Suddenly hearing Igarashi say that this cute girl who seemed to be ignorant of the world was a dragon, Anbaina was stunned for a long time, but the girl raised her hands high at this time, and then jumped on Igarashi vigorously.

Back to back!

Igarashi smiled and held the girl's petite body, letting her lie on his back, while the girl was restless and noisy.

Anbai Nai couldn't understand the development before him.

Um, Lord Igarashi, is this dragon lady your old friend?


Then why...?

Why are you so doting on this girl?

Because she's cute. What's your name?

The first sentence, Igarashi was answering Anbai Na's question, and the latter sentence was directed at the girl on his back.

After a brief period of confusion, the girl's eyes lit up as if she had enlightened.


The girl looked at Igarashi and responded in a babbling voice.


Anbaina murmured, trying to search for information about this name in his memory.

Glenda seemed very happy to be called by her name. She narrowed her eyes and laughed. Seeing her swaying her body rhythmically on Igarashi's back, one can't help but think of a little pet wagging its tail in a good mood.

Chapter 1234 Can trace other people’s memories

The swarm of bees and snakes was eliminated with the efforts of the Lion King Agency and the special attack force.

Originally, some of the top leaders were spies from the Holy Annihilation faction. The special attack force should have caused some twists and turns, either to take this opportunity to destroy some of the power of the Lion King Organization, or to take possession of the things in the black shell, or to There are some other conspiracies.

However, before these plots could be implemented, those spies were brainwashed by Igarashi and became loyal servants. Later, these loyal servants would return to the Holy Annihilation sect's stronghold to let the little remaining power of law in themselves continue to work, and Other senior leaders of the Holy Annihilation Sect also brainwashed them.

Igarashi doesn't have a good impression of the Holy Annihilation Sect. They are neither human supremacists nor bad elements who simply want to destroy the world. To evaluate it more accurately, the Holy Annihilation Sect is actually somewhat similar to Sendumu Aye. I hope to build a perfect world without demons.

However, the construction method they chose was to place their hopes on Cain, the ancestor of the demon race who has various legends, but no one knows how true or false they are. He has been defeated once and is a loser. God of blame.

In order to achieve such a goal, the Holy Annihilation Sect began to take a series of actions that only terrorist organizations would do in the eyes of humans and demons. Before achieving the goal, they harmed their own people for small goals that they did not know whether they had any effect.

Igarashi could feel from Xiandumu Aye her beautiful wishes and the efforts she made for such wishes. Even if she wanted to build a world without abnormal abilities, Xiandumu Aye had never tried. With the goal of killing all demons and psychics, her plan is to build a huge demon-forbidden barrier to cover the world and fulfill her wish.

In comparison, the Holy Annihilation Faction is simply scum.

Maybe there is also the factor of Igarashi judging people by their appearance? Because Xiandumu Aye is a beautiful girl, and the Holy Annihilation sect is mostly made up of rough men?

Anyway, after Igarashi, who has no good impression of the Holy Annihilation Sect, decided to violently integrate them all, they will naturally become a subsidiary force of Genkami Island.

As for the Lion King Agency's request for Igarashi to come to the source of the Kamso Lake - the seal of the black shell.

She is the legacy of Holy Annihilation in the Black Shell, the weapon that claims to be able to kill gods?!

After hearing Igarashi's introduction to Glenda, both the well-informed Anbai Na and Himehara Yukina, who were very close to Glenda because of her extremely cute appearance and behavior, were all shocked. He showed an expression of disbelief.

Glenda still couldn't understand human language, but when she saw everyone staring at her with wide eyes and tilting their heads as if confused, she acted cute again.

Igarashi liked this kind of cute character without any scheming, so he rubbed Glenda's head and said.

She is a role as a storage of knowledge. She possesses the knowledge possessed by Cain, the god of blame. If someone can make good use of this knowledge, she will indeed have the ability to kill gods. In addition, Glenda also has The ability to retrace her memories.

Hearing her name, Glenda, who had been enjoying Igarashi's head-butting, finally realized that he was talking about her.

The girl seemed to understand the words tracing back other people's memories, so in order to prove the correctness of Igarashi's words, Glenda grabbed Himiragi Yukina's hand.

Ji Hiiragi Yukina blinked in confusion and did not try to struggle. Although she had just met Glenda not long ago, girls have always lacked resistance to cute things. Glenda had already conquered most of the people present with her cuteness, and Ji Hiiragi Yukina was no exception.

Then Ji Hiiragi Xuena felt some kind of power transmitted from Glenda, but she couldn't determine the specific effect of this power.

Himiragi Yukina, who didn't feel Grenda's malice, or was deceived by her cute appearance, didn't want to rely on her own spiritual power to resist this force.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Hiiragi Xuena saw Glenda retracting her hand and being enveloped by a ball of light.


Almost everyone looked puzzled by this development, but they were not confused. Soon the light dissipated, revealing another Ji Hiiragi Xuena.

The appearance is exactly the same, the figure seems to be the same, and there is no flaw in appearance.

But everyone who witnessed everything with their own eyes knew that this was Grenda. She could actually change her appearance, and she was so perfect.

When others looked surprised, at a loss, or thoughtful, Igarashi continued to explain.

After reading someone's body memory, Glenda can also change into her appearance, as you can see now.

Ji Hiiragi Yukina's face was already flushed at this moment. Seeing Glenda transform into her own appearance, and then hugging Igarashi's arms very affectionately, the girl had many associations.

Glenda used her body to have some embarrassing things happen to Igarashi, and even the scene where Igarashi loses interest in himself who has been standing still after possessing Glenda who can change his appearance.


Um, can you change back? Glenda, is it bothering me that you are like this now?

Jihe Shelley tried her best to say this in a tone that would not make Glenda dissatisfied with her and would not be too unconvincing. However, Glenda did not listen to her, or did not understand. Still smiling, he hugged Igarashi's arm and tried to climb onto his back.

It seems that Glenda did not read all of Ji Hiiragi Xuena's memories, otherwise she would not still be unable to understand human language. Ji Hiiragi Yukina could only look at Igarashi with a look that was about to cry.

Igarashi noticed it and flicked Glenda's forehead, instilling knowledge about human language into her mind.

Okay, Glenda, in the future, you cannot read the memories of the big sisters or change into their appearance without their permission. Do you understand?

After gaining knowledge from Igarashi, Glenda understood the entire sentence.

The girl smiled happily and nodded vigorously.

Yes, Glenda understands.

Chapter 1235 The Later String God Island

A few years later, the Empire of Night·Xingkami Island

Although Genkami Island has never officially announced the establishment of the Empire of Night to the world, all forces in the world have already treated it as a powerful empire.

It is far more powerful than normal meaning.

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