At this moment, the Yamada Fairy's heartbeat was quietly accelerating.

Izumi over there has already closed the curtains tightly.

Now, there is no doubt that a lonely man and a hidden woman live together in the same room, and because of the wide space of this house, even if Tai Cheng screams inside. It should not be heard by anyone outside.

The girl held by Igarashi can feel the other person's temperature.

She tensed her body, looked a little nervously, and looked at the boy who was close at hand with a little expectancy.

what you up to?

It's not what I want to do, it's what you should do.

Yamada Fairy felt a little dizzy.

What should I do?


A kiss to express Igarashi’s gratitude for his previous opinions on changing the fate of his light novel?

Or is it because the other party has informed Teacher Eromanga of his true identity and needs to make some gesture?

The Yamada Fairy's heartbeat continued to accelerate, and her body temperature also rose rapidly.

When her white face was about to turn red due to congestion, Igarashi leaned close to the girl's ear and spoke in a low voice with a magnetic voice.

What you should do now is to finish the first volume of the new book first. The deadline is coming soon, do you understand?

what the hell!

It's rare that people have gritted their teeth and made preparations

The Yamada Fairy originally had no negative emotions. Naturally, I was annoyed at this moment.

She glared at Igarashi fiercely and spoke repeatedly.

Don't worry, I will definitely, absolutely finish the new book before the deadline.

Igarashi naturally understood the girl's recent psychological changes, and even understood what Yamada would do if he made some overt or covert expressions.

but. Compared to harvesting a mere thing. As expected, it was more interesting to deal with the Yamada Fairy like this.

Facing the dissatisfied girl, Igarashi showed a nasty smile.

In the eyes of Yamada Fairy, even though he knew Igarashi was evil at the moment, he still thought he was handsome when he smiled.

This is so damn handsome. How abominable.

Chapter 1269 Understanding each other

When Igarashi returned home, something was different from usual.

After all, Igarashi was on the balcony of the Yamada Fairy House before, saying hello to Izumi Sagiri who forgot to close the curtain, which seemed to frighten the girl.

When she was broadcasting live, she would make a grunting sound like Hey! or hum a song. Although voice changers have always been used to change the timbre, the audience is somewhat accustomed to these accompaniments of Izumi Sagiri's paintings.

As a result, after Igarashi spoke to Izumi Sagiri, the accompaniment in the live broadcast disappeared, and the popular character that was originally promised to be drawn also changed.

It has been changed into a Q-version comic consisting of three pictures.

The first picture shows the male protagonist promising to take care of the female lead for the rest of his life.

The second picture shows the male lead and the second female lead meeting each other, and then they look like they are in love with each other.

The third picture shows the scene where the male protagonist and the second female lead join forces to scare the first female lead.

Although it is short, it is quite expressive.

The audience in Izumi Sagiri's live broadcast room clearly felt this, and touched the start button to send a barrage.

I often hear people say that inspiration comes from life. Is this the true portrayal of Teacher Eromanga~?

Teacher Eromanga, you are going too far.

To be able to become a Ziggo, Teacher Eromantong should also have some good looks. Compared to the middle-aged uncle I originally imagined, he is much better, but - Teacher Eromantong is indeed too much.

All viewers naturally regarded Izumi Sagiri as a male, and also naturally regarded her as the male protagonist in the comics, and expressed indignation about this.

This is also the first time that Izumi Sagiri is not troubled by the audience treating her as a weirdo. Instead, she is in a good mood.

Thanks to the audience as always, Izumi Sagiri's broadcast time has been slightly advanced.

With everyone's support, she wanted to protest against her bad guy brother who helped virgins scare her.

At the same time, Izumi Sagiri was also worried and uneasy.

She was afraid that her brother would be taken away by a bad woman.

So, when Igarashi returned home, he rarely saw Izumi Sagiri in the living room.

This is a snack made for you by Fairy Yamada, the blond girl you saw living next door before. Try it and see that her cooking skills are quite good.

Igarashi took out the gift box that the Yamada fairy asked to send to Mr. Eromanma.

It's not what Yamada Fairy made freshly, but what she kept in the refrigerator. After all, she still has to rush to finish the manuscript. need.

Izumi Sagiri originally seemed to want to show off her anger but refused.

As a result, the half-spoken don't turned into no need.

Adding one more word, although the meaning has not changed, gives people a much better feeling.

It's just like. Thank you, thank you and thank you are three words that have the same meaning but give people a deeper sense of comfort. This is the so-called charm of language.

Looking at Izumi Sagiri, who was obviously dissatisfied but still cared about such small details, Igarashi smiled and stretched out his hand to rub her head.

What, are you jealous?

certainly not!

Even Izumi Sagiri, who has always been timid, was so excited by Igarashi's words that he let out a soft cry.

Then, the girl quickly realized that her reaction was a bit fierce, and she blushed slightly and said nothing.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that you are indeed jealous.

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