We're Already In Close Combat And You Still Say You're A Mage?

Chapter 45: Brother, Be Careful, Don’T Learn A Skill And Kill Yourself.

Xu Bai was sitting cross-legged in the body attribute enhancement machine.

Eyes closed.

Feel the changes in your body.

Xu Bai felt that a mysterious energy gradually appeared in his body and filled it all together.

Strengthening his body slowly.

The "slowness" here is Xu Bai's subjective feeling.

However, if you want to compare this "slow" improvement process with the strength gained through years of exercise.

On the contrary, it seemed very fast.

Under the nourishment of this mysterious energy.

Xu Bai's muscles, bones, membranes, and even every nerve cell throughout his body are gradually strengthening.

This time, he actually felt a hint of pain.

That is the pain that occurs when the body becomes stronger rapidly.

The soreness gradually worsened, and cold sweat broke out on Xu Bai's forehead.

But he did not resist this process, but instead experienced it carefully.

The process of gradually getting stronger is actually very refreshing, just like climbing a mountain.

When you stand on the top of a mountain, you are stepping on those peaks that were originally out of reach.

Look down at the climbing path and reflect on the process.

That sense of accomplishment.


When Xu Bai first entered the Court of Origin.

His physical attributes are only slightly stronger than those of ordinary people. The only outstanding strength attribute is due to his love for fitness.

And now.

After the strengthening is completed.

His physical attributes are enhanced by the dragon hunting suit.

The four main attributes will all reach the first-level limit of 50 points.

This kind of physical fitness.

It no longer belongs to the mortal realm, but has reached the extraordinary realm.

Just imagine how pleasant it is for a mortal to gradually ascend to the extraordinary.

Heavy objects that were originally unshakable can now be lifted with one hand and waved easily.

The wall that was once impenetrable can now be easily broken with just a swing of a fist.

This is the charm of growing stronger.


I was thinking about all kinds of things.

Xu Bai gradually ignored the soreness caused by strengthening his physical fitness, and instead began to enjoy the process of gradually getting stronger.

The muscles all over his body were bulging and contracting.

The muscular body gradually became smaller and denser without realizing it.

I do not know how long it has been.

The physical attribute enhancement machine stopped operating.

Xu Bai's eyes opened.

He looked at his right hand and clenched his right fist.

Suddenly, he discovered that his forearm had become thinner at some point.

Xu Bai lowered his head and looked down.

However, he found that his originally well-fitting clothes had become a bit baggy.

When entering the attribute enhancement machine, Xu Bai had already locked the door.

Outsiders cannot see what is going on inside.

Xu Bai immediately took off his clothes.

He was surprised to find that the strong and huge muscles on his body that used to hold up his clothes had long since disappeared.

What replaced it was a smooth, well-proportioned body full of classical beauty.

And golden body proportions.

Xu Bai tightened his arm muscles, as hard as steel.

Relaxed immediately.

As the muscles relax, the steel-hard muscles in the arms become soft, elastic, and extremely tough again.

Xu Bai felt.

This body is more agile and flexible.

Without losing explosive power.

More suitable for fighting.


Put your clothes back on.

Xu Bai took a deep breath.

Surging power surged out of his body.

That's what it feels like.

Powerful, powerful enough to control destiny, powerful enough to do whatever you want.

As power surged out of his body, Xu Bai's heart began to swell at some point.

This is a sign of strength increasing too quickly.

Not just physically.

Also psychologically.

As the surging power in his body receded, Xu Bai had adapted to his now stronger body.

The swelling feeling in my heart disappeared.

He is still him.

The previous feeling of swelling was only temporary and did not affect Xu Bai's thinking.

This kind of thing is normal.

Xu Bai is not a monk or ascetic who is as calm as water and has no waves in an ancient well.

He is a living person.

As long as you are human, you will definitely have desires.

And gaining more power means greater ability.

With more powerful abilities, desires will expand.

This was the reason why Xu Bai felt so swollen in his heart before.

Click on your personal information panel.

Xu Bai checked his current basic physical attributes.

Strength: 46

Constitution: 46

Speed: 46

Intelligence: 47

Charisma: 16

Luck: 11 (Cannot be improved by attribute points, only by skills and equipment bonuses.)

With his physical fitness improving so much at once, it's no wonder Xu Bai felt such a strong sense of expansion.


After regaining inner peace.

Xu Bai left the physical attribute enhancement machine.

At this time, there were gradually more and more people walking in the skill upgrade hall.

Xu Bai searched for a long time in the skill upgrade hall and finally found an unused skill upgrade cabin.

Stepping in, Xu Bai locked the cabin door.

Just walked in.

A prompt from the Court of Origin appears.

"Tip: It is detected that you currently meet the prerequisites for learning the gold-level skill scroll "Light Blade Sharp Wheel". Do you want to learn it? "

The learning restrictions for "Light Blade Sharp Wheel" are: the four basic attributes of strength, physique, intelligence, and agility must reach more than 40 points, and have at least one melee basic passive ability above the "master" level.

And now.

Xu Bai's four physical attributes have already exceeded the prerequisites, and his melee skill passive "Surprise Breaking Spear" also exceeds the requirements.

Xu Bai took out the "Light Blade Sharp Wheel" skill scroll and chose to learn it.

"Tip: I am about to learn Light Blade Sharp Wheel lv.1."


The skill scroll exuding golden light gradually disappeared in his palm.

It turned into scattered light particles and submerged into his body.

There was nothing strange about it at first.

Can follow.

A heart-breaking pain, as if his body was being torn apart, appeared in Xu Bai's body.

All over it.

This kind of severe pain is far beyond the soreness felt when the physical attributes are improved.

The muscles and cells all over his body were wailing.

Xu Bai couldn't help but scream.


A series of circular light spots that were only the size of grains of rice, constantly rotating, with jagged edges, cut into his skin, emerged from under his skin, and began to rotate around Xu Bai.

Xu Bai was covered in blood.

After the blood touched the ground of the skill upgrade warehouse, it disappeared again.


The thousands of light wheels that emerged from Xu Bai's body and rotated around his body gathered together.

A sharp light wheel the size of a basin was formed.

Floating in his palm, spinning constantly.

"Reminder: You have learned the skill - Light Blade Sharp Wheel lv.1."


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