What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 224 I found you, Xiangliang Meng (three-in-one guaranteed chapter)

Come on! Maeda Tora threw the Kaikyupo in front of him with blood on his face, smashing the Kaikyupo in front of him, turned around suddenly and kicked out a Kaikyupo with a baseball bat. The young man held his stomach and flew out, lying on the ground wailing.

Maeda Tiger roared crazily, withstood the blows from three or four baseball bats in front of him, protected his head with his arms, and slammed into the opponent in front of him with his body.

Ahu! Fujiwara Miao grabbed the baseball bat he picked up from the ground and swung it from bottom to top. The hit Kaikyu was unable to resist, and his legs flew forward after being hit, and he was overturned and covering his legs. Lying down on the ground.

Miao Fujiwara anxiously wanted to move forward to help Maeda Tiger escape from the predicament of being besieged at this time. However, the next moment, more Kaiku bad guys came like a tide, and they smashed fists, legs, wooden sticks, and baseball bats all over the place. Facing Fujiwara Miao, Fujiwara Miao had no choice but to roll back and avoid it, taking a step further away from Maeda Tiger who was trapped in the crowd.

Matsusaka Daitake punched a bad guy on the cheek, and he ducked down to avoid a long-awaited swinging punch. On the other hand, he hit the bad guy with a fierce straight punch on his stomach, gasping for air: The first Seven!”

Around them, many bald delinquents were already lying on the ground. Except for Matsusaka Daitake and three others, only five or six people were still struggling to support themselves.

Takashi Mitsuhashi and Shinji Ito were back to back, their faces covered with blood. There were more than ten delinquents lying in front of and behind them, but there were more delinquents rushing towards them with ferocious expressions.

Damn, there are too many. Shinji Ito cursed angrily, narrowly avoiding a piece of wood, and kicked the bad boy in front of him away.

Damn it. Mihashi Takashi touched a handful of blood on his face, rolled around on the ground gracelessly to avoid the two men's attack, and picked up a handful of dust on the playground, and when he turned over, he shook his hand. Yang then sprinkled the dust on the faces of the bad boys in front of him, forcing them to cough and close their eyes.

While they were squinting their eyes, Mihashi Takashi punched the two of them to the ground. He stopped to take a breath, looked at the Kaiku bad guys around who showed no signs of diminishing, and cursed angrily: What on earth does this rotten school have? how many people?

Sagara was sitting leisurely on a chair at the door of the teaching building, with his legs crossed and a cigarette in his mouth. He said in a relaxed tone, Come on, one-third of our people are about to fall.

Imai Katsutoshi's red and blue school uniform was stained black with blood. He gasped and roared and picked up a delinquent boy by his waist. He didn't care about someone sneaking up from behind and threw him to the ground. , splashing a cloud of dust.

Turning his head to look, he was shocked to find that the number of people in Kaijiu seemed to be endless, but there were fewer and fewer people on his side.

Are you going to lose? Imai Katsutoshi felt a pain in the back of his head, his vision went dark, he staggered two steps, stared at the bad guy holding a wooden stick behind him with blood-red eyes, raised his hands angrily, barely walked two steps, then knelt on one knee and lowered his head. into chaos.

It's over. You will be beaten to death. Imai Katsutoshi let his body fall to the ground, barely protecting his head, waiting for the pain to come.

Those bad guys who have been around for a long time are really ruthless.


Suddenly, there was a cold feeling on his face. The coldness slowly slid down his cheeks and landed on the corners of his mouth. Imai Katsutoshi raised his head blankly: Is it raining?

But it's raining, what does it have to do with those group of Kaijiu teenagers?

Why did they suddenly stop?

The autumn wind swirled up the fallen leaves, and then slowly fell on the street. Before the yellow leaves could rise again in the wind, the ruthless raindrops fell on them, sliding along the yellow leaves to the playground. There was a dark cloud in the dust, and before the second raindrop could fall, it was crushed to pieces by a black sneaker and fallen leaves.

Aoki held a cigarette in his mouth, put one hand in his bag, and strode toward the playground from the dilapidated school gate of Kaijiu. Behind him was a group of bad boys gearing up and wearing Wuyang school uniforms.

Ueno Yang's hair was once again oiled and shiny, and he wore his school uniform to the fullest. He swayed from side to side as he walked. If he hadn't looked at it, he wouldn't be so easy to mess with. Just for his arrogant walking posture, he would probably be punished. Ten shots a night.

Kita Ishihara and Ryota Ishihara were talking and laughing while walking behind Aoki Tsukasa. Kita Ishihara had already put on a mask at this time. When he pulled down the mask to speak, several gold teeth were still vaguely visible in his mouth, shining brightly.

As the only second-year student among them, Koda Koo was a bit silent. He just put his hands in his pockets and followed behind with cold eyes. But when he raised his gaze from time to time, he looked at Aoki Si's back with some longing.

A huge team of nearly fifty people filed in from the school gate, and almost half of the playground was filled in an instant.

The crowd that was still fighting unconsciously stopped. Kaijiu's students took a few steps back in fear and stood in a group.

Maeda Tiger and others, who were covered in blood, looked at the leader Aokiji, their expressions were both excited and dazed, and for a moment they felt as if they were in a dream.

Mitsuhashi Takashi made a cut, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, rubbed the stinging fists, and muttered: If I had known, I would have tried to appear like this.

Shinji Ito looked at Aokiji's calm and cold face with burning eyes, and whispered: I knew he would definitely come.

At this time, Xiangliang was sitting on the chair that had been brought in, lazily crossing his legs and staring at the sky in a daze. Seeing a figure appear at the school gate, he moved his eyes casually, but stopped on Aokiji, his eyes gradually becoming cold.

Why is he here? Sagara Meng didn't expect that the person who appeared at this time would be Aokiji.

Why did he get here suddenly? Xingliang narrowed his eyes suddenly, a little surprised - the news he received was that Aokiji had already deserted his family, and even his top brother Maeda Tora had gone to hang out with Mihashi.

Now at first glance, the people behind Aokiji not only show no signs of betrayal, but their power seems to be even greater.

Tsk, trouble.

Xingliang cleared his throat violently, and looked at Aokiji who was getting closer and mockingly said: Hey, how is your sister?

Aokiji's eyelids twitched slightly, and his uncontrollable emotions when he saw Xiangliang Meng became a little more furious. With a gloomy face, he slightly raised the wooden sword in his hand. Without saying much, he just pointed the tip of the wooden knife at Xiangliang from a distance. Fierce, his tone was cold.

Kill you. Aokiji's concise and clear words were full of murderous intent. Without saying hello to the others, he stamped his foot on the ground and ran towards the group of Kaikulan, which seemed to number a hundred people.

The rain all over the sky finally stopped pitter-pattering, and the heavy rain poured down. The sky was extremely gloomy, and the dark clouds seemed to fall to the ground.

Ueno Yang spit out the chewing gum in his mouth in distress and cursed in a low voice: Slow down, I hate running the most.

Having said that, Ueno Yang's expression was full of excitement, and he followed Aokiji and rushed towards Kaiku's delinquents, shouting: You have to work harder, I haven't been this excited for a long time. pass!

Kita Ishihara and Ryota Ishihara looked at each other and nodded. The two brothers twisted their necks in exactly the same way, nodded to the person behind them, and at the same time launched a charge with Aokiji.

As for the second-year high school student Koda Koo, needless to say, the moment Aokiji opened his mouth, he yelled and rushed over with his men in a frantic manner.

Xingliang Meng narrowed his eyes slightly, watching Aokiji getting closer and closer to him with the wooden sword in his hand, he waved to his confidants, and waited for him to come closer, then whispered: There are a lot of people here in Wuyang now, we Go back and fight him in the teaching building. Use more props, you know what I mean?

In schools like Kaijiu, Suzuran, and Fengxian, you may not see the teacher a few times a year. The school is almost their territory, and it has a basic warranty. Of course, they won't feel too distressed if they fight.

A hint of sinisterness flashed across the younger brother's expression, he nodded wordlessly, turned around and hurriedly informed the other Kaijiu delinquents.

Xiangliang stretched hard, stood up from the chair, and walked slowly towards the teaching building: Aokiji, come on, I'll wait for you inside.

Sagara Fierce! Aokiji yelled violently. His calm expression could no longer be maintained. With a ferocious expression, he held the wooden sword and smashed it into the crowd like a meteorite. The wooden sword flashed in the air like a brown light strip.

Boom! A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, reflecting Aokiji's fierce eyes like a life-threatening evil spirit, and sounded almost at the same time as the sound of his wooden sword hitting the human body.

All he saw was that five or six delinquents in the circle in front of Aokiji let out a cry of pain. The baseball bats, wooden bats, and iron bars in their hands were scattered in all directions, and they covered their wrists and stepped back.

This knife just made a circle in the air and hit the wrists of several people in different positions. In addition to being subtle, it was also very powerful. The bad boys who were hit on the wrists felt their wrists suddenly swelled. One circle, let alone a fight, at this moment he couldn't even make a fist, so he had to run backwards with a look of horror on his face.

There was no trace of other Kaikuba in Aokiji's eyes. Only Sagara Meng's figure retreating into the teaching building was particularly clear. With a muffled groan, his whole body tensed up, the wooden sword in Aokiji's hand slashed down again, accompanied by a sound. With a heart-rending cry, Aokiji's figure once again passed by two bad boys.

In just a moment, the two bad boys fell to the ground in pain, holding their legs and crying bitterly: Me, my legs

One of them was fine, just holding his leg and rolling back and forth, but the other was in a much worse condition. His calf was bent strangely, and it was broken by this blow!

He hugged his legs and kept whining on the spot. His miserable appearance frightened the Kaijiu boys around him to slow down their steps, and they did not even dare to stop in front of Aoki Si.

Don't underestimate Kaijiu! A loud shout came from his ears. Aokiji just tilted his head and hit his ear with a heavy punch. He moved his eyes coldly and saw a man wearing Kaijiu. The shocked gaze of the delinquent in school uniform collided with Aoki Tsukasa.

Bang! Just a side kick hit him in the stomach, and the boy flew backwards in an exaggerated manner. He rolled on the ground four times before stopping while holding his stomach.

Don't stop me! Aokiji roared angrily as his eyes turned red as he watched Xangliang's fierce figure disappear from the door of the teaching building.

The four brave Kaijiubao in front of them reluctantly grasped the weapons in their hands, but before they could rush forward, they were knocked to the ground by a small mountain-like figure.

Ueno Yang comfortably pressed on the four delinquents, casually hit one of them on the face with his elbow, and raised his eyebrows at Aokiji: Go ahead.

Aokiji silently nodded to him, clenched the wooden sword in his hand, and continued to rush forward.

Don't even think about it. The roar in his ears stopped abruptly before he could finish it. Aoki looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Maeda Tiger, whose face was covered with blood, punched Kaikubo who was trying to block the way, and faced Aoki. Si gave a thumbs up: Boss! I'm sorry!

Aokiji sighed, blocked the iron rod on the left with his knife, and deflected the iron rod in the bad guy's hand to one side. He held the sword in one hand and turned around violently. The wooden knife in his hand slashed three or four people around him. Kaijiubao, who tried to stop him, forced him away. One of them couldn't avoid it and was hit in the waist. He immediately fell to his knees screaming in pain.

No need to be sorry. Aokiji glanced at Maeda Tora beside him, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed him, preventing him from being attacked by a baseball bat from someone behind him. He kicked the person to the ground and added in annoyance. The knife was chopped off on the finger that was holding the baseball bat, and he turned around after seeing him wailing and holding his hand and rolling around in pain.

Thank you. The gentle thanks made Maeda Hu feel a little choked.

Aokiji patted Maeda Tora on the shoulder, took a deep breath, shook his head, shook off the rain, and strode forward: Let's talk when we get back.

Yes! Maeda Tora wiped the blood from his face, showed a bright smile, and seemed to be full of strength. He grabbed a collar that had been opened for a long time and slammed his forehead on the bridge of his nose: The boss of Wuyang is here and you still won’t get out of the way! You bastard!”

Each of the Ishihara brothers picked up a baseball bat and danced vigorously. They each knocked the opponent in front of them to the ground, gave a leisurely high-five, and then rushed towards the new opponent with laughter.

Brother, I have one more record than you today. Ishihara Kita raised the corner of his mouth.

Ishihara Ryota hit the bat in front of Kaikubo that was held high, knocking the bat far away in his hand, and then smiled cruelly and hit the arm that he was trying to resist, making him scream repeatedly. He stepped back, then rushed forward and kicked the wailing delinquent to the ground: It's a draw!

Xiangliang suddenly stood at the corner of the corridor, looking at Kaikubo behind him with cold eyes as his decline became more and more obvious, and cursed in a low voice: A bunch of trash.

Boss, you're ready. The confidant came to Xiang Liangmeng's side and whispered a few words.

Xingliang nodded fiercely, with a sinister expression: Be tough on that Aokiji. Tomoji was never his opponent before, so don't be careless.

I know. The confidant agreed, winking at the few bad boys around him, then turned and walked upstairs.

Sagara took a final deep look at Aokiji who almost rushed to the door of the teaching building, then turned around and followed him.

Aokiji split the obstructing wooden bar in front of him with one knife. The wooden knife cut the wooden bar in two and hit the delinquent boy in front of him on the head with unabated force. His vision was suddenly blackened and he almost fainted.

Xianglia. Aokiji looked at the more than twenty Kaiju delinquents standing in front of the corridor in the teaching building and twisted his neck.

There are so many people who drive for a long time.

Aoki Si licked his lips. The smell of blood mixed with the rain made Aoki Si couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Turning to look behind him, he saw that the Kaijiu delinquents on the playground were close to being wiped out. The Wuyang, Ruanye, and Honggao delinquents were mixed together, fighting side by side, chasing the few dozen Kaijiu who were running away with their heads in their hands. Bad fight with great vigor.

It's almost time to end.

Aokiji twisted his neck, threw out a slash from the wooden sword in his hand, and walked forward slowly.

Is Sagara Meng upstairs? Aokiji's question naturally received no response. At this time, he was holding a wooden knife. Blood and rain mixed with his face slowly slid down his chin. His cold expression and eyes full of evil were in front of him. The bad boy's face slowly turned.

Aokiji's gaze was as calm as looking at a fake person in the kendo training room, or it could be called - indifference.

It seemed that what was in front of him was not more than twenty delinquents holding weapons, but more than twenty rocks.

Get out of the way. Aokiji said softly, and passed the corner of his eyes with his left index finger to push away the rain that blurred his vision.

The Kaijiu boys looked at Aokiji with fear on their faces, not daring to reply or take the lead in charging, and froze in place.

Aokiji moved his fingers a little tiredly, slowly raised the wooden sword in his hand, and took steps neither fast nor slow.

Behind him, another thunder flashed, and the majestic heavy rain seemed to be a little heavier. The whole world was shrouded in the rain curtain. The sound of crackling raindrops continued, but the teaching building was calm like another world.

When thunder and lightning flashed, the light behind Aokiji was as bright as day, but his face seemed a bit more gloomy and terrifying. His eyes in the shadows were exceptionally bright, flashing with a creepy cold light.

Pap. The sneakers stained with mud and water vapor stepped on the hall of the teaching building, and the sound of footsteps was clearly audible.

Gudong. Someone swallowed, which aroused the tense nerves of the extremely nervous Kaiju delinquents in the silent corridor. Whoever roared first, they all rushed towards Aokiji.

Aokiji just put the wooden sword on the left side of his waist with one hand, and held the wooden sword in his left hand like a scabbard. He stepped forward with his left foot in front of him, tilted his body slightly, bent down and lowered his head, and opened and closed the fingers of his right hand from the right. He tightened his grip on the handle of the knife.

The core of Hiten Mitsurugi style is defensive counterattack. Aokiji slowly closed his eyes, and the teachings of Himura Kenshin seemed to be ringing in his ears again.

The core of counterattack lies in the word 'speed'. If you want to strike first, your eyesight, explosive power, reflexes, and physical coordination are essential.

Among the flying sword styles, this sword is the one that best embodies the 'super speed' and the ability to strike first.

Aokiji slowly opened his eyes, and the voice of Himura Kenshin disappeared in his ears. What he saw in front of him was the shadow of the stick that was getting closer and closer, as if it was covering the sky and the sun.

A dozen Kaiju delinquents were either sweeping, jumping, or stabbing. Although they were slightly separated in order, they almost blocked all the space in front of Aokiji.

Duck away?


Flying Sword and Sword Style.

Tianxiang Dragon Flash!

Aokiji's body suddenly spun, his toes dug into the ground, his calves tightened, followed by his thighs, waist, abdominal muscles, chest muscles, shoulders, back, upper arms, forearms, wrists, and fingers!

If someone could lift Aokiji's clothes to observe the movement of his muscles at this time, they would definitely be shocked - just look at him starting from his feet, and the movements of his muscles are like two small pythons rising up from his feet, from normal to suddenly bulging. , up to the fingertips, the veins on the back of the hand are exposed.

The wooden sword stuck in his waist with his left hand flashed out faster than the lightning behind Aokiji. The shadow of the stick in the sky that seemed to have nowhere to hide and could not resist disappeared in just a moment.


Biling bang bang.

Seven or eight baseball bats, iron bars, and wooden slats were blown across the air and landed on the ceiling and walls with a crisp sound. They fell to the ground with a thud and rolled into a ball.

There is still a chance! There were five or six baseball bats and other weapons, still hitting Aoki Si unabatedly.

The excited eyes of the Kaiju bad guys just appeared, and then they turned into panic.

Just watch Aokiji spin and slash out, but he didn't stop, but with the help of the super centrifugal force of the rotation, he slashed back like a flying fairy!


This time, the more terrifying power made Kaijiu's delinquents feel a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth. The next moment, the weapons in their hands disappeared one after another, and they were severely knocked away.

What the hell is this! Someone finally couldn't help shouting, and backed away hastily. No longer wanting to face the even colder-looking Aokiji, he turned around and ran away, not even having the courage to observe again from a distance. .

Monster! The bad boy standing behind tremblingly dropped the weapon in his hand and staggered back a few steps. However, he tripped over a baseball bat that someone had dropped on the ground and sat down. on the ground.

Aokiji slowly retracted his wooden sword and looked at the Kaiju boys who were retreating in front of him with a stern expression: Where is Sagara Meng?

Yes, it should be in the classroom on the second floor. The bad guy who had direct eye contact with Aokiji stuttered out the whereabouts of Sagara Meng.

Aokiji took a step forward and walked straight towards the corridor with an expressionless face. The bad boys who were blocking the way hurriedly scattered to avoid them. Although some people still held the baseball bats and steel pipes in their hands tightly, they no longer dared to confront them. Aokiji took action, but watched in fear as he stepped onto the stairs, step by step, silently.

As long as Aokiji turned the corner of the zigzag staircase, he would be completely out of sight of Kaikuyoshi on the first floor.

Climbing up step by step, Aokiji raised his left hand, looked at a slender wound in the palm of his left hand, looked at the blood gurgling out of it, and sighed: Many of the moves of Feitian Yukenryu require the cooperation of the scabbard. There is only a wooden knife, which is still not good enough.”

I didn't expect that just using my left hand to replace the function of the scabbard would be so powerful.

After clenching his fist, Aokiji put the wooden knife on his shoulder with his right hand, and took out the cigarette case from his trouser pocket with his bloody left hand. Fortunately, the school uniform given by the system was of good quality and it had not been soaked by the rain.

Holding it casually in his mouth, Aokiji took out the lighter, and before he had time to light it, he just stepped onto the platform on the second floor when there was a loud sound of wind around the corner. Aokiji squatted down calmly with a sullen face, using the handle of the wooden sword in his right hand. He hit hard to the right, and a muffled groan rang in his ears.

Are all people in Kaijiu good at sneak attacks? Aokiji calmly lit the cigarette butt in his mouth, then calmly turned his face. A bad boy holding an iron rod was covering his nose. He knelt on his knees, blood gurgling out from between his fingers, and he kept making whining sounds of pain.

The baseball bat he failed in the sneak attack came out of his hand, hit the wall on the left, fell to the ground and rolled down the stairs, making a series of noisy sounds.

Aokiji exhaled a puff of smoke, kicked him to the ground casually, looked at him condescendingly, his eyes were extremely indifferent: Where is Meng Sagara?

The bad guy holding his nose stretched out a trembling hand covered in blood and pointed into the corridor.

Aokiji looked around and saw that in the quiet corridor, there were tightly closed class doors on both sides.

The windows have long been covered with graffiti and posters, and it’s impossible to see what’s inside unless you get closer.

Aokiji casually walked to the nearest class door, his ears twitched slightly, and he kicked the wooden door violently.

The old wooden door immediately made a crunching sound, and then was rushed away by a huge force, hitting the bad guy behind the door who was ready to attack, and directly pressed it to the ground.

Aokiji looked impatiently at the delinquent boy struggling to get up from behind the wooden door, and said in a cold tone: Where is Takeru Sagara?

After finishing speaking, Aokiji stepped on the wooden door. The bad boy who was pressed under the door felt as if he was being pressed up by a mountain. He only struggled to expose his head, and could no longer move.

Inside, inside. The bad boy stammered, nodding his head deeper into the corridor.

Aokiji kicked the wooden door open, leaned down, grabbed his collar, and lifted him up.

The delinquent boy's face turned red after being strangled, but for some reason he suddenly remembered that this was the first time since he graduated from kindergarten that someone had dragged him up like a chicken with one hand.

Not only that, Aokiji dragged him by the collar with one hand, as if holding a light rag doll, and dragged him directly out of the empty classroom, dragging him deeper into the corridor.

Is this it? Aokiji took off the cigarette butt with his left hand and pointed at the wooden door beside him.

The bad boy's face almost turned purple, and he shook his head desperately.

Aokiji looked to the other side and said calmly: That's it.

He picked up the bad boy and slammed it against the wooden door. Before the bad boy could cry out in pain, the next moment, Aokiji stamped his foot on his chest.

He was immediately kicked into the class with the door shut, and there was a constant shaking of tables and chairs and screams.

Looking at the few bad boys in the class and Sagara Meng sitting on the desk, playing with a steel pipe in his hand, Aokiji slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

Got you.

Sagara fierce.


PS: There are two more updates to come. Let’s end the story of Sagara Meng today and start a new chapter. But I am exhausted and mentally exhausted. Tomorrow I will slowly wrap up a few questions about Qiong Na. From now on, I will focus on relaxing in my daily life. I will update less tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. First think about how to write and what to write to avoid making the same mistakes again.

Above, the village chief who loves you, (`) expresses my heart.

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