After Xu Bai asked the question.

Black Flower's face changed slightly.

"Sorry sir, I signed a confidentiality agreement."

Black Flower explained helplessly.

After listening to her words, Xu Bai made a gesture of understanding and nodded.

Return to your seat and sit down.

In fact, both sides know it well.

Do not directly state the grade of this item, and put it at the end of the auction.

It's nothing more than wanting those VIPs who want to leave midway to stay a little longer.

What if after staying, there will be products they like?

The Black Rose Chamber of Commerce still has a way of doing business.


The auction is in full swing.

One item after another is being sold.

It's coming to an end in a blink of an eye.

"Everyone, this auction is over. Goodbye."

After a brief closing, the speaker announced the end of the auction.

At this time, a smile appeared on his elegant and easy-going face.

It's not like he is a ferocious illusory killing god at all like the rumors say.

There is no other reason.

The amount of transactions in this auction is extremely huge.

Even if the speaker only gets a tiny cut of the commission.

But it’s also a huge sum of money.


In the VIP room at the top of the stands.

Xu Bai looked at the walkers leaving below.

Looking back at Kuroka.

"Are they gone? Where are the items above the gold level that we promised?"

"Don't worry, the goods will be pushed up after they leave."

Kuroka pointed at the crowd of people leaving the stage below.

"Oh, I see."

After a while, the crowd left, and the huge venue below seemed empty.

The speaker is still standing on the stage and has not left.

A spotlight hit him from top to bottom.

In addition, all the lights in the entire venue have been turned off.

In the darkness, the speaker stood out under the spotlight.


A slight buzzing sound sounded.

The seat under Xu Bai vibrated.

The entire VIP box separated from the wall, suspended in the air, and slowly fell towards the speaker.

It’s not just Xu Bai.

All other VIP boxes are like this.

All the VIP rooms are located next to the center of the stage, forming a semicircle and surrounding the speakers.

A smile appeared on the speaker's face and he bowed to the crowd.

Great attitude.

After all, we charge money to do things, not to mention that the money from the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce is already in place.

Then the speaker stood up and clapped his hands.

An item is pushed onto the stage.

"Everyone, this is the finale of this auction, a gilt-grade item - "Long Knife·Shou Ni". "

The speaker lifted the drapery covering the merchandise.

A long knife appeared in front of everyone.

Its sharp blade shone with cold light, and it seemed that if you looked at it for a second, you would be scratched.

The properties of the long sword are displayed in front of everyone.

Equipment name: Shou Ni

Origin: Kingdom of Xien.

Type: Weapon; long knife

Quality: gilt grade

Durability: 97/97

Attack power: 124

Equipment restrictions: Strength attribute is greater than 90 points.

Equipment rating: 74 points

"Tip: The score of gilded equipment is 51~100 points."

Equipment Effect 1: Melee damage is increased by an additional 20%.

Equipment Effect 2: Increase melee penetration by 5 points.

Equipment skill: "Judgement Time"

Time of Judgment: Every time Shou Ni causes damage to an enemy, one point of killing value will be accumulated.

When the kill value reaches 25 points, the next attack will determine the enemy's strength attribute.

If our strength attribute is greater than the enemy's strength attribute, the next attack will be converted into instant death damage.

If our strength attribute is smaller than the enemy's strength attribute, the next attack will cause additional damage of 50% of the enemy's lost health.

"Tip: This judgment effect only takes effect on enemy targets whose physical attributes are lower than 130 points."

Cooldown: None.

Introduction: The decapitating blade from the Kingdom of Xien is extremely sharp.


"No matter how powerful this piece of equipment is, it seems like no one here can use it, right?"

An electronic synthesized sound came from a private room not far from Xu Bai.


The speaker spoke.

"90 points of physical attribute is the key to the breakthrough between the second and third levels. This piece of equipment, the Black Rose, was not prepared for us first-level walkers, nor is it intended to be sold."

"If you want to buy this piece of equipment in the future, you must be well prepared for the breakthrough mission between the second and third levels."

"This is just a small benefit for you, a benefit beyond your authority."

"The highest level of equipment that the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce can display to first-level walkers is the gilt level. If it goes higher, it will trigger the basic regulations of the Court of Origin. You all understand."

The speaker said, gesturing with his hand in front of his neck.

"It turns out that above the gold level is the gilt level."

Xu Bai muttered to himself and left the private room.

It seems that the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce is just showing them the equipment level above the gold level.

But in fact, through the speaker's mouth, they were informed of an important piece of information.

It is currently known that the key to the breakthrough between the first level and the second level is 50 attribute points.

Between the second level and the third level, there are 90 attribute points.

What the speaker said earlier hinted that the breakthrough mission between the second and third levels would be difficult.

Prepare early.

after all.

No matter what method is used, anyone can get the Black Gold Card of the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce.

They are all important customers of the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce.

Black Rose is unwilling to lose these important customers prematurely.


Leaving the auction venue at Black Rose Headquarters.

Xu Bai rushed directly to the skill upgrade hall.

Here he was already familiar with the road and found an unused physical attribute enhancement machine.

Once inside, lock the hatch.

"Welcome to the physical attribute enhancement machine. Your naked attributes are as follows."

Strength: 36

Constitution: 37

Speed: 36

Intelligence: 38

Charisma: 16

Luck: 11 (Cannot be improved by attribute points, only by skills and equipment bonuses.)

"Tip: The current freely allocated attribute points of the walker are: 38 points."

Xu Bai looked thoughtful.

He tries his best to ensure the balanced development of the four basic physical attributes.

Treat all four basic physical attributes of strength, constitution, speed, and intelligence as main attributes.

In this case, Xu Bai's final distribution method is: strength +10, constitution +9, speed +10, and intelligence +9.

In this way, plus the additional bonus of the dragon hunting suit.

All four of his physical attributes have reached the first-level limit of 50 points.

After the attributes are assigned, the strengthening machine starts running.

Waves of white steam emerged from it.

Smashing down a full 38 free attribute points will greatly improve your physical fitness.

Xu Bai sat cross-legged on the ground. He was feeling the strengthening process, so as to avoid the situation where his body suddenly became stronger due to the rapid improvement of his physical fitness after the strengthening was over.


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