Although the word curtain is used, it may be more appropriate to call it a glass sliding door. Just like Yamada Fairy's, Izumi Sama's Kaima also has a balcony.

You can see through the glass sliding door that Sagiri is wearing a headset and drawing, swaying from side to side quite happily.

Igarashi decisively took out his cell phone to take pictures of the work.

This action naturally aroused Yamada Fairy's idea. She looked along the direction of Igarashi's mobile phone. After seeing Izumi Sagiri, she stared with contempt at Igarashi who took the secret photo without permission.

How rude.

Excuse me? It's just a beautiful girl's cute moment. I'll say hello to her now.

With that said, Igarashi dialed Izumi Sagiri's cell phone, and then looked at the girl in the room over there to connect.

elder brother?

Sagiri, look towards the balcony.

The girl turned her head as she was told, and saw Igarashi waving at her, and the Yamada fairy next to Igarashi, looking at her curiously.

Izumi Sagiri's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then she suddenly closed the curtains and hung up the phone at the same time.

Okay, now Sagiri will definitely remember to close the curtains in the future.

After hearing Igarashi's calm words, the Yamada fairy spoke.

If you have any conflicts in the future, don't pass the blame to me.

Don't worry, by the way, you may not believe it, but she is the teacher Eromanga you are looking for.

The Yamaguta fairy stood still for a while because of Igarashi's high hair, and then his eyes widened after a moment.


In your imagination, Eromantong, who can show off her brilliant illustrations, should be an uncle, right? But in fact, as you can see, she is a beautiful girl, and she is very shy of strangers. She usually stays at home.

After reacting, Fairy Yamada reopened his computer and clicked on a website he had saved long ago.

That's Teacher Eromanga's live broadcast room.

Coincidentally, the other party is currently broadcasting live.

In the video, Eromanga, who was originally singing while painting, seemed very panicked at the moment. Although she was still drawing illustrations, and her appearance was not captured in the video, she did not notice the pen shape. The cursor seemed to reflect her emotions, and it moved with some uneasiness and lack of purpose.

Tell me what you think now.

Igarashi left the balcony and returned to the room, looking at the Yamada Fairy with interest.

Whatever you have in mind, of course you have to find a way to find her. You said before that she is afraid of strangers. To what extent is she afraid of strangers? Is it okay to say hello in advance?

Eromanga is not the middle-aged uncle he imagined, but a girl about his own age.

Now it’s super perfect!

Chapter 1268 What should be done

Is it okay to say hello in advance? What you think is too idealistic. Let alone a stranger saying hello in advance. Even if Sagiri's classmates come to visit, the time to meet her is only a few seconds.

Igarashi was talking about Megumi Kamino.

That guy first wanted to let Izumi Samay return to school, and then he understood the situation and sincerely wanted to be friends with her. Then he was plotted by Takasago Chie and was trapped in some serialized light novels.

If she hadn't been going to school these days, Kamino Megumi would have had some serious reactions, right?

Just imagine for a moment, that girl who is good at dealing with interpersonal relationships at a young age, while chatting with her classmates with a smile on her face, and listening carefully to the teacher in class, her heart is still filled with the thoughts of various light novels that are half-serialized. Attracted by the plot but having to maintain his appearance as the squad leader, Igarashi secretly laughed.

Well, Izumi's personality seems to be a bit tense.

The Yamada Fairy's eyes widened at Fifty's words, and after a moment, he said with some complaint.

You guy, you clearly told me that the teacher I am pursuing so much lives next door, but you told me that I can't go to her directly now. It's too teasing. Bar?!

This feeling of not getting what you want is very similar to Kamino Megumi’s experience when writing a light novel, where the plot came to a halt because the book was not finished.

Why are you looking for her?

Of course I will let her be my illustrator. If we can communicate in person, many details will be discussed. Coupled with my improved writing skills, humming, a super light novel will be born.

When she imagined herself in the future as a great light novelist or even a novel king, Fairy Yamada yearned for it.

As for the light novelist rank below the great light novelists, which can be achieved by selling two million copies, it is already within reach for Yamada Fairy.

In a month or two, the explosive Dark Fairy will reach one million sales.

I have said before that only if you get the top three in the Newcomer Light Novel Award can Sagiri become your illustrator. This is also Bunko's arrangement. Although we at Dengeki Bunko have always valued the personal opinions of our workers, question, but I didn’t think you could convince Shaxiang with just a few words and let her take the initiative to become your illustrator.”


On the contrary, I think if you say too much, it will only have the opposite effect.

If Igarashi hadn't given the Yamada Fairy some light novel guidance before, the current Yamada Fairy wouldn't be able to listen to what he said.

But, that's what if.

In fact, Igarashi's writing skills, imagination and overall perspective have already convinced Yamada Fairy in his previous guidance.

Therefore, the Yamada Fairy can temporarily listen to what Igarashi is saying at this moment.

Then what should I do?

Just get in touch with her as a friend. I will introduce you to Sagiri later. Anyway, she just saw your appearance. By the way, she likes to eat snacks. So, who wants to become the king of light novels? Miss Yamada Fairy, have you figured out how to increase your favorability?

Oh, I understand.

Fairy Yamada nodded and immediately went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks.

Yamada Fairy, who has been trained by her mother to be a housewife, is still somewhat confident in her cooking skills.

Impressing her with delicious food is not too difficult for Yamada Fairy.

But she was grabbed by Igarashi.

Before that, you have one more thing to do.

What Igarashi grabbed was the hand of the Yamada fairy.

If you suddenly have physical contact with the opposite sex, you will feel uncomfortable.

But Yamada Fairy did not have any negative emotions, because Igarashi and she were not strangers. At the same time, it was very true that Igarashi’s very attractive appearance determined that even if he did such a thing to a stranger, he should be able to do it. It will only make girls feel wronged rather than annoyed.

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