What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 226: Everything is not that bad (Qianya is my ten thousand reward)

Don't worry. Aokiji finally looked away from Sagara Meng, touched the blood on his face, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and made a call.

It's me. Aokiji took out the cigarette case from his trouser pocket.

On the phone, Song Shanyan's words were very relaxed: You can just follow a person named Officer Megu in a moment. Don't worry about anything else. I have already made arrangements.

Thank you. Aokiji shook the cigarette case with one hand. Maeda Tora and others hesitated and were about to reach out, but saw Aokiji throw the cigarette case aside.

There may be something too late tomorrow. Starting the day after tomorrow, you don't have to go to school. You can come to the boxing gym to train until the end of the game. Is there any problem? After Matsuyama Iwa finished speaking, Aokiji sighed sadly: Of course there is no problem. .”

Well, then you should have a good rest and go home later and take a shower before visiting your sister. Don't scare your uncle and aunt. Song Shanyan hung up the phone.

Aokiji blinked and looked at the rain and blood on his body. He sighed and leaned against the window, staring at the heavy rain in the sky in a daze.

Boss, what should I do? At this time, not only Maeda Tora and others, Ueno Ryo, Koda Koo and other people from Wuyang High School, but also Mihashi Takashi and his group also squeezed into this narrow classroom. The group of people carefully avoided Sagara Meng, who was lying on the ground with blood all over his face, and looked at Aokiji.

Aokiji looked out the window and said calmly without looking back: Don't worry, just cooperate with the police for a while. Just say that Sagara asked you to come here, and there is no need to say anything else.

Okay. Maeda Tora nodded, without any doubt on his expression.

Downstairs, the police lied on the ground, and the delinquents in need of rescue were loaded into ambulances. Several policemen holding transcripts were interrogating several delinquents from Wuyang, Kaijiu, Ruanyegao and Honggao.

Mitsuhashi Takashi was a little anxious: Why don't we just run away now? There are so many people anyway, they won't capture them all.

I told you, don't worry. Aokiji looked at the dark clouds in the sky with a melancholy expression, but his concern for Qiong became more and more profound.

Is Qiong awake?

Is the hospital warm?

Will uncle and aunt forgive me?

Aokiji doesn't know, nor does he know what else he can do. There are still many things he should do, but there are very few things he can do now.

System, if you want to be the strongest delinquent, do you have to live in such a state of distress?

The system never says anything heart-warming, but it always expresses its attitude in a timely manner.

[Hidden mission: Complete the domination of the northern part of the city, and you will be rewarded with scrolls derived from skill props. +1 charm, +1 free attribute point]

[Skill prop derivation scroll: Based on the skills you possess, special skills or props related to the skill are derived. (Derived skills do not occupy the attribute column)]

[The main mission has been released, please pay attention to check it. 】

[Main mission: Chiba dominates. Mission target (unconquered): Suzuran High School, Fengxian High School. Time limit: before entering senior year of high school. mission rewards:? ? ? 】

Aokiji sighed and closed the mission panel.

Lily of the valley, impatiens?

In other words, I don’t need to go to other schools?

Aokiji turned to look at Mihashi Takashi, but found that he suddenly became a little nervous at this time.

What's wrong.

Aokiji couldn't stand his strange appearance, and always felt that this guy's brain was twitching, which made him feel guilty.

Shinji Ito slapped Mihashi Takashi on the shoulder, and Mihashi Takashi said helplessly: I understand.

He sighed and looked at Aokiji: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for what happened before.

Aokiji just glanced at him and sighed: No need to be sorry, I was too careless, I can't blame you.

I'm just naive, imagining this world is too beautiful. Aokiji turned to look out the window, not only saying it to Takashi Mihashi, but more like saying it to himself: Since I came here, no matter whether it is Maeda Tora Be it other friends, they are all great to me.

I can't see any intrigues or schemes among you. Idiots like Maeda Tora appear one after another around me. Aokiji looked at the strange expression of Maeda Tora and raised the corner of his mouth: Isn’t it?”

Well, idiot, this doesn't seem to suit me. Maeda Tora scratched his head.

Aokiji chuckled: Okay, okay, sincere and kind-hearted people like Maeda Tora appeared around me one after another, which made me think that this is what the world is like, a happy world.

I thought I could be a stupid person, a kind person, and live a happy life without having to think too hard.

Aokiji opened the window melancholy, and the interlacing police lights outside the window shone in his eyes, making his eyes seem to have color: But, as expected.

Kind people always suffer, and people who are too naive cannot become a qualified leader. Aokiji wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he thought that Maeda Tora and the others were still staring at him, so he suppressed it. Then he stopped, rubbed the seam of his trousers, and said with a wry smile: Unconsciously, I am no longer alone.

In the future, I will work hard together with you. I will become a big brother worthy of your trust and follow. Aokiji looked at Maeda Tiger and others sincerely, stood up straight, and took a deep breath. tone.

I'm sorry for what happened before! Aokiji bowed.

Maeda Tora hurriedly hugged Aokiji's shoulders and stopped him firmly: Boss, don't do this.

Idiot, the boss doesn't need your comfort. Fujiwara Miao smiled and patted Maeda Tora's shoulder, and hugged Aokiji's neck: Boss, don't worry, my goal is to become your think tank, boss. ! As long as I’m here in the future, I will never let you fall into the trap again.”

Hey, are you saying that the boss is not as smart as you? Tora Maeda was very unhappy about being called an idiot and punched Fujiwara Miao on the shoulder.

Fujiwara Miao shook his head repeatedly: No, no, that's right, you have to leave me a personality! Right! You have already taken away the idiot's personality, so I have to leave some characteristics for myself, right?

Hey, what is my character? Is it admirable? Matsusaka Daitake also asked.

Aokiji couldn't help but curl up his lips as he watched the three of them bickering and amusing themselves.

Well, Aokiji. Ueno Yang rubbed his chubby belly, leaned close to him, and asked in a low voice: Where are we going at night? Um, um?


Aokiji glanced at him and said calmly: Well, how about the next few days? I've been busy lately.

Are you lying to me? Uenoyang's eyes widened.

Didn't you say you didn't come here just for the sake of friendship? Aokiji pretended to be confused.

Ueno Yang gritted his teeth and stared at Aokiji: How can you look like an idiot?

Huh? I didn't say I was. Aokiji shrugged.

Before the group of people finished talking, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

Which one is Aokiji? A tall and sturdy police officer wearing a brown windbreaker, a green tie, and a brown top hat appeared at the door. His name was pinned on his coat: Megure Thirteen.

Aokiji patted Maeda Tora on the shoulder and nodded to the others in turn: Don't worry, I'm leaving first.

Are you okay? How about I go for the boss? Tora Maeda carefully pulled Aokiji's sleeve.

Aokiji just smiled: Idiot.

Fujiwara Miao even directly covered Maeda Tiger's mouth.

Go help find someone and send him to the hospital quickly. Do you want to see him die!? Children nowadays are getting more and more excessive! Megure Thirteen looked at the man lying on the ground, still bleeding. Xingliang frowned suddenly, nodded to Aokiji who walked in front of him, turned around and left, his expression seemed a little disgusting.

Aoki Si followed him to the corner of the stairs. Mengmu Shisan looked around and saw that there was no one around, then glanced at Aoki Si and said calmly: Reach out your hand.

Pah. Megure Thirteen put the handcuffs on his wrists, took out a knitted hat and a mask from his arms and put them on Aokiji. Aokiji frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

Taking him to a police car, the two got into the car in the heavy rain and closed the door.

Mumu Shisan started the car, nodded to his colleagues around him, and drove out of the school. Not far away, when Yue Momo was out of sight, he took out the key from his pocket and threw it to Aoki Si.

Aokiji awkwardly unlocked the handcuffs with the key, took off his hat and mask, and looked at Megure Thirteen.

If I take you away directly, I'm afraid that someone will see your appearance. The handcuffs are to give me a reason to escape. As Mumu Shisan spoke, he pressed the old-fashioned car stereo, and some sounds suddenly sounded in the car. Melancholy and sadly melody.

There may be reporters who speculate that you did it, but you have to firmly deny it and just say that you are at home. This incident will become a group fight in Kaijiu High School that will end in infighting. Mumu Shisan's expression was a little complicated.

As the leader and important inducement of the group fight, the guy named Sagara Meng will definitely be detained in a juvenile detention center for a period of time. Megure Thirteen took out the cigarette case and handed one to Aokiji , Aokiji did not refuse, but simply said: Thank you.

No need to thank me. Mumu Shisan said with a cold expression, lighting a cigarette: If you didn't have a strong backer, I would have handcuffed you even if you were my relative.

Aokiji just raised his eyebrows without replying and blew out a puff of smoke.

It seems that Mumu Shisan is very prejudiced against himself.

Where to go. Mumu Shisan turned off the police lights and put one hand on the car window.

Secretary Aoki breathed a long sigh of relief: Go home.

After stating the address clearly, the two fell into silence.

In the car, apart from the roar of the engine, the only thing left was the car stereo playing old-fashioned music, which kept echoing.

My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I, Got out of bed at all. (The tea is getting colder, I don't know why. I keep tossing and turning.)

The morning rain clouds up my window, And I can't see at all. (The morning rain clouds up my window, And I can't see at all.)

And even if I could it'll all be gray, But your picture on my wall, It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad.

(All I can see is gray, but your picture is on the wall, reminding me that it’s not too bad, not too bad.)

Aokiji closed his eyes gently, and as the car windows shook, he slowed down his breathing tiredly.


Lyrics and PS do not count as words.

PS: The song is called thankyou, which is also the chorus part of stan sampled by Mu Ye. Seeing that all the friends here have survived the previous poisonous points, the first volume has officially come to an end and the story of the second volume has begun. There’s not much to say, the lyrics said what I wanted to say, and the mood is surprisingly consistent with the protagonist. Feeling relieved, but also uneasy.

The second volume will try its best to present a better story to everyone, but this controversial plot made me think a lot, and it will take some time to revise the subsequent stories. I feel like I have grown up a little bit.

I love you all (`) with all my heart.

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