What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 225 Are you happy? (Ten thousand rewards from Taoist priests will be added)

Are you ready? Aokiji stepped into the class door with heavy steps and pushed away the wailing delinquent boy who was lying on the wooden door in front of him with his feet. The tip of the wooden knife in his hand trembled slightly.

Xingliang raised his eyebrows fiercely, looked at Aokiji's murderous eyes, and licked his lips helplessly: Did that guy downstairs only stop you for a moment?

What, do you want to have one more second to breathe? Tsukasa Aoki took a look at the strength of only four people around Sagara Takeru, and smiled a little mockingly: There are only four people left?

I thought you would ambush dozens of people here. Aokiji twisted his neck and walked slowly towards Xiangliang.

Well, it's hard to say how many dozens there are. Xiangliang laughed fiercely, jumped off the desk, twisted his arms, and his expression suddenly turned cold: But there are about twenty people, in such a narrow place, it should be That’s enough.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a shout of murder suddenly erupted from a closed wooden door behind Aoki Si. A group of delinquent teenagers armed with weapons filed out of the classroom and rushed towards Aoki Si.

So it turns out that they want to trap me in this small classroom, firstly to limit my flexibility, and secondly to crowd me to death by relying on the number of people.

Indeed, in such a narrow place, if you attack from all directions at the same time, if you are not careful for a moment, it is indeed very likely that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

However, since I dare to come, it means that I have been prepared.

Aokiji raised his head, took a deep look at Xiang Liangmeng, moved a step to his side, took a running step with his legs with all his strength, and kicked him out.

At the door, there was a crowd of bad boys from Kaijiu who wanted to rush in. They were frightened to death by this kick. They wanted to hide, but they didn't know how to hide. The people behind him were like walls, pushing him forward, completely in a panic. Hit Aoki Tsukasa's flying kick!

This kick was like a finger knocking down a domino. When the first person was knocked down, the group of bad boys were brought to the ground one after another.

As long as you are stuck here at the door, it means that your numerical advantage cannot be used. Aokiji looked at Xiang Liang who was rushing towards him in the classroom, his eyes becoming more and more sinister.

Suddenly there was a burst of footsteps in the corridor.

Boss has boss things to do, you idiots, don't get in the way! Tora Maeda roared, and behind him were Takashi Mihashi, Miao Fujiwara, and Daitake Matsusaka covered in blood.

Behind the three of them, there were the panting Ueno Yo, the Ishihara brothers carrying baseball bats, and Mihashi Takashi supporting Ito Shinji, filling the entire corridor.

It seems that my people are not slow either. As Aokiji spoke, he casually flicked the cigarette butt forward, aiming directly at Xiangliang's fierce eyes.

Xingliang ducked his head in panic, and the next moment, Aokiji's foot was imprinted on his chest, kicking him out hard, hitting the desks and chairs in the classroom, and sliding with all the messy things. .

The bad boy outside the door struggled to get up, but he didn't know whether to rush towards Aokiji or deal with Maeda Tiger and his group who were running towards him.

During their brief moment of tangle, Maeda Tora and others roared in front of them.

Suddenly, the delinquent boys who had been driving for a long time flew out one after another as if they were hit by a heavy truck.

Uenoyang was tired from the fight, so he simply sprinted with all his strength, and then charged like a diving fish to the top, causing great damage to the extremely densely packed Kaiku delinquents.

He almost knocked him down by himself, knocking away nearly half of the Kaiju.

In this narrow corridor, the Kaijiu delinquents really had nowhere to retreat and nowhere to fight. There were a few delinquents who wanted to forcefully rush into the classroom and fight Aokiji, but they were blocked by Aokiji in front of them. Shocked by the wooden sword, he was too timid to step forward.

Aokiji! Sagara Meng stood up with a resentful expression and stared at Aokiji, his eyes filled with hatred: Why, why do you want to interfere with my business!

Just die! Xiangliang took out a folding knife from his pocket and looked at Aokiji with a ferocious smile: Wouldn't it be okay to just die! Let me dominate Shangcheng District, and you can accompany your sick ghost. Isn’t it better for my sister?”

Why are you forcing me!

His crazy attitude frightened the remaining Kaiju delinquents in the class. They leaned against the wall and did not dare to move at all.

However, Aokiji was very calm and just looked at him quietly: It's too ugly, Sagara is fierce.

Shut up! Sagara Meng pulled out the blade of the switchblade with a distorted expression, pointed at Tsukasa Aoki with a slight trembling, and his breathing gradually became heavier: Isn't it okay to be as stupid as facing Mihashi? Why are you blocking my way? ?”

Aokiji scratched his head leisurely: I did seem to be a little stupid before. Well, I probably thought that everything you thought was as naive as Maeda Tora and the others.

A high school student like you is really not cute at all. Aokiji strode forward.

Come on, I'm going to kill you today and crush your bones bit by bit with my hands. Aokiji's eyes became more and more poisonous: You should never do such a thing.

Qiong was lying on the hospital bed, motionless, his pale face flashing before his eyes. Aokiji slowly raised the wooden sword in his hand, the anger and murderousness in his tone almost made several people lean against the corner and tremble. Jiubao rolled and sat on the ground.

Xangliang is fierce!!! Aokiji shouted, raising the wooden sword in his hand.

Aokiji!!! Sagara raised the folding knife wildly and rushed towards Aokiji with all his strength.

Bang! With the first blow, Aokiji slashed hard at Sagara Meng's hand. His fingers suddenly folded strangely, and the folding knife in his hand fell to the ground weakly.

Bang! For the second time, Aokiji slashed his left ankle diagonally. Xiangliang suddenly felt a pain in his foot, and before he could even scream, he leaned forward and fell down.

Bang! For the third time, Aokiji avoided Sagara Meng, who fell forward, and slashed at his right calf from behind.

The fourth knife, the back.

The fifth knife, elbow.

The sixth knife, shoulder.

The seventh knife, chest!


Aokiji threw away the wooden sword in his hand that was finally overwhelmed and broke into two pieces. He strode forward, grabbed Xiangliang Meng's collar, picked him up, and punched him hard in the face: Are you happy? ?”

At this moment, Xiangliang Meng only felt that his limbs were useless, his whole body was in excruciating pain, his mouth was full of fishy smell, and his eyes were in a trance.

Bang! Another heavy fist hit Sagara Meng's face. Aokiji slowly raised his fist, pulled out a tooth from his fist, and threw it aside.


Hoo Xiangliang let out a pitiful low cry.

Bang! Aokiji punched the rest of his words into his stomach. Maybe he also had a few teeth that went in with him.

Are you happy? Aokiji roared angrily, grabbing Xang Liang Meng's collar with his left hand, harshly lifting him up and throwing him aside.

Hoo Xiangliang Meng almost lost consciousness, staring into space, his eyes dull.

Aokiji, who couldn't bear it any longer, suddenly squatted down and smashed his fists like pile-drivers into Xiang Liang's head crazily. For a moment, three or four terrifying muffled sounds followed by blood spattered into the sky. .

That's enough! Maeda Tora speeded up desperately, and carried Aoki Sichong aside with a hug-like movement. Sagara was on the ground fiercely, with blood bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his body was shaking slightly.

Let me go! Aokiji's eyes were red and he pushed Maeda Tiger away.

However, Matsusaka Daitake and Fujiwara Miao worked together to hug Aokiji's waist and held him in place: Boss, if you hit him again, he will die. That's enough!

Fightings must be limited. Isn't that what you said, boss!

Aokiji stopped struggling, but still stared at Xangliang Meng who was lying on the ground with blood-red eyes: You'd better pray day and night. If something happens to my sister, even if you are in prison, in the In foreign countries, in other hells, I will pull out your muscles and bones and kill you again!

You think that the most I can do is give you a good beating, and then you can continue to be domineering after the injury is healed, right?

I'm telling you, you thought wrong! You think too cheaply!

He looked crazy like he had never seen before, both bloody and terrifying. The Kaiku delinquents who were still resisting a little at the door immediately dropped their weapons when they saw Aoki looking like this, squatted on the ground, and gave up. Resist.

Boss, he, he won't be dead, right? Maeda Tora looked at Sagara Meng, who was bleeding from his mouth and nose and looking extremely miserable, with a somewhat panicked expression.

Aokiji just stared coldly at Xiang Liang's dilated pupils and said bitterly: He can't die.

After finishing speaking, a piercing siren suddenly sounded in the campus.

Maeda Tora stood up, looked out the window, and suddenly whispered nervously: Boss, ambulances and police cars are coming, what should I do?

Through the rain curtain, the staggered red and blue police lights on the playground almost blinded people's eyes. Densely packed police cars were parked all over the campus, and the warnings sent through the loudspeakers were even more majestic.

Warning, students who are fighting inside should put down their weapons immediately, cooperate with our investigation, do not resist, and do not attack the police.

Repeat, the classmates who are fighting inside.

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