What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 223 Preparation (Part 2)

Ueno Yang was lying on the table, sleeping soundly, snoring vaguely, and drooling slowly on the table. The students around him were holding textbooks and listening to the teacher's lectures in anger. This scene has become the norm in the class.

Suddenly, the class door was knocked twice.

Please come in. The teacher raised his head and stopped writing on the blackboard with some irritation.

Aokiji opened the door to the class and glanced around the class with an indifferent expression. When he saw Masaka Uenoyang sleeping on the table, he said lightly: Sorry, I want to find Uenoyang.

When the teacher saw Aokiji, his eyes were a little flustered, and he stuttered a little: I, I understand.

Ueno-kun, Ueno-kun. The teacher's voice was a little louder, and Ueno Yang, who was sleeping hazily, raised his head and snored: Hmph, what's going on?

Someone is looking for you. The teacher winked at Uenoyang, and then Uenoyang saw a striking bald head standing at the door of the class.


Uenoyang was no longer sleepy in an instant, and suddenly woke up. He wiped the saliva from his mouth with his big hand, stood up with the table on his back, and staggered towards the door.

What are you doing? Ueno Yang's tone wasn't very nice, but his eyes were really a bit fearful.

It's really that Aokiji's current appearance is too scary. Not to mention that he is inherently fierce with a cold face, but the feeling he gives people at this time is completely different from before.

If you hadn't angered the former Aokiji, he would have just looked like a confused salted fish. But now Aokiji is like an unsheathed sword, radiating cold light. At first glance, it makes people feel chilly in the heart. Just looking at those terrifying eyes makes the hair on the hair stand on end.

I want to ask you for a favor. Aokiji leaned against the window in the corridor and looked directly at Ueno Yang.

Ueno Yang narrowed his eyes: What are you busy with?

This afternoon, Mitsuhashi Takashi of Soft Leaf should take his people to find trouble with Kaiku. At the same time, my younger brother Maeda Tora will also go.

As soon as Aokiji finished speaking, Ueno Yang sneered: What do you care about my little brother fighting?

Aokiji's expression did not change, but he said calmly: Kaijiu has begun to call himself the overlord of the upper city area, and don't you feel a little aggrieved?

Am I feeling aggrieved? Ueno Yang pouted, with a hint of joking on his chubby face: I'm not the one who's talking about our school, and you didn't say anything. How could I be aggrieved?

Aokiji took a step forward, looked at him condescendingly, and asked, Are you willing?

What's the meaning.

Ueno Yoyo stared into Aoki Tsukasa's eyes without giving an inch.

Are you willing to be the trash that others say that sixty or seventy people can't defeat twenty people? Aokiji's eyes showed no fluctuations.

Ueno Yang's breathing gradually became thicker: You came here just to mock me?

No, I'm here to invite you. Si Aoki looked at his somewhat ferocious look and said calmly: I invite you to join me in defeating Kaijiu and dominating the upper city area.

. Ueno Yang was speechless for a moment, looking into Aokiji's eyes to confirm whether he was true or false, but in the end, he snorted coldly: I am already a senior in high school, even if I dominate, it is nothing important to me. .”

But Aokiji just smiled: Really?

Ueno Yang opened his mouth, but no words came out.

After graduating from high school, looking back on your bad life, you may have been successful in the past few years, but the final part ended sadly. Aokiji's language is full of seduction, and his super charming attributes and special effects are fully realized at this moment. This made Ueno Yang, who was still a little angry, unconsciously follow Aoki Tsukasa's train of thought.

After graduation, you will see me leading my legion to dominate the upper city area, with my sword pointing at Suzuran and Fengxian, but I will only be destined to be a small supporting role. No, maybe not even a supporting role. When the time comes, As time goes by, Wuyang High School will eventually forget that there was such a loser named Ueno Yang.

Ueno Yang shouted angrily: Stop joking! If you can dominate the upper city, do you still need to come to me? Besides, I don't care if I am remembered.

Of course I can. Aokiji shrugged, looked at Ueno Yang leisurely, and said calmly: Actually, I have already convinced the Ishihara brothers and Koda Koo, a sophomore in high school.

Except for you, they are all willing to join me and fight with me to dominate the upper city area again.

Aokiji's words made Ueno Yang's eyes flicker.

How is it possible? How could they agree to you? Uenoyang's face was full of disbelief.

But Aokiji just analyzed: The Ishihara brothers are the easiest one. One is a sophomore in high school and the other is a senior in high school. When Ryouta Ishihara, a senior in high school, graduates, Kitako Ishihara, a sophomore in high school, will still have to study for one year.

Even if it's just that it's easy to enjoy the shade under a big tree, Ishihara is not too impatient. Aokiji smiled lightly and added: Don't forget, even if I don't beat Kaijiu this time, I am still the boss of Wuyang. Even if I am not the boss in the future, will they dare to face my revenge?

Ueno Yoyo woke up - indeed, Ishihara Kita's personal strength is not strong, and Ishihara Ryota will graduate with him soon. If it was for his younger brother, Ishihara Ryota might really agree to Aokiji to work harder for his younger brother in the future.

Koda-chan is even simpler. Aokiji spread his hands and shook his head: He just wanted to fight me again, one-on-one, and I satisfied him.

Then he decided to say yes.

Uenoyang's face darkened, and his heart finally began to move.

Friend, I sincerely invite you to join me. Aokiji patted Uenoyang's shoulder and said softly: When Wuyang dominates Shangcheng District, you will be the backbone of it, as long as I, Aokiji's influence As long as your strength is still there, your name will not be forgotten.”

I Uenoyang gritted his teeth, feeling really moved.

What is the purpose of being a delinquent? On the one hand, it’s because I don’t want to be restrained, and on the other hand, isn’t it just because I can live a majestic life?

Uptown is a chaotic place that has never been conquered. If you can become one of the pioneers.

Besides, you should know that I have a pretty good relationship with Teruhashi Xinmei. Aokiji showed him a bright smile: Xinmei knows many good female classmates. When this incident is over, I will let Xinmei Classmate Mei helps organize a party, what do you think?

Ueno Yang's heart started to beat loudly: Wha, what? Teruhashi is beautiful! ?

The blue-haired figure as beautiful as an angel flashed in his mind. Uenoyang hurriedly covered his mouth and almost breathed out. He nodded angrily and said with a decent face: I did it, what time in the afternoon? But don't think too much about it. , I only did this for my own future reputation, and had no intention of becoming your little brother.

We will set off at two o'clock in the afternoon. Aokiji's face returned to its previous expressionless expression. This sudden change of expression made Ueno Yang a little uneasy.

Ahem, that's right. Uenoyang stuttered a little while speaking, and his plump face turned red: Lian, the friendship thing.

What? I need to find someone for you in advance. Do you want to see the photos first? Aokiji looked at his flushed face with a strange expression.

Ueno Yang hurriedly slapped his chest: That's not what I meant, I just said that socializing is not important. Do you need to take someone with you in the afternoon?

Whatever. Aokiji's expression was cold, and his eyes were full of evil: You just need to help me stop some of the trash fish, and I will go in myself and break Xiangliang's fierce dog legs.

Aokiji patted Uenoyang on the shoulder: That's it, see you at the school gate in the afternoon.

After saying that, Aokiji turned around and left without any hesitation.

Uenoyang stayed there for a long time, imagining something in his head. Finally, he staggered towards the toilet while holding on to the wall.

Friendship. Friendship. Uenoyang swallowed involuntarily and his face turned redder.

Aokiji walked out of the teaching building, pondered for a moment, then turned and walked towards the kendo hall.

In the empty kendo hall, only Busujima Saeko sat quietly in the center, wearing kendo uniform and sitting cross-legged.

Senior Saeko, didn't you go back to rest? Aokiji was a little surprised.

Busujima Saeko opened her eyes as though she was asleep, looked at Aoki Tsukasa and raised her eyebrows slightly: Si? Why are you here?

Aokiji lowered his head, and after a long while, he said in a calm voice: I would like to borrow a wooden sword.


PS: I'll try my best to see if I can hold in another chapter or two. I had to update this plot two or three times a few days to sort out my thoughts.

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