Such violent remarks should never be forgiven lightly. Since she despises light novels so much, she should be dragged into a trap first and then destroyed.

While Takasago Chie was making secret calculations. Kamino Megumi, who realized that Fang and Igarashi were really good friends, immediately bowed and apologized in order to avoid being attacked by the two.

I'm sorry, what I just said was a bit abrupt.

Even so, both Takasago Chie and Igarashi Fang could see that Kamino Megumi had some insincere intentions.

Only one who sees through something without telling it off is a wise man.

I've got a rough idea of ​​what's going on. Among the young people these days, you're quite a teachable kid.

Takasago Tomoe's old-fashioned speech made Kamino Megumi open her mouth, but in the end she didn't make any rebuttal sound.

If Igarashi was not also present, if a random guy who had just met had said such a comment, Kamino Megumi would have retorted with a smile on his face and said something like Thank you for the compliment, old aunt.

He's just a high school student, not much older than me, so don't act like a senior to me.

Takasago Tomoe and Kanno Megumi looked at each other with smiles on their faces. If this was not an everyday world without supernatural powers, sparks would have exploded where their eyes met.

Guest, I understand your situation. If you want to get started with light novels, leave it to me. I will sincerely serve you and select the most suitable book for you.

Ha, ha, then, please, just talk normally? I mean it sincerely.

Megumi was a little shocked by Takasago Chie's artificial attitude.

Love stories, academies, different worlds, all kinds of masterpieces were carefully selected by Takasago Tomoe and recommended to Kamino Kei one after another.

As the owner of Dengeki Bunko, Igarashi can easily tell that those are good books that can make even experienced readers addicted to them. Tomoe Takasago is indeed very professional when it comes to recommending light novels.

However, Igarashihara also discovered something special about it.

The books recommended by Tomoe Takasago are all in serialization, and most of them just happen to end at the climax of the plot, with the next volume not yet released.

If Megumi Kamino really falls in love with these light novels, haha...

You are really evil, Chie.

Next, will you take me home, brother? In addition to worrying about the security issues in Adachi City, I bought so many books and the big box of biscuits my brother gave me. I can't carry them too far. .”

Megumi Kamino is not a vegetarian either.

Although Takasago Chie's conspiracy has not been discovered so far, this does not prevent her from acting like a baby to Igarashi, leaving Takasago Chie to watch from the sidelines.

Different from the beginning. Although everyone knew that Kamino Megumi was acting coquettishly at this moment. But there was no reason to refute.

What she said made sense.

Besides that, she is really a little rich woman.

I actually bought all the books recommended by Tomoe Takasago, and I brought a lot of pocket money with me. Is it because if the light novel is not good, I will accuse Tomoe Takasago of false advertising.

The girls asked and the battle of wits was really interesting.

Igarashi laughed dumbly and did not refuse.

Takasago Tomoe would not feel clan jealousy at this time, after all, Kamino Megumi told the truth.

Chapter 1256 The anguish of not getting what you want

Brother, brother, what does she mean by 'see you tomorrow'? I always feel like there is something hidden from her.

You'll understand soon enough.

Igarashi chuckled, but did not answer Kamino Kei's confusion.

Megumi Kamino's home is located in Arakawa Ward, adjacent to Adachi Ward, so you just need to take some time to walk there.

Igarashi has been sending Megumi Kamino to the door of her house. There are no other relatives in the girl's home and they all seem to be at work. This also saves Igarashi a lot of trouble.

Megumi Kamino should know that there is no one at home, otherwise she seems to be in the extreme, but in fact she will only keep a distance from the opposite sex. A character with little experience in getting along. I would basically let Igarashi send her here.

Maybe Kamino Megumi still wanted to let Igarashi go through a psychological struggle. After all, it is very ambiguous for a girl to bring a boy home.

However, Igarashi's reaction made Megumi Kamino completely understand that in the future, he would have to cut off those thoughts of making Igarashi blush, which was unrealistic.

Just like that, the next day came——

Brother~Brother! The books introduced by Xiaozhi are all very good!

Megumi Kamino called Igarashi, and the first words she said made Igarashi stunned for a moment, and he spent a lot of time thinking about who the so-called Xiaozhi was.

Isn’t this the Pokémon world?

It turns out to be Takasago Tomoe.

Even if you are grateful, please don't use the title Xiaozhi, whether it's Xiaozhi, Chie, or Takasago sister.

Eh? Why?

Because Ash is not feminine enough, at least in my eyes.

My brother's focus is so strange. Well, it's a willful request, but seeing as my brother escorted me all the way home yesterday, I'll change my name to Xiao Zhihui.

Igarashi didn't think Megumi Kamino dared to use such a title in front of Takasago Chie, so at the moment he didn't bother to point out the weirdness of a junior high school student using such a nickname for a high school student.

It seems like you spent a lot of time reading light novels?

Yes, yes, I said it was just a boring fantasy or something. I'm really sorry! That's really bad! I bought all the good-looking volumes! That's what Xiao Zhihui said yesterday. Ah! It’s true that my brother didn’t remind me at that time.”

According to Igarashi's speculation, even if Kamino Megumi stayed up late yesterday to read light novels, he could only finish one or two volumes, or at most two or three volumes.

That is to say, she has not yet felt that the story ended abruptly just when Kunuchong was sour. The latest volume of the light novel has not been published yet. Now she only has Takasago Chie who helped her open the door to interesting light novels. Pure gratitude.

No wonder the title suddenly became so intimate.

It seems that Kamino Megumi even made a special trip to Takasago Bookstore and was warmly received by Takasago Chie.

Igarashi suppressed his smile as he was about to watch something good, and tried his best to talk to Megumi Kamino in a normal tone, asking her to seize the time on her day off to continue reading those interesting light novels.

Then, that night, Megumi Kamino, who had never gone out with good friends on her day off, but spent the whole day reading light novels at home, called Igarashi's cell phone again.

Wow! What kind of reply is this to Hui!

I'm coming.

Igarashi, who was holding the mobile phone, had a malicious curve on his lips, but his tone was still very normal?

What's wrong?

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