However, it was Igarashi who said this.

Probably because he had been a victim for too long, when he suddenly heard Igarashi praising him, Kamino Megumi felt as if every cell in his body was cheering.

Then please, big brother, tell me Izumi-san's contact information. Also, what are her hobbies? If we use this as an entry point, we will get closer to each other, right?

This is Sagiri's email. If you want her mobile phone number, you can ask her yourself. I'm worried that if I give it to you directly, you will call and harass her from time to time. As for Sagiri's hobbies...

Well, what is it? What is it?

My hobby is pornographic pictures!


There was a loud bang from the ceiling overhead.

Because I vaguely overheard some conversations between Igarashi and Kamino Megumi, and realized that the other party's previous scare was not just out of bad taste, but also had the intention of educating others, Izumi Sagiri put on the listening device again. Connected headphones.

I thought Igarashi was going to continue to tell Kamino Kei what kind of truth, but he actually said that he liked pornographic pictures.

What, it’s just that the illustrations I drew are a little sexy, but this has nothing to do with liking, I am not a lustful girl.

Feeling that her image in Igarashi's heart was very bad, Izumi Sagiri couldn't help but hammer the floor with her hand. It hurt.

Izumi Sagiri rolled on the carpet with her hands folded. Megumi Kamino blinked when he heard the strange noise. Looking at Igarashi.

Izumi-kun can you hear us now?


Huh? Her hearing is so good?

That's not true. She installed a bug in the living room.

Boom! !

A louder sound came from the same direction.

Izumi Sagiri never expected that Igarashi would even discover the bug she had quietly installed, and also say it so casually.

Fortunately, she is hiding in her room now, otherwise she would be so embarrassed that she would want to die in front of Igarashi and Kamino Megumi.

This further strengthened Izumi Sagiri's idea of ​​​​not wanting to have direct contact with Kamino Megumi. If someone knew what she tried so hard to hide, how could she have the face to communicate with her normally.

Since Igarashi knows about the existence of bugs, he will either pay more attention when speaking, or deliberately tease himself to stop listening.

Izumi Sagiri turned off the Bluetooth headset angrily.

Well, if what I expected is correct, Sagiri has stopped eavesdropping now.

Big brother really knows Izumi-san, and he can make such delicious cookies. No wonder Izumi-san chooses to stay at home instead of going to school.

Megumi Kamino gradually understood what happened between Igarashi and Izumi Sagiri, and also understood Izumi Sagiri's mood, and felt a little emotional.

By the way, my brother hasn't told me Izumi-san's hobbies yet, so he can't really like erotic pictures, right?

If it were based on Kamino Megumi’s character. Now I should be able to talk about some sexy topics to show my maturity.

But in view of Izumi Sagiri's special situation and the way she was treated by Igarashi before, Kamino Megumi knew that if she didn't know how to pretend to understand now, let alone make the other party look at her, she might be provoked by the other party again. cry.

At this time it is better to have a little self-awareness.

Megumi Kamino wisely did not pretend to be mature.

Sagiri likes pictures. She has a status as an artist for light novels, so if you want to use this to get close to her, you should have some understanding of light novels, even if you don't go out of your way to learn painting skills.

Oh. I understand. Then can my brother accompany me to the bookstore?

Why should I go with you?

Because my elder brother made me so sad and scared that I cried. Although he said he was going to give me a box of biscuits as an apology, it did leave a psychological shadow on me. Now I have begun to worry about what I will encounter when walking alone on the road. It’s time for the villain. Also, it would be a good thing if I could become friends with Izumi-san, right? So I’m asking for your help, brother.”

Chapter 1254 Takasago Tomoe is in danger!

You, brother, are really diligent in your calls.

Don't you like this title? I can also change it accordingly? Senior, senior. Or - master?

Facing Kamino Megumi who gradually calmed down and turned into a somewhat sinister girl again. Of course Igarashi won't get used to it.

Then I'll decide on the title Master.

I was wrong.

Megumi Kamino was silent for a moment, and then apologized simply.

Although he knew that Igarashi was related to Izumi Sagiri, and Izumi Sagiri was on the second floor at the moment, Kamino Megumi still did not have the courage to provoke Igarashi.

That Izumi Sagiri didn't even have the intention of walking out of the room to meet her. Even if the brother who took care of her really did something to her, there was a high probability that she would choose to turn a blind eye and pretend to be deaf and dumb, right?

At that time, it will really be useless to shout at my throat.

Kamino Megumi decided to pay more attention to his words and deeds in front of Igarashi in the future.

Let's go, I'll take you to the bookstore. It would be a good thing if you could become friends with Sagiri, not just friends through the Internet.

However, Igarashi feels that maybe Takasago Chie and Izumi Sagiri will get along better than Kamino Megumi.

After all, Takasago Tomoe's family runs a bookstore, and she also likes reading various light novels, so she should have a lot in common with Izumi Sagiri.

I said before that I would find an opportunity to visit my home, but until now I have heard nothing from him, which is really bad.

Sagiri, I'm going to take Kamino Kei out. You can stay at home safely. If there's anything you want me to take along with you, just send me a message.

Shouting to the second floor, Igarashi didn't wait for a response because he knew it. In the presence of an outsider like Kamino Megumi. Izumi Sagiri would not respond.

Turn around and leave.

By the way, brother, which school do you go to? Izumi-san always stays at home when you go to school. Aren't you worried about her?

As Igarashi led Megumi Kamino to Takasago Bookstore, the girl did not choose to remain silent. She seemed to have developed some kind of resistance after being taught by Igarashi many times in a short period of time, or some Now that I'm used to it, I'm getting bolder and bolder.

It's not the courage to challenge Igarashi, but the courage to have a normal conversation with Igarashi.

Igarashi did not shy away. After glancing at Noe, he spoke.

Adachi District No. 4 High School, I usually prepare lunch for Sagiri in advance when I go to school. As for security issues, my home's anti-theft facilities are pretty good, so there is no need to worry. I come back from school to see Sagiri from time to time on weekdays.

After returning from school, did my brother tell the teachers in high school about Izumi-san's situation?

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