A little bit like a chuunibyou.

However, the expedition to Senju Village in Igarashi brought the experience back from the world of light novels and completely placed it in the real world.

At this moment, the girl had a slightly sad expression, which made Igarashi laugh.

Yamada Fairy and you are of different genres. You are good at novels about campus supernatural battles, while Yamada Fairy is good at novels about other world fantasy. The two of them have different characteristics, so there is no need to worry about being replaced by the other. .”


The Yamada Fairy lives next door to me. Even if the relationship between light novelist and editor is gone, it doesn't mean that I will completely cut off contact with her.

Well, Sei Tejumura has nothing to say.

She was even thinking about moving near Igarashi's house.

Yamada Goblin can afford to buy a house entirely, and as a Taiqing novelist whose sales volume far exceeds that of Yamada Goblin, Senjumura Sei naturally also gets a lot of remuneration.

However, they were all kept by their father.

It was Qianju Cunzheng who suggested it. She didn't want to spend her energy on money.

But now the problem arises. Once you ask for a large sum of money from your father, it will inevitably be used for other purposes. By then, your purpose of living next door to the Igarashi family is likely to be exposed. Your father will stop it, right?

At this thought, Qian Shou Cun Zheng felt a little downcast.

And Igarashi rubbed her head.

Don't think too much. If you feel uneasy, you can contact me and meet with me at any time. You only talk to me face to face on the completion day and delivery day. I thought you had some negative feelings towards me.

Eh? No!

Qianjumura Zheng clumsily tried to explain.

I am actually very shy.

But just because she was shy, she couldn't speak out.

Okay, okay, no need to explain. I know your character. You seem to be a cold-blooded mature girl, but in fact you are a natural idiot. You have no resistance to emotional and H-related topics. You just put all your thoughts into it. I have devoted myself to light novels, and to sum it up, it is a calm and composed type of chuunibyou.”


Completely irrefutable.

However, this irrefutable liquid taste feels good.

Qianju Cunzheng looked at Igarashi with bright eyes, stunned.

Isoying stretched out his finger to touch her nose, and then began to read the latest light novel manuscript of Qian Shou Feng Zheng.

Let me see how interesting this new light novel is.

Yes, please.

Chapter 1272 Too bad

Whether it is writing power or overall perspective, Senjumura Sei is better than Yamada Youtang. However, when it comes to imagination or the degree of chuunibyou, Senjumura Sei is still slightly inferior to Yamada Yousou.

However, because Wang Shou Fengzheng's light novel is not a different world fantasy type, the slight lack of imagination is not a problem at all.

It is completely illegal to use the latest volume of Fantasy Demon Sword Den as an entry in the Newcomer Light Novel Award. However, Senjumura Seimata is indeed a new light novelist.

Naturally, it is impossible for Igarashi to stop him or let Senjumura Zheng write a new book or something in order to participate in the competition.

Unlike Yamada Fairy, Senjumura Sei is a light novelist and a student, but he doesn’t have the time or energy to write two books at the same time.

Qianju Fengzheng usually doesn't care about these things. Igarashi will naturally help her with the specific details.

As always, Igarashi put forward some revision suggestions. Compared with the initial stage, the shortcomings of Senju Village Seiqing Elementary School are now less and less, and Igarashi can also find more fun in reading.

Happy time is always short.

For Senjumura Sei, from the time he met Igarashi Jugarashi to now, it was almost a blink of an eye.

Now there is no suitable reason to continue getting along with him.

Oh, oh, oh, I wasn't sure when I saw it from a distance. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence, brother.

The energetic girl's voice sounded.

It was Megumi Kamino who appeared.

Looking at this girl who was almost radiant and had a different feeling from the light novelist who preferred to stay home, Qianjumura Zheng secretly frowned.

Although I have heard that Igarashi has a adopted sister before, it shouldn't be the one in front of me, right?

She is not even a foster sister, but she uses the affectionate title of brother. There is no doubt that she is a love rival.

Qian Shou Cun Zheng's eyes became sharp.

And Megumi Kamino happens to be the type who is good at observing and guessing people's hearts. She suffered a lot in front of Igarashi before, but that was just because the Igarashi version was more winning. It does not mean that Megumi Kamino is bad.

She easily noticed the change in Sei Tetsugumura's expression. As a classmate of Saimai Izumi, Megumi Kamino knew what Igarashi's sister looked like, and now she was convinced that Sei Tejumura was not Igarashi's relative. In conclusion, the relationship between her and Igarashi is deduced.

A malicious smile appeared on the girl's cute face.

Since Igarashi had teased him before and even made him cry, he shouldn't be too friendly to communicate with his relatives now, right?

It would be nice if I could cause some little trouble for Igarashi. Anyway, this person is not Izumi Sagiri with a special family situation, so there is no need to have too many scruples.

After thinking this, Kamino Megumi sat next to Igarashi in a natural movement, opposite Qianju Fengzheng.

This made the face of this great light novelist with a total sales volume of more than one million novels become darker and darker.

Are you sure?

Tejumura Sei's tone was very cold, and he had completely returned to the iceberg girl who gave off a calm and calm impression and was difficult to approach.

Seeing Megumi Kamino thinking about her words excitedly, considering that there were no other guests near Igarashi's seat in the restaurant. Megumi Kamino is very likely to say something extremely bold.

If Kamino Megumi dared to talk nonsense at home, Igarashi would have to give her some sex. However, now, although the restaurant is very quiet and it is Igarashi's own territory, it is still considered a public place, and there are also Qianshou Village was present.

As expected, there was no way to teach Megumi Kamino a lesson.

In order to prevent this noisy girl from causing trouble, Igarashi spoke first.

Kamino Megumi is Izumi Saku's classmate. She went to see her directly in order to get her to return to school, so she and I know each other, but we only met once or twice.

Oh, just met once or twice.

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