It was a restaurant affiliated with a subsidiary company of Dengeki Bunko.

Ten minutes later, Igarashi, who was waiting at the door of the restaurant, saw the target.

A beautiful girl with short hair and regular features wearing a black student uniform.

The moment she saw Igarashi, the girl who had a calm and cool face, giving off a cold feeling that was difficult to approach, showed a smile like the snow melting and the sun blooming.

The girl trotted and came to Igarashi, but remembering that the editor who was originally hers was abducted by other light novelists, her face became a little gloomy.

She took a deep breath and took out two manuscripts.

This is the latest volume of Fantasy Legend of Demon Sword that I wrote. This is my new book project, please take a look.

Such a move was expected by Igarashi.

That's why he chose this restaurant, which he controlled. It was very quiet, and he didn't have to worry about being disturbed by others when he sat at the dining table and read.

But before that, you still have to ask a few questions normally.

The current plot of Demon Sword Fantasy is probably not halfway through yet. Why do you suddenly want to publish a new book?


The girl whose pen name was Qianju Cunzheng hesitated for a while, but finally gave up on concealing or covering up.

Her eyes sharpened.

I want to defeat that Yamada goblin.

After finishing speaking, Senjumura Zheng waited for Igarashi's reaction.

Igarashi shows emotions such as surprise, anger, dissatisfaction, encouragement, etc. These are all scenarios that Qianju Cunzheng expected.

However, Igarashi smiled at this moment.



I thought you had the second half of your sentence - take back my dear editor or something.

Tejumura Sei certainly has such thoughts!

But it’s impossible to say it directly.

When it comes to emotional topics, Senjumura Sei is the same shy type as Izumi Sagiri.

Now, the girl blushed.

Igarashi stopped teasing her.

Forget about the new book. You are a student and your energy is limited. Unless you interrupt the possibility of [The Legend of Demon Sword], you can't write a new book.


Then interrupt? That's not possible. The Legend of the Good Sword is the work of your and I's joint efforts. If you want to cut it off, have you asked me how I feel?

Chapter 1271 The original encounter

A work born from a joint effort…


At the beginning, I started on the road of being a writer just because I wanted to write a truly interesting light novel.

Now that you have written the work, why don't you go find a publishing house and let a truly professional editor give you some advice to make it more interesting?

What his father said at the beginning became the motivation for Senjumura Zheng to go to Dengeki Bunko.

Well, go there in person.

Although Dengeki Bunko has always had the option of online submission, Senjumura Sei was not very good at using computers at the time. It is a bit difficult to browse the web normally, let alone register as a writer on Dengeki Bunko Yiwang and submit articles step by step according to some strict channels.

The first draft of the Fantasy Demon Sword Legend she wrote was handwritten.

Although there are scanners and the like that can input manuscripts into computers, this operation was too high-end for Senjumura Sei at the time.

She went directly to Dengeki Bunko, where she met Igarashi.

Well, or rather, in a large office with many people sitting there. He directly approached Igarashi who was sitting next to a printer, looking at the printed manuscripts of other light novelists.

Qianju Cunzheng didn't know what kind of mood he had and what he was driven by to find him directly among so many people.

Compared to those serious and stern middle-aged people sitting at their desks, Igarashi, who seems to be young, probably does not have much experience as an editor. Logically speaking, it is impossible for Senjumura Zheng to visit Dengeki Bunko. The original purpose is to make my light novel more interesting.

Thinking back on it now, at that time, could it be that I felt that Igarashi was very handsome and approachable, so he acted so blindly?

At that time, Senjumura Sei came to Igarashi and handed him his light novel manuscript, asking him to correct it.

At that time, Igarashi was not an editor, he was just inspecting the company as a behind-the-scenes boss, and looking for any outstanding ideas in some unpublished light novels that were interesting enough to kill time.

After all, there is no doubt that there are more light novels in Dengeki Bunko than in bookstores. Many light novels that have been cut in half or failed to pass have almost piled up here.

Igarashi became the editor because of Senjumura Seigata.

He proposed revisions to Qianju Cunzheng bit by bit, which not only made up for the imperfect parts, but also allowed Qianju Cunzheng to improve his writing skills.

The Legend of the Fantasy Demon Sword did not become the embodiment of Igarashi's thoughts. He grasped the scale very well. This is still the raw jade provided by Senjumura Zheng, and Igarashi just carved it more beautifully.

Now, looking back on it, Kotobukura Sei feels that he is really lucky.

That moment of whim was almost like the first encounter between the hero and heroine in a light novel.

Senjumura Sei, who has been looking for interesting light novels, still knows the relevant plots very well.

However, the appearance of Yamada Fairy made her a little suspicious.

Is she the second female lead? Is Yamada Fairy the real heroine?

Moreover, it seems to be very common in light novels for childhood sweethearts to lose to heroines from the sky.

To be honest, although Igarashi's words made Senjumura Zheng feel warm in her heart, she was also a little panicked.

The girl said nothing, but looked at Igarashi with a somewhat aggrieved look.

Under normal circumstances, Senjumura Sei will give people a feeling of lack of expression and inaccessibility.

In fact, she just spent most of her thoughts on the world of light novels and didn't pay much attention to reality.

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