After all, that Shanyong goblin lived next door, even if Igarashi really became boyfriend and girlfriend with her. Even live there. It cannot be said that he has completely left himself.

However, just imagining that kind of future, Izumi Sagiri felt out of breath and even wanted to cry.

The girl tried to change her sadness into other emotions, and looked at Igarashi with a puffed face.

And showed the three pictures he drew before to Igarashi.

What a malicious speculation. It actually made me look stupid. It was obvious that the one I was marrying should be the Yamada Fairy. In addition, I was not scaring you before, but was reminding you to pull up. Curtains, otherwise your life will be seen through by that guy.”

Igarashi had a look on his face that he clearly had done a good deed, but was misunderstood by others.

Izumi Sagiri was not deceived by him.

The girl closed her eyes tightly, trying not to be affected by Igarashi's disguise, and began to wave her pink fists at him.

Girls' strength is relatively small to begin with, not to mention that Sagiri, a lack of exercise at home, plus she didn't use much strength at all, let alone Igarashi, even if all ordinary people stood there and allowed her to attack. It only feels like a tickling force.

Igarashi knew that despite looking at Izumi Sagiri's current state, she was actually not angry anymore.

So Igarashi said simply.

Aren't you going to try it? These snacks should be of your liking.

Did that Yamada fairy make it specially for me?

Sensing the kindness of the other party, Izumi Sagiri felt a little embarrassed.

Unfortunately, Igarashi gave a negative answer.

No, she has other things to be busy with now. This is what she did before. Therefore, next time I will bring snacks specially made for you. The taste will definitely be better. Please look forward to the next time.

Izumi Sagiri is speechless.

She couldn't be angry because Yamada Ningjing didn't make special snacks for her this time, and she couldn't even express or reject Igarashi's subsequent sentences.

The girl lowered her head, feeling powerless.

Although I only saw her briefly, I saw that the Yamada Fairy was a more generous type than me. She was as gorgeous as a eldest lady, and she could also make exquisite snacks.

There is no doubt that in terms of charm, I have completely failed.

Izumi Sagiri looked crestfallen.

Actually, Fairy Yamada is your fan.


She is a light novelist. Yamada Goblin is a pen name instead of her real name. Currently, she is working hard to make you her illustrator. This snack and the gifts she will give out later are all to please you.

Chapter 1270 Get it back

Ever since she knew that the Yamada Fairy was targeting her instead of Igarashi, Izumi Sagiri's hostility towards her had been reduced a lot.

Under normal circumstances, if she found that someone in reality knew her identity as Eromanga and lived very close to her, Izumi Sagiri would be extremely resistant and would refuse to admit it to death, or would deliberately avoid the person. She would absolutely not want to Draw illustrations for her.

These are all routine operations.

But now, after Igarashi's guidance, Izumi Sagiri is not so resistant.

She even searched for Yamada Fairy's pen name on the Internet, found the other person's light novel, and placed an order directly online.

Although staying at home all day may sound like having nothing to do, Izumi Sagiri is actually a very busy 760.

She is considered one of the senior editors of Dengeki Bunko. She has to provide pictures for more than one light novel, which consumes most of her time. In order to provide pictures, it is inevitable that Izumi Sagiri also needs to understand the relevant information. The content of the light novel is to prevent the heroine from being described in the novel as having long blond hair, but instead drawing a character with short cyan hair that does not fit the article.

In addition, if it comes to battle scenes, Izumi Sagiri also needs to understand human body movements. Ancient and modern battles are different, magic and science fiction are also different, and whether there are special abilities is different. Izumi Sagiri As an illustrator, he always has to rack his brains.

She actually doesn't have much time to read other light novels and has been concentrating on drawing.

This is also the reason why Igarashi would say that Izumi Kyoka is excellent in front of her.

This patience and determination have surpassed many people.

If you consider age, experience and ability, there is no doubt that Izumi Sagiri can afford this praise.

At this moment, Igarashi is being bombarded with text messages from another girl.

It’s not Takasago Tomoe who should be studying hard at school these days, nor Kamino Megumi who has been whetted by the serialized light novels, nor Izumi Kyoka who has just joined Dengeki Bunko.

It was Igarashi who was in charge, another light novelist.

Why did you become the person in charge of other light novelists?

Ever since Fairy Yamada signed the contract, Dengeki Bunko has been building momentum for her.

Titles such as Popular light novelist Yamada Fairy's new book will be published in Dengeki Bunko appeared on Dengeki Bunko's official website, as well as in related magazines and weeklies. Inside the library, people with some authority can also look up Yamada Fairy The name of the editor in charge.

Igarashi was a person with authority, but he didn't hide it, so others could find out.

If something happens, it’s best to contact us in time.

The person who was sending messages to Igarashi was the light novelist under his command. It turned out that he was the only one.

Sensing the barely concealed jealousy in this not-so-long message, Igarashi smiled and replied.

After all, I am a part-time editor. The other party asked for it and has good abilities. Naturally, I cannot refuse coldly.

Not bad ability? Is that person's writing better than my Fantasy Demon Sword Legend?

No, it's quite different.

So, she is a beautiful girl?

He truly deserves to be his own light novelist. Moreover, Duo Tudan has benefited from his own guidance. Not only does he have a technique and overall perspective that no one can compare with in light novels, but he has also made considerable progress in the real world. He has a unique vision and a clear mind.

As for letting this idiot who was originally a mechanical idiot and lived in the Ton era master the use of soft machines, those are just some other trivial achievements of Mr. Igarashi.

Because the other party is still not very good at surfing the Internet, he doesn't know too much detailed information about Shan Yumeijing, so he only found this room.

I don't deny this.

Where are you? I want to see you.

Is this an attempt to raise an army to hold people accountable?

Igarashi doesn’t think so.

He sent an address.

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