Could it be that Izumi Sagiri moved during this time? The guy in front of me only knew Izumi Sagiri's name because of the moving matter, and he used the name Sagiri affectionately just to deceive himself.

But what happened to him calling out his name so easily before?

If it's really irrelevant, people shouldn't know such details!

Either the other party is a relative of Izumi Sagiri and is now deliberately getting wet; or the other party also has very bad intentions towards Izumi Sagiri, so he failed to investigate in detail.

Forget it if it's the former, but if it's the latter, it's a bit too scheming.

Megumi Kamino, big crisis! !

Disappeared, imprisoned, killed and dumped.

In an instant, countless terrifying words flashed through Megumi Kamino's mind. The smile on her face had long since disappeared, and her face that was originally full of affinity became extremely pale.

Just a little joke, Sagiri is upstairs, and I am her brother Igarashi, not related by blood.


The heartbeat that was originally accelerating and almost bursting his chest was stagnant for a moment because of Igarashi's sudden change in tone of voice, which was like a spring breeze blowing on his face.

Oh, it turned out to be a joke. In fact, I discovered it a long time ago. I was just cooperating with your performance.

According to Megumi Kamino's character, who prefers little devils, she should say such words as a counterattack now.

However, the girl who was really frightened just now, her tight heartstrings suddenly relaxed, and while she felt relaxed, her tears fell uncontrollably.

Megumi Kamino was frightened and cried. She didn't cry when she was most frightened, but she shed tears when she relaxed.

Seeing such a scene, Igarashi's movements suddenly froze, and he realized that he seemed to have gone too far. Although she said those words half as a joke and half as an education, the girl in front of her was only a junior high school student after all. Even if she was a little precocious, her endurance was limited.

I still have to blame Yamada Fairy. He got a little addicted when he teased her before.

Could it be that this time it left some psychological shadow on Megumi Kamino?

Igarashi put away his original playful attitude.

Sorry, I just planned to remind you to stay vigilant. After all, it is very dangerous for a cute girl like you to go out alone. You should at least bring self-defense [props] with you in the future. Well, for my sake, I will except Juice for you. You can drink whatever you want, and besides, these snacks are also yours.

Igarashi brought out a plate of handmade cookies from the room.

It’s wonderful, with the aroma escaping from the cookie into the air at just the right temperature. Moyan reached Kamino Kei's nose.

If Kamino Megumi's smile conveys a positive feeling, the aroma of cookies can easily bring happiness to people.

Even Megumi Kamino, who is not greedy, showed a startled expression...

She opened her mouth. She originally wanted to criticize Igarashi for his bad behavior, but when she saw the other person's distracted expression, she couldn't say the words of accusation.

Megumi Kamino, who had always felt arrogant about her smile, almost convinced that there was no boy in the world who could not help but fall in love with her at first sight. This time, the King of Heaven discovered that there were boys who could easily make girls fall in love with her.

He doesn't even need to smile deliberately, he just needs to show a little intention, and the girl will involuntarily comply and comply.

I...I accept your apology.

Megumi Kamino lost the energy she had at the beginning. She took the tissue handed by Igarashi and wiped her tears. After trying hard to tidy up her appearance, she just reached for the biscuits on the plate.

As a result, it stopped again halfway.

You didn't put any medicine in the cookies this time, did you?

That's just to scare you.


He was obviously scared to tears by the other party. I couldn't help but feel too bad. what is going on? ?

Very angry.

Do the boys in the class who have stopped confessing early have the same mentality? Thinking about it this way, your situation may be a bit dangerous. -If you make a mistake without paying attention, will you be settled by new and old accounts?

Megumi Kamino did learn something from this matter and thought about it silently. However, her thinking did not last long, and she was shocked by the delicious food blooming in her mouth.


These are the best biscuits I have ever eaten.

Um...what brand of biscuit is this? Is it expensive?

I made it myself. It's a priceless treasure. If you like it, I'll give you a big box later as an apology for making you cry.

A big box?

Kamino Megumi was stunned.

She suddenly felt that her previous experience was actually not bad.

In addition, this brother who has a different surname from Izumi-san, although he is very bad, does not seem to have much resistance to the tears of girls?

Hum hum hum, noted it down.

Chapter 1252 Did you find anything?

During the conversation between Igarashi and Kamino Megumi, Izumi Sagiri, who was in the bedroom on the second floor, was listening without missing a word.

It's not that her hearing is so exaggerated, but that Izumi Sagiri secretly installed some bugs in order to understand the situation in the house without leaving the door.

Originally, it was to avoid Igarashi and seize the fleeting opportunity to go to the toilet or something. Later, as time went by, Izumi Sagiri's relationship with him developed rapidly due to some of Igarashi's words and deeds, at least for the first time. There is no need to do something as trivial as the bathroom when Igarashi is not at home.

The current function of the bug is to ensure that Igarashi can clearly hear what Igarashi said on the first floor. At the same time, when Igarashi goes out, he can ensure that he can keep track of everything going on in the living room.

After all, Izumi Sagiri is a girl, and she will be scared when she is left alone at home. If the time is short, that's okay, but if the time is long, she will inevitably become suspicious and worry about bad guys sneaking in.

If something unusual is heard through the bug, Izumi Sagiri can also call the police earlier.

But fortunately, nothing bad happened.

before today.

Igarashi's frightening of Kamino Megumi was extremely bad in the eyes of Izumi Sagiri.

To be honest, she had taken it seriously just now, thinking that Igarashi was going to do something random to her classmates, so she blushed and wondered whether she should stop him.

Although it is true that he does not want to have contact with Kamino Megumi, let alone go back to school to attend normal classes. But would it be too bad to let Igarashi do bad things to Kamino Megumi?

Hmm, why would my brother want to do something like that to a girl he just met once? He also used so many conspiracies and tricks, obviously I was always at home.

Do I fail in my charm as a girl? I have indeed heard that Megumi Kamino is a very popular type in school.

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