"As you can see, the restrictions on the use of this skill scroll are quite strict. Not only does it require melee skills and abilities above the "master" level, it also requires four attributes of strength, physique, intelligence, and agility, each reaching more than 40 points. .”

"It's not that the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce took a problematic gold-level skill scroll and put it up for auction."

"But under these restrictions, the only occupation that can use it perfectly is the top four-attribute development strategy."

"Furthermore, in the hands of the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce, this scroll has already surpassed the progress of at least seven trial worlds."

"If the auction still fails this time, this gold-level skill scroll will still be in the hands of the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce."


After the speaker finished speaking, the doubts in the audience disappeared one after another.

In the Garden of Origin, walkers of different professions have different primary attributes and secondary attributes.

Like tank walkers, their main attributes are usually strength and constitution.

As for those who walk in the legal system, their main attributes are generally intelligence and physique.

Melee walkers, their main attributes are agility and strength.

In the improvement of personal abilities.

The main attributes are given priority, and the secondary attributes can be added as appropriate, or even not added at all.

The usage restrictions for this gold-level skill scroll require that all four physical attributes reach 40 or more points.

For ordinary walkers.

It's obviously a bit harsh.

"Looking at everyone's expressions, I'm afraid they all understand the reason. Let's start bidding now."

"By the way, don't forget, each price increase cannot be less than 100 origin coins."

After the speaker finished speaking, after waiting for a moment, there was a rare moment of silence in the venue.

No one bid.

Being able to live to this day, everyone present clearly understands the value of this scroll.

Even if you want to buy it and resell it, you still have to see if you can find a suitable walker for this scroll.

If you can't find it for a long time.

This gold-level skill scroll fell into his hands.

No one wants to be taken advantage of.

This caused a rare silence in the venue from the beginning of the auction to now.

At this moment, an obviously disguised synthetic sound came from the loudspeaker installed outside the VIP room at the top of the auditorium.

"7100 Origin Coins."

The first bidder appears.

It was Xu Bai.

After waiting for a while, there was no second bid.

The kind of thing where the organizer asks a "trustee" to deliberately raise the price, when the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce has signed a contract with the Court of Origin, including those jointly organized guilds.

If they dare to do so.

All participants will be immediately forcibly executed by the Court of Origin.

And if you don't sign the contract.

They simply do not have the authority to hold such a large-scale auction within the Court of Origin.


Waited for another moment.

Still no second bidder.

The restrictions on the use of this gold-level skill scroll are laid out there.

When you are not sure that you can use it immediately after purchasing it, or you can resell it immediately.

No one would be foolish enough to spend 7,000 Origin Coins on such a useless gold-level skill scroll.

In the VIP room above the auditorium, the walker was willing to bid.

It means that the other party must belong to one of the above two situations.

This means that the person in the VIP room above either has a powerful fighting method, or knows a powerful fighting method, and can take action quickly after purchasing this skill scroll.

Don't let it fall into your hand.

Ordinary walkers, if they are determined to bid with the other party now.

It is very likely that he will indirectly provoke someone he has never met before. All four attributes are above 40 points, and his technical ability is also a top-notch powerful tactic in the first level. It is obviously not worth the loss.

Therefore, no one was willing to bid with Xu Bai.

Seeing that no one made any more bids, the speaker asked.

"Only one?"

The speaker's tone was not one of surprise at seeing only one bidder.

But an accident.

Surprisingly, this scroll did not pass the auction.

After the question was asked, there were no walkers in the audience below to answer the speaker.

Apparently, Xu Bai was the only one who bid.

"Okay, in that case..."

"7100 Origin Coins once!"

"7100 Origin Coins twice!"

"7100 origin coins three times!"


The final word.

"Deal! Congratulations to this gentleman!"

As the speaker finished speaking, payment options appeared on the light screen in Xu Bai's hand.

After clicking to confirm, his deposit immediately lost 7,100 Origin coins.

This price is for a gold level skill scroll.

It’s already a bargain price.


It should be called free price.


Not long after payment.

There was a knock on the door of the VIP room.

Heihua, who was standing behind Xu Bai, went to open the door.

A waiter came in, carrying a silver tray.

A skill scroll with a faint golden light is placed on the tray.

"Huh? So fast?"

Xu Bai was a little surprised when he saw the skill scroll.

He originally thought he would be able to get the scroll after the auction ended.

I didn't expect it to be delivered so quickly.

"Yes, this is the privilege of Black Gold Card VIPs."

Kurohua took the silver tray from the waiter. The waiter turned around, closed the door gently, and left.

Heihua walked to Xu Bai carrying the tray. Xu Bai picked up the skill scroll from the tray and checked its attributes.


Same as what was just introduced.


After taking this skill scroll, Xu Bai had no interest in the subsequent auction items.

Although I know there will be a highlight later.

But the Origin Coin in his hand still has other uses, and it should be used to improve his own abilities.

Xu Bai stood up from his seat and walked towards the door. He was not interested in just watching and buying.

Seeing Xu Bai getting up, he was about to leave.

Black Flower hurriedly called him to stop.

"Sir, the final item is an item whose quality exceeds gold level. Are you sure you want to leave now without taking a look?"

After hearing what she said, Xu Bai remembered.

Xiaoyu did mention this when she gave herself this black gold card.


Xu Bai turned around and looked at Heihua with interest.

"Why can't you just tell me?"


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