Xiankami Island itself has a true ancestor like other Empires of Night, and it is also the fourth true ancestor known as the most powerful vampire. This statement has not been confirmed. On the one hand, no one has ever seen the fourth true ancestor take action. To describe it a little more harshly, the Fourth True Ancestor seemed to be a homebody.

However, the excessive low-keyness of the Fourth True Ancestor Agurola has never reduced the prestige of Genkami Island, because the combat power displayed by the Genkami Island Guards alone is already terrifying to the extreme.

A small team has the ability to confront elder-level vampires or orcs who have mastered the transformation into mythical beasts, and the managers of the security team, the digital witches, have the ability to crush both of them, and are suspected to have reached the level of true ancestors.

Obviously, the power shown by those witches was not exaggerated to this extent. This unreasonable change in combat power made all the major forces a little dumbfounded.

In addition, neon official forces such as the Lion King Agency and the Taishi Bureau have publicly stated that they have become vassals of Genkami Island. There is no doubt that the sphere of influence of String Kami Island can be expanded to the entire Neon, and the Kingdom of Aldykia on the other side of the ocean has also announced that it will become an ally with String Kami Island. Coupled with the gossip circulating among the countries, various countries Only then did I realize that the damn Kingdom of Aldykia had sent the princess to Xiangami Island a long time ago.

Originally, Igarashi did not break out a real battle with a certain true ancestor, and although the three empires of the night had always been very friendly towards Genkami Island, other forces did not dare to really attack the strongest one. The name was attached to Igarashi and promoted.

However, as time went by, when the War King Realm began to restrain the forces under his command and did not commit any crimes against the Kingdom of Aldykia, when the true ancestor of the Turbid Realm and the Extinct Dynasty was witnessed by relevant people having a private meeting with Igarashi ——

The case is solved, Igarashi is the strongest.

There are the best witches, the most advanced technology, the most peaceful environment, the most stable situation and the most powerful existence on Xiankami Island.

This place has naturally become the most special place in the hearts of humans and demons.

The fact that Igarashi is a human makes the human community rejoice and do not panic because of the demons in Genkami Island, because they know that no one dares to cause trouble here, and the members of the Gengami Island Guards and various other The majority of the department's top officials are humans, and the witch who manages the security force is a superpower among advanced humans. No one will be wronged, and everyone has full confidence in this.

In the eyes of the demons, there is nothing wrong with Igarashi being human. But there are many demons among the women who are closely related to him.

Coupled with Igarashi's intention to maintain the special zone for the demons on Genkami Island, and after Igarashi took control of Genkami Island, many companies and forces that secretly captured demons for biological experiments have completely disappeared, and the demons I also understood Igarashi’s attitude.

He treats humans and demons alike.

For most demons, this place is better than the Empire of Night, because the Empire of Night still has the argument of racial supremacy. In the Empire of Night, led by the true ancestor of vampires, vampires naturally have a higher status, and among the vampire group, Those Hung ghosts with different bloodlines or lower-level ones are extremely rejected, let alone foreigners.

In comparison, Genkami Island is simply a paradise for demons.

Once you follow the rules, it really is a paradise.

Because of the power and status of Nangong Nayue and others, the witch no longer faces hostility and can publicly announce her identity. What she gets is not a cold look, but a look of envy.

It is said that if she gets the favor of Lord Igarashi, the witch who originally gained power after signing a contract with the devil can directly swallow the devil's power and knowledge with the help of Lord Igarashi, becoming a super strong person.

In recent years, many forces and countries have allowed their talented and beautiful girls to sign contracts with devils and actively want to become witches, just to gain the attention of that adult and gain strength, status and happiness.

The demons who can only borrow from different dimensions seem to have discovered that their kindred people disappear completely from time to time, and the human heart is terrible. No one has been able to sign a contract with demons for a long time, and witches have become rare existences. They are different from the ones that were used by various people before. The forces of the other side encircled and suppressed them, and few could survive. It is a true rarity that many people want to become a witch but cannot do so.

Needless to say, the vampires were very proud of themselves because of the existence of the Fourth True Ancestor Agulola and sisters Liana.

And even the orcs who were not supposed to have much contact with Igarashi heard from somewhere that there was a dragon girl beside Igarashi, and they were immediately ecstatic and regarded Glenda as a single supreme being.


Glenda herself is an innocent girl. She usually only likes to stick to Igarashi or play with other girls. She has not expressed any clear objection to this, so the orcs have a backing, although it is only what they think. But when the orcs worked and lived on Xiankami Island, they were indeed not treated differently.

Some rarer professions or races, such as alchemists and dream demons, also gathered on Xiankami Island because they discovered their respective leaders, and contributed to the cause of Xiankami Island.

Genkami Island is developing rapidly, at a speed that shocks the world and is extremely enviable.

But Igarashi himself doesn't care about this. For him, even if Genkami Island is given another hundred years to develop. It is impossible to reach the point of transcending the world. If you cannot transcend the world, you will just be a child playing house. Therefore, Igarashi does not pay special attention to the development of a certain field on weekdays, but enjoys life with cute girls.

This has been the case for several years.

The girl enjoyed the happiness she got, and Igarashi also admired their beautiful smiles.

Now, all their wishes have been fulfilled, and Igarashi can start traveling to the next world, allowing this world to fall into an evolution where internal time will stop passing.

Chapter 1236 The floor is going to be trampled through

Igarashi looks at the world from a bird's eye view.

Nayako said that an evil god like her who is in charge of chaos has been extremely powerful from the beginning of her birth, and if she wants to become stronger later, it seems that she can rely on the Fruit of Destruction to strengthen her own power of chaos. reason.

Although Igarashi gained the power of chaos with the help of Nayako and reached a state of harmony with the power of order he possesses, Igarashi still considers himself a good boy on the order side and is determined to destroy the world. Igarashi wouldn't do it.

He chose to experience all kinds of things in the world to achieve his goal of becoming stronger.

Generally speaking, when Igarashi arrives in the new world, he mostly does so as an outsider. Before, he had no identity within the relevant world. Everything had to be fought for by Igarashi himself. He was still a weakling in the past. When Igarashi first arrived in the new world, he had almost nothing except his own strength.

Money, status and power all need to be obtained by oneself.

It was a bit hard at that time, and I would even spend a lot of time on various trivial matters due to system tasks. Igarashi used to complain a lot, but now that I think about it, it is a very good memory.

When his strength gradually increased, people's hearts, life and death, time and even other things became things that could be manipulated. There was no big enemy that made him nervous for a long time. Naturally, Igarashi no longer needed to run for life, nor did he need to rush to find changes. Strong method.

Experiencing different lives is the most interesting thing for him.

In this new world, Igarashi found that he seemed to have replaced a certain guy, but it was not a complete replacement that even inherited the name and relationship, but replaced one character with another unrelated character.

This was not done by himself, but by the will of the world in some way.

It doesn't matter, if the world's will is kind, then it is naturally a good thing, and if the world's will is malicious, then Igarashi will be even happier.

Although he has no intention of destroying the world, if the will of the world is really against him, he can be regarded as a very good opponent, and the next life will be quite interesting.

Different from the comfortable and stylish mansion in Blood Attack World, Igarashi's current location is an ordinary residence with neon lights. The living room has a sofa, a dining table, a TV and other furnishings, but it is difficult to Cover up the cheapness in it.

After glancing around, Igarashi accepted the proposal of the world's will and fell into the accelerating flow of time.

As a being who has already escaped the constraints of time, Igarashi himself will not be affected by the accelerating flow of time. He can stay out of it, participate in it, feel the abnormal flow of time, and even set it right.

Naturally, other ordinary people in this world who do not have special powers cannot detect the strangeness.

In Igarashi's senses, it should be a day, but in the sense memory of all living things in this world, it is a year.

Many things happened this year, including the tragedy of the death of a loved one, but Igarashi was able to change it. But he didn't choose to take action.

This is the requirement of the world's will, and it is also Igarashi's thinking.

Do you want to give immortality to those girls who have a connection with you? 2 If you really have feelings, there is no doubt about it.

So, should we go one step further and grant immortality to those girls’ relatives and friends?

Igarashi chose no.

Friends, relatives, friends’ relatives and friends, relatives’ relatives and friends.

This will be an endless chain of relationships.

If Igarashi generously granted immortality just so that girls would not have to bear the pain of the death of their loved ones, then the world would have a large number of immortals and develop into several large families where everyone would be immortal.

Igarashi doesn't want to see that situation. At most, he will only make those people's lives better before they really reach the end of their lives.

So it became what it is now.

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