What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 227 Qiong Awakens (13 guaranteed)

Chapter 227 Qiong Awakens (13 guaranteed)

Aokiji leaned against the corner of the hospital, lowering his hood. The wound on his left hand caused by drawing the sword was just wrapped in gauze, and a bright red stain on his palm was still visible.

Turning around, in the corridor, Masao Kasugano sat on a chair with a haggard expression and red eyes, looking at the ICU door in a daze.

I'm sorry. Aokiji looked away, sighed, and lowered his head.

There was not a lot of traffic in the hospital at this time. People coming and going occasionally glanced at Aokiji who was standing by the wall, but were frightened by his cold expression and quickened their pace.

This was the first time Aokiji felt so empty and lonely.

It's like becoming a rootless duckweed, not knowing where it will float or where it will stop.

The irritability and depression made Aokiji feel extremely complicated. He didn't know how to seek forgiveness from Kasugano Masao, and how to face this man who resolutely chose to save himself when he was at a low point based on kindness.

What are you doing here? A familiar voice came from behind, and Aokiji hurriedly turned around. Kasugano Anzu was holding a fast food packaging bag in his hand, standing behind Aokisi with the same tired expression, looking at Aokisi quietly.

Aokiji opened his mouth, but in the end, he just lowered his head with guilt on his face: I'm very sorry, I brought you such serious trouble.

Kasugano Xing's eyes were soft and she reached out her hand, rubbed Aokiji's head through the hood of her sweater, and smiled softly: At the beginning, your uncle and I were very angry.

But now, we have figured it out. Kasugano Xing raised his head and looked at Kasugano Masao who was sitting far away, his expression a little lonely: Such a problem happened in Qiong, just the length of time. Before you came here before , Didn’t something like this happen to Qiong too?”

But it's me after all. Aokiji clenched his fists with a sad expression.

Kasugano Anzu looked at Aoki Tsukasa's dejected look and said calmly: People always grow through mistakes and pain. So does Tsukasa, so do I, and so does your uncle.

Qiong leaves us, it's just a matter of the length of time. I don't think we can blame all this on one person. If we have to trace the culprit of all this, Kasugano Xing raised the corners of her mouth bitterly: As a childbirth Her mother failed to give her a body like a normal person, so I am the one who should be sorry the most.

Auntie. Aokiji wanted to comfort him, but Kasugano smiled and shook his head to stop him.

She suddenly thought of something, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and said with a smile: You know, during this period, Qiong said that she was very happy.

Aokiji's pupils dilated slightly.

We often call and send text messages. At first, Qiong just talked about her physical condition, but later, the content of her conversation was all about you.

Kasugano opened the text message and showed it to Aoki Tsukasa: Look, every text message she sends shows how happy she is when she is with you.

Aokiji took the phone with his trembling right hand, looked at the chat history between Shangqiong and Kasugano Anzu, and fell into silence.

[Xing: How are Qiong feeling recently? 】

[Qiong: I’m very happy. Si took me to the mall today, and we went to catch a doll together. He also bought me a small bag, and we even took photos together. 】

Kanqiong also took a few photos of the photos and sent them to Kasugano Anzu. At the end of the chat, he also used an emoticon of an anime character with a bright smile.

[Qiong: Mom, Si made delicious Chinese food today. (picture)】

Aokiji silently flipped through the text messages, his eyes slightly red as he looked at the many text messages showing off to Qiong.

Even in the beginning, when the two did not communicate much, although Qiong acted very coldly in front of Aoki Sui, he clearly expressed his gratitude and love to Aoki Sui in his communication with Kasugano Anzu.

[Qiong: Mom, I had a good dream today. 】

[Xing: What? 】

[Qiong: I dreamed that my father and mother were both at home, just like before. My health has also recovered, and I went to school with Si, went home together, and ate lunch from my parents at school. Some people tried to bully me, but Si beat me away. 】

[Xing: That will definitely come, Qiong must work hard. 】

Aokiji bit his lower lip tightly, and the taste of blood gradually came into his mouth.

[Qiong: (Crying expression) I had a nightmare today, Si disappeared, and my parents are gone. 】

[Xing: Don’t you hate us bringing outsiders home at first? Why is Si now ranked ahead of mom and dad? 】

It seemed that Qiong's message was sent after several minutes.

[Qiong: It would be great if I was healthy and could act like an ordinary girl. 】

[Xing: Idiot, you will be fine. 】

[Qiong: (smiling expression) Well, that’s good. If I were healthy, maybe Si wouldn’t care about me so much. 】

[Xing: How could it be? Don't think too much, neither your parents nor your boss will dislike you just because you are different from ordinary people. No matter what you become, your mother will love you. 】

[Qiong: I suddenly thought that before I die, I must go to the amusement park with my parents and Si. But... it's actually pretty good now. By the way, Si is still learning how to play games recently. It's obvious that he has never played a game before, but he still wants to show off. (smirking expression)]

[Xing: Don’t expose it! And it turns out that you have grown so big, Qiong, how much dowry should your mother prepare for you? (sinister smile)]

[Qiong: (eye-rolling emoticon) Hate it. 】

Aokiji silently handed the phone to Kasugano Anzu and rubbed his eyes.

Kasugano just put the phone in her pocket, stretched out her hand and rubbed Aokiji's head: Okay, I've read the text messages to you, why are you still sad? Qiong has never blamed you.

Thank you. Thank you. Aokiji's voice was choked with sobs. This was also the first time that he had shown such weakness in front of others.

Kasugano Anzu gently held Aoki Tsukasa in her arms and patted his back: Okay, Tsukasa doesn't have to think too much.

Aokiji gritted his teeth, and his jaw even felt a little sore from the exertion.

Holding back his emotions and not letting them out, Aokiji took a deep breath and raised his head: Really, thank you.

Come, let's wait for Qiong to wake up together. Xing pulled Aokiji towards the corridor.

Aoki Si followed her and approached Kasugano Masao. He was still sullen, but nodded to Aoki Si without saying a word.

I'm sorry, Aokiji said softly.

Kasugano Masao nodded silently and patted the chair next to him. Aokiji hesitated and sat next to him.

Kasugano Anzu handed the fast food box to Kasugano Masao, and then handed his own portion to Aokiji. Aokiji refused repeatedly: I have eaten.

My stomach is growling, where did you go to eat? Kasugano Xing smiled and forced the lunch box into Aoki Si's hand. Aoki Si hurriedly refused: Auntie, you eat, I'm really not hungry.

After a few pulls, Kasugano Anzu sighed, sat on a chair aside, and ate her lunch in silence.

Aokiji stared at the door of the ICU for a long time, and suddenly a nurse walked out of it with a calm expression: Who is Kasugano Qiong's family member?

I am! Kasugano Masao hurriedly put down his lunch box, not even having time to swallow the food in his mouth.

The nurse smiled: The patient is awake and his condition is very stable. He can now be transferred to the nursing ward. Please ask your family members to go through the formalities with me first.

Kasugano Masao nodded repeatedly: Okay, okay.

The nurse took Masao Kasugano to go through the procedures, while Tsukasa Aoki stood anxiously at the door. He looked in through the window at the entrance of the ICU where people could not see clearly, but he could only see sparse figures.

Not long after, the sound of a hospital bed being pushed came from inside.

Please give way. Several nurses pushed the hospital bed and opened the door of the ICU. Qiong was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes staring blankly at the sky. It was not until he heard the doctor's words that his eyes slowly regained focus and looked towards Aokiji.

Si she reluctantly opened her mouth, her voice dry and hoarse.

Tsukasa Aoki cleared the aisle for the nurse and followed closely beside the bed, his eyes slightly red: I'm here, Qiong, I'm here.

Qiong showed a laborious smile to Aokiji and gently closed his eyes.

Family members, please don't get excited. The patient has just woken up and needs some time to relax. The nurse said, pushing the hospital bed into the special elevator, nodded to Aoki Tsukasa and Kasugano Anzu, and went upstairs together.

In the elevator, Kasugano Anzu quietly looked at Qiong's peaceful face and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's okay. Kasugano Anzu patted Aoki Si's back, and she didn't know whether she was comforting herself or Aoki Si.


PS: Today was really terrible. I had insomnia and slept for a few hours. When I got up and woke up, I found that I had fallen in love. I finally recovered and planned to code. After writing more than ten words, the power went out again at home, so I decided to take a nap. I took a nap and slept until after nine o'clock. It took me a long time to write a chapter.

The second update will be posted in a while. I will post the third update at noon and afternoon today. Friends who sleep late will wait for the second update. I will read the third update after I wake up. There are no additional updates today. Depending on the situation tomorrow, there should be no less than three guaranteed updates.

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