Izumi Sagiri was thinking wildly for a while, but in the end she discovered that Igarashi was joking with Kamino Megumi.

She had already made a difficult decision to turn a blind eye to what Igarashi did. She even thought about the plot of the incident and Igarashi's escape in the future. But Igarashi said that it was Are you kidding me?

At that moment, Izumi Sagiri's heart collapsed to the same extent as Kamino Kei's.

When time continued to pass and Igarashi began to comfort Kamino Megumi and gave out large boxes of biscuits that were supposed to be reserved for himself alone, Izumi Sagiri no longer had the intention to continue drawing.

She lay on the bed with her pillow in her arms, took off the earphones connected to the bug and placed them next to her. She listened to the blurred words and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

In the living room on the first floor, Igarashi did not use any extraordinary abilities, but he could probably guess what kind of state Izumi Sagiri was in.

Igarashi naturally knew that the girl secretly placed a bug in the living room. In fact, Izumi Sagiri didn't hide it too much. Since doing so made her feel at ease, Igarashi just let it go.

At least Izumi Saimai didn't lose her social status to the point where she wanted to put a bug in Igarashi's bedroom, otherwise he would have to educate this bad boy who wanted to pry into other people's privacy.

You said you apologized before, and I forgive you for deliberately scaring me. So these cookies are really an apology for your bad comments about me, right?

Megumi Kamino said this while happily accepting the cookies.

Bad review? What a bad review.

Igarashi's rhetorical question made her raise her eyebrows.

What did you say about me being nosy? Brother, you won't just forget it after you finish it, right?

Well, I think this evaluation is quite fair.


Glancing at Megumi Kamino, who showed an expression of faulty welding and annoyance, Igarashi motioned for her to look around.

Look around here. Do you see anything unusual?'


Even if Igarashi said this, Kamino Megumi didn't think there was anything unusual.

Isn’t it just a normal family home?

Do you want to say that the juice is delicious and the biscuits are delicious? The eldest brother is very handsome even though he is evil?

What does this have to do with being nosy?

When Megumi Kamino puffed up her face and glared at Igarashi angrily, feeling that the other party was trying to tease her again, Igarashi shook his head and sighed.

After all, she's just a little girl, not good at observing the environment. Didn't you see that there are only two sizes of shoes in the shoe cabinet at the entrance?

Two sizes of shoes?

Could it be that the only people living in the house were Igarashi and Izumi Sagiri in front of me?

Kamino Megumi subconsciously wanted to ask where their parents and elders were, but the girl suddenly remembered that when she sneaked into the teacher's office quietly before, the information about the contact information of Izumi Sagiri's parents was not filled in. At that time, Kamino Megumi thought it was Izumi Sagiri forgot to fill it in, but now...

Could it be that Izumi-san's parents...

As you guessed, I am now taking care of Sagiri, and Sagiri, who has experienced some not-so-good things, has also become a stay-at-home person. This is why your homeroom teacher did not try to persuade her. Because it is a family matter. , it is not an ordinary student skipping classes, so I said you should mind your own business. You came over happily without even investigating the situation clearly.

Kamino Megumi froze.

She did discover her own innocence.

I'm even a little lucky, thanks to Izumi Sagiri not going downstairs until now. Otherwise, if I communicated with her with the mentality of persuading problem students to return to school, I would be absolutely stupid.

Thanks to Igarashi for the reminder.

Although both the nosy comment and the previous intimidation against me were very bad, but now that I think about it carefully, it does have educational significance.

Megumi Kamino found that he learned a lot during this trip.

Thank you, sorry.

Thank you for the reminder from Igarashi, and apologize for your recklessness.

Seeing Megumi Kamino stand up, Igarashi smiled and asked.

Are you planning to leave?

No, I'm going to find Izumi-san and make friends with her.

Chapter 1253 Please help me

Originally, Kamino Megumi wanted to make friends with Izumi Sagiri, not because of any advantages of Izumi Sagiri. In fact, Izumi Sagiri stopped going to school after the first day of school. For Kamino Megumi, Apart from being a classmate, there is no difference between them and strangers.

The reason why Megumi Kamino first had the urge to look for Izumi Sagiri was just to fulfill her wish to make friends with all the classmates in the class.

There are also some kind-hearted elements in it, wanting to fulfill their duties as monitors and help their classmates complete their studies normally.

But in the final analysis, it is still based on fulfilling your desire to make friends.

But things are different now.

After being threatened by Igarashi and then criticized, Megumi Kamino has grown up, at least she thinks so.

From wanting to fulfill her wish to wanting to help Izumi Sagiri, she does not force her to return to school, but at least gives the lonely and lonely Izumi Sagiri a warm embrace.

Although she hasn't been able to meet Izumi Sagiri yet, Megumi Kamino has roughly imagined what kind of state the other party is in. Maybe she is huddled in the corner crying, maybe she has been waiting for a friend to appear and give her light and hope in the darkness. warmth.

Megumi Kamino believes that she is the one who will give Izumi Sagiri light.

Sagiri doesn't want to have contact with outsiders, so you'd better not try to communicate with her face to face.

However, Igarashi gave Kamino Megumi a head-on blow.

Not to mention making friends, but not even meeting each other?

Did I come here to visit Tu on a day off?

And he got scared by the big bad guy.

Kamino Megumi was speechless for a while, and suddenly realized a detail.

What does it mean that you can't communicate face to face, but it's okay if you use a slightly more tactful way?

Igarashi saw Kamino Megumi's thoughts from the change in her expression and smiled.

It seems you have thought of it? It's quite smart.

Megumi Kamino has heard many more exaggerated compliments than this. Logically speaking, such ordinary compliments cannot make waves in the girl's mood.

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