He treats me well?

Feizaki Kiriha showed a stunned expression, which made Anbaina turn up her lips.

The so-called 'temptation' you did Gofeng, which is almost like playing with fire and self-immolation, is actually quite tempting. Even a woman like me was in a trance for a moment. Igarashi did show an expression similar to expectation just now. As a result, you are wearing this kind of bathing suit that is not sentimental at all. To be honest, if I were Igarashi, I would not be able to push you to the ground and do something that you will remember for a lifetime.

As expected of the Dark Consciousness of the Lion King's agency, what Anbainai said at this moment was very direct.

Feizaki Kiriha didn't answer, and looked at Anbana silently, thinking about who he was and what his relationship was with Igarashi.

If Igarashi's attitude towards himself is good, then his attitude towards her should also be considered very good?

Anbainai stopped talking and leaned on the edge of the hot spring, silently looking at the sky.

A strong man who possesses terrifying strength but treats beautiful girls quite favorably does give people a strange sense of security.

Could it be because I am a beautiful girl myself?

What a blessing.


Although it was said that the seal in Kaminou Lake showed signs of movement, no one in the Lion King Agency seemed to be overly anxious. When Igarashi came back from the hot spring, there was already a table of prepared dishes laid out.

Although it does not taste like an extremely luxurious delicacy, the ingredients with faint spiritual power have already made it clear that this is something that ordinary people cannot taste no matter how much money they spend, and it is food that can benefit people with psychic abilities.

Since the Lion King Agency behaved calmly and looked like a hospitable person. Igarashi was not in a hurry to help them solve the sealing problem, so he naturally sat down at the dining table. Himiragi Yukina was not there, and she didn't know whether she was stimulated by Princess Kiriha's bold response to Igarashi before, or whether she went to experience it excitedly after learning that Igarashi had finished soaking in the hot springs.

Seeing Kaname Kaikawa Shio and Hanami Yuri standing very reservedly at the table, looking like they were going to be waiters, Igarashi said.

You two should sit down and eat together. You don't have to be so formal.


The girl obviously didn't expect Igarashi to be so approachable. His method that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts made them extremely afraid. Coupled with the attitude of teacher Akira Sano in front of Igarashi, in fact, in the eyes of the two girls at this moment, Igarashi is almost the same as the big devil.

One of you is a swordsman and the other is a dancing girl. You are both very good types. If the Three Saints hadn't chosen Sayaka and Yukina, you might have replaced them and had various interactions with me. Now, It's just a matter of sitting down and having a meal together, okay? I can hear your stomachs protesting.

What Igarashi said made Shio Kanamekawa and Yuri Hanami couldn't help but have corresponding associations. The facts are indeed as he said. If the higher-ups send themselves to Genkami Island...

I heard that Sayaka has established a relationship with the person in front of her, and Yukina seems to be interested in him too...

Woohoo, what are you thinking about?

Kaname Hikawa Shio and Hanami Yuri looked at each other and sat down at the dining table with their bodies tense. Unexpectedly ordinary chat. A more relaxed topic than when getting along with Akatsuki Sano-sensei.

What is the world outside the Lion King Agency like? What is the life of ordinary students on Genkami Island as a special zone for demons?

Hikawa Shio and Hanami Junri learned a lot of things from Igarashi. They quickly forgot their original restraint and began to communicate with him casually. After all, they are young girls, and even because of the education method of the Lion King Agency, to a certain extent, Hikawa Shio and Hanami Yuri are more ignorant than ordinary people.

Igarashi didn't intend to do anything with the two girls immediately, but just regarded it as a good pastime.

Chatting with beautiful girls is a pleasant thing.

Chapter 1233 Dragon Girl

When Igarashi and everyone approached Kaminou Lake, a group of monsters called bee snakes began to fly out from the bottom of the lake.

It was a small flying monster, about half the size of a human. Its body was so strong that it was difficult to break even with the sharp weapons containing spiritual power of the Lion King's mechanism, and the bullets of the special magic unit had no effect at all.

Igarashi glanced at Anbai Na and Akatsuki Sano. The special attack force was so weak in front of a mere bee snake. Naturally, it was not entirely this force's problem. The main reason is that the Lion King Agency hid some information, such as the number and strength of the bees and snakes, so that they could not prepare corresponding targeted weapons in advance.

It seems that the Lion King Agency is trying to find out the spies of the Holy Annihilation Faction who are part of the special attack force and use bees and snakes to weaken their power.

With Igarashi taking control of the top management of the special attack force, there was no need to continue this plan. However, the Lion King Agency had no intention of recounting the truth out of shame.

Facing the sea of ​​monsters in the sky, the shrine maidens led by Akatsuki Sano and others, as well as the special attack force, seemed a little stretched.

Igarashi looked to his side. He was obviously the Three Saints, one of the strongest forces in the Lion King Organization. However, at this moment, he was not participating in the battle, but Anbai Na was standing next to him.

Not going to help? If just this level of monster swarm makes you tired to deal with, I may have to re-estimate the power of the Lion King mechanism.

I made you laugh, but our miko from the Lion King Agency still has some energy left.

In terms of direct combat ability alone, Anbaina is actually the weakest among the Three Saints. Her special ability [God Save the Queen] is the ability to unite and fight. The commander who can realize the joint operations of a large group of thousands of people is the commander of the legion.

However, there are currently a large number of people present, and those who need a commander to exert their strongest combat power are special attack forces, forces that are not part of the Lion King's organization. In front of Igarashi, Anbai Na has no intention of using his ability to let other forces shine.

Igarashi has no intention of helping yet. Kiriha Haizaki, who originally belonged to the Taishi Bureau and now regards herself as a member of Genkami Island, will naturally not take the initiative to help the Lion King Agency handle chores. Although the kind-hearted Yukina Himiragi knows her position, she cannot look at Kaname Hikawa. Shio and Hanami Yuri, two former classmates, were in trouble. After asking Igarashi for permission, they immediately rushed to the battlefield to help.

The power of the sword wizard cannot significantly change the situation in such a large-scale horizontal battle, but Wu Weiyuan can.

Shio Hikawa who uses the improved six-style demon-suppressing bow. Under the cover of Yuba Yuri and others, she shot an arrow containing most of her spiritual power towards the center of the swarm of bee snakes. The spiritual power arrow exploded in mid-air, instantly clearing dozens of bee snakes. .

A member of the Lion King Agency finally showed off an excellent attack, and Anbaina couldn't help but smile slightly, just when she wanted to observe Igarashi's expression. When he was confirming his attitude towards the Lion King organization, he found that he was actually standing with himself. Igarashi, who was on the edge of the battlefield, suddenly appeared at the core of the battlefield.

Where there should have been only the body of the bee snake, a girl strangely appeared standing in the cold pure white dew.

When I saw Igarashi, the petite girl jumped closer.

A cute girl with a kind and innocent smile, and thick gray hair that reaches her ankles.

She looked at the coat that suddenly appeared on her body with a little confusion. She didn't recognize the time when the coat appeared. However, the girl was sure of one thing. It was Igarashi who gave her clothes to wear.

The girl turned to look at Igarashi. He blinked his eyes and tilted his head slightly to make a sound.


This overly cute look made Igarashi smile and reach out his hand to rub the girl's head.

If you are willing, follow me from now on.

The Lion King Agency believes that in the Kaminou Lake, there is a divine weapon sealed in the black shell that is the legacy of the Holy Annihilation, and they seek help from Igarashi. In addition to not wanting to continue sacrificing the witch alive to maintain the seal, there was also some intention of offering him the god-killing weapon to take credit.

In fact, there are no god-killing weapons at all in Shensheng Lake.

The girl who first got a virgin condom and then had her head touched by fifty points opened her eyes happily.

They were a pair of iron-gray eyes, bright and pure.

she is?

Anbainai had already followed and saw the girl with suspicious origins. I couldn't help but ask Igarashi.

The girl herself didn't seem to be able to understand human speech, and she stared in confusion at the moment, and Igarashi answered.

The dragons in the black shell seal possess [knowledge].

The dragon race, which is rumored to be extinct, is a race that cannot be seen in the Demon Race Zone, Genkami Island.

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