on his face and explained: It turns out that shaving your head is just a threshold. What the boss needs is not that we shave our heads, but a test.

It does take a lot of courage to shave your head. Matsusaka Otake nodded with lingering fear.

Not only that, your thinking is still too superficial. Maeda Tora shook his finger at Matsusaka Daitake with a profound look on his face: You didn't think about the deeper meaning of the boss.

Huh? Matsuzaka Daitake looked confused.

Boss, I'm stupid, so you should explain to him! Why we shaved our heads must be more than just to show loyalty. Maeda Tora looked at Aokiji with trust.

Aokiji twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, wanting to tell him: Actually, I just wanted you to quit in the face of difficulties. I don't know why, but the situation has developed to this point.

But seeing the reflection on the foreheads of the three young men in front of him, Aokiji swallowed and his head began to work rapidly.

Ahem, that's right. I asked you to shave your heads, which has a deeper meaning. Sitting on the sofa, Aoki Si put his hands on his chin, with a serious look on his face, and his figure seemed to have grown taller and more mature in an instant.

In the eyes of others, this is Aoki Si recalling his original intention, but only Aoki Si knows how hard it is for him to make up nonsense now.

Do you still remember what you were thinking about when you shaved your heads? Aokiji's words made the three of them fall into deep thought.

Maeda Tora murmured to himself: What I was thinking at that time was that I was very reluctant to give up at first, even a little irritable, but after all my hair was shaved, I felt calm. After all, I don't even have hair. Now, what else do I have to be afraid of?

Bingo! Aoki Si snapped his fingers with his left hand, crossed his legs, leaned on the back of the sofa, and said with deep eyes, Where are you, Amiao?

I was a little uncomfortable at first, but later I felt very relaxed. When I washed my face, I just applied it and even my hair was taken care of. I no longer had to think about hairstyle issues like before. It seemed to save me a lot of worry.

Matsuzaka Daitake was also inspired by Miao Fujiwara’s words.

Matsusaka Daitake said suddenly: So that's it. I didn't think much about it. I just felt that after shaving my head, I have to hang a razor on my head frequently. Every time after I finish, I have a strange feeling, like...

It's like scraping away all the worries. Matsusaka Daitake said, and he seemed to understand something.

Aokiji looked serious: That's it, that's the purpose of shaving your head.

Don't you feel that after shaving your head, your life feels like starting over? When Aokiji said this, he actually felt the same way.

Yes, yes. Maeda Tora nodded repeatedly and sighed: Sure enough, the boss is still the boss. I can't understand the meaning of every move.

So in the future, you should use your brain more and ask me if you don't understand. Don't be impulsive. If things like today were not for the good temper of the principal, we would all be in trouble. Aokiji stared at him, and Maeda Tora suddenly felt embarrassed. laughed.

Then boss, you really won't come to school starting tomorrow. Maeda Tora was a little reluctant.

Aokiji nodded and smiled: The schedule is only one month at most. Counting the preparation phase, I will finish it during the winter vacation. Maybe I will come back to take the final exam with you.

We can also go to the boxing gym to practice together. Fujiwara Miao patted Maeda Hu on the shoulder.

Aokiji then said seriously: You guys are not allowed to cause trouble during this period, do you understand?

Yes! Maeda Tora and the others certainly knew that the delinquent boy's affairs would definitely bring trouble to Aoki Tsukasa. They said with serious faces: We will tell others.

That's good. Aokiji smiled, looked at his phone, and suddenly thought of something, and said to them: That's it for now, I have to go and tell Senior Saeko, maybe there will be classes in the afternoon Maybe he won’t come.”

Aokiji mainly wanted to go and bring Qiong's mobile phone and other things there early, so that she would not be bored in the hospital alone.

Qiong must miss me too now, right? If I had known earlier, I would have taken one or two classes in the morning and gone to see Qiong earlier.

Thinking of this, Aokiji couldn't sit still.

Maeda Tora and the others smiled and said, Then boss, go quickly.

Okay. Aokiji rolled his eyes at them. For some reason, thinking about going to see Busujima Saeko, his heart was actually beating a little.


PS: After all, I still owe a lot, so I'll pay it off slowly. Well, by the way, I'd like to ask for a monthly pass. The poor author has been crying miserably recently.

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