There is no need to talk about this kind of thing everywhere. I was looking for other excuses.


Megumi Kamino's tone was deliberately prolonged.

From Igarashi's words, the girl understood that a lot of the other person's energy was put on Izumi Sagiri. As an older brother, he was undoubtedly very competent. However, a person's energy is limited. As a student, Igarashi must not be too outstanding, right?

Hey, I, Megumi Kamino, am not only popular in the class, but also have excellent academic performance, right? After all, he is the monitor.

Igarashi could guess what Noe was thinking just by looking at her current expression.

I am the student council president, and my grades have always ranked first. Even if I ask for leave with a perfunctory excuse like I want to go home and rest because the weather is not good today, I will still pass without any hindrance. And What’s the problem, kid?”

Megumi's expression froze when Igarashi finally called her, but she was more surprised than resisting such a childish name.

Brother is not bragging!

I don't need to brag to you.


There is a homely sister at home who needs to be taken care of, she also has to complete her studies, and there are no elders. Many household chores need to be handled by yourself. Not only do they have to pay for laundry and cooking, but they also have to pay for water and electricity. If there are no other relatives to provide them with living expenses on a regular basis, then life problems will be even greater.

even so. Igarashi can also become the student council president of the school, plus he is a super academic with extremely good grades.

Well, there are also super delicious biscuits I made before, and I am so handsome.

Megumi Kamino looked at Igarashi in a daze.

My brother is the type that many girls like in school, right?

At this time, even the interpersonal relationships that Megumi was proud of were crushed by Igarashi.

Is this what it means that there are people outside people, and there are mountains outside mountains?

It's really scary.

Kamino Megumi sighed silently, and the arrogance that had always been in her heart faded a lot, turning into admiration for Igarashi.

While Kamino Megumi was wandering around, Takasago Bookstore arrived.

Takasago Chie, who was helping her father take care of the bookstore on her days off as usual, saw Igarashi and the girl who was following Igarashi.

Takasago Chie had seen Izumi Sagiri's photo on Igarashi's cell phone. It was not Izumi Sagiri who was walking next to Igarashi now.

Could it be her girlfriend? !

At this thought, Takasago Chie, who had subconsciously smiled because of Igarashi's appearance, suddenly became nervous.

Igarashi is very popular in school, but Takasago Tomoe has never heard of any gossip about Igarashi. As the only classmate who has personal contact with Igarashi, Takasago Tomoe is quite proud.

She enjoys her daily life with Igarashi without any sense of crisis. Although her favorability has already reached an extremely high level, she has no sense of urgency to establish a relationship with Igarashi.

As a result, something seems to have happened now.

There is a love rival!

Megumi Kamino is a junior high school student, but she actually looks a bit precocious. Walking with Goqilan at the moment, it is easy to think of a couple.

Takasago Chie could barely remain calm, just because the two were not holding hands.

Having said that, Takasago Chie was still a little flustered.

Um, Igarashi, is she...?

Chapter 1255 A battle of wits and courage

Seeing Takasago Tomoe's appearance, Kamino Megumi subconsciously wanted to cause trouble.

Holding Igarashi's arm and saying something like We are a couple.

Of course, she has never done similar behavior to other boys. On the one hand, there is no similar situation, and on the other hand, it is impossible for Megumi Kamino to appear with other boys outside the class.

She always kept a certain distance from the boys in school.

As a result, if the target was Igarashi, Kamino Megumi actually felt that she had no resistance at all.

But she didn't do that.

Because Igarashi will definitely not sit idly by or hesitate like a fool. He will fight back. No matter what kind of counterattack it is, it will definitely be him who will fall into Shang's trap. There is no doubt about it.

So at this moment, Kamino Megumi showed a pretty good smile. He said hello to Takasago Tomoe.

Hello. I am Izumi Sagiri's classmate. I came here this time because I want to learn about light novels.

oh oh!

Takasago Chie, who was originally feeling high in her heart, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Would you like me to recommend light novels?

Yes, yes, I'm actually quite curious. Why do my classmates like light novels so much? Don't you think it's ridiculous to be immersed in fantasy every day? There are still many things they haven't done in reality, or they can do more. All right.


Very good. In Takasago Tomoe's eyes, Kamino Megumi has just transformed from Igarashi's little girlfriend to a girl who is curious about light novels and asks for advice humbly. Now he has become a complete thug again.

Originally, Takasago Chie had always given off a soft and cheerful vibe. His face turned dark at this moment.

Anger was gushing out from all over her body, with a sinister sneer on her face.

Oh, oh, oh, in front of the owner of this light novel corner, you say such violent words, hoo hoo hoo, you are very brave! Don't underestimate the people of Adachi City!

As the last area in Tokyo, Adachi City's security is actually not that good compared to other places.

Of course, it is impossible for evil deeds to occur in broad daylight. At most, there are relatively many cases of some thieves stealing kittens, and the reputation is not good.

Some residents of Adachi City cannot change the impression of others, so they can only enjoy themselves in misery and call themselves a fighting nation.

Okay, okay, don't be angry. The Takasago Tomoe I know is not a girl who can only use violence to vent her dissatisfaction.

Igarashi comforted the girl and winked at her ass.

Takasago Chie retreated for a moment, then understood instantly.

That's right. If I beat a child violently now, not only would I be convinced that public security in Adachi City is poor, but I might also be taken advantage of by the other party.

Since Megumi Kamino wants to learn about light novels, hey, as the owner of the light novel corner at Takasago Bookstore, I have a lot of ideas!

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