I had already suspected it before. Liana and Tiana were sisters, and now the Meiya sisters are also. Originally, Kosaka Sayaka thought Igarashi had some strange obsession with sisterly taste, but now it seems that she Still underestimated him, the other person's hobbies are very wide.

This is the artificial life form created by Lotharingia Biotechnology Company - Astaludi. She was in a deep sleep stage because she failed to control the familiars. We infused enough magic power into her to help her control the familiars and told her Some basic things about her.”

There is no doubt that the basic knowledge mentioned by Sister Meiya is to regard Igarashi as the master.

Just when Igarashi was about to highly appreciate this series of actions of Meiya sisters, a crack appeared in the mid-air not far away, and Minami Manazuki walked out of it.

I heard that a force has provoked you. Is it this company?

Natsuki Minami is the magic attack master of Genkami Island. If it were not for the official interference of Nagok before, Nanzhen Natsuki would probably become the person with the greatest say in Gengami Island. Whether it is strength or character, Nanzhen Natsuki will Let everyone on Xian Kami Island be convinced.

Although Igarashi has now taken control of Xian Shen Island, he has not deliberately tried to subdue Nangong Nayue's already rough power. At this moment, the other party learned about Igarashi's unconcealed action this time, which was expected. matter.

Yes, I'm a little surprised when I say that. Even the three true ancestors don't dare to provoke me. This company, which is supported by vampire elders at most, dares to make trouble secretly. It's really courageous. But if every time If you can gain me a beautiful girl, I hope there are more enemies like this.

Beautiful girl?

Hearing Igarashi's words, Nazuki Nazuki's eyes moved across Kosaka Sayaka, Miya's sisterly look, and finally landed on Astaludi.

I heard that Lotharingchia Biotechnology Company secretly created an artificial life form. Is it her?

Hey, I'm pretty well informed.

Igarashi's teasing words made Nangong Nayue curl her lips.

I only found out about it when I asked your security team leaders on the way here. I'm really grateful that you didn't let them hide the relevant information from me.

Of course, Nangong Nayue didn't really thank her. She was showing her dissatisfaction in a subtle way.

Originally, Nan Yi had great influence in the garrison, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he could directly give orders to their superiors. As a result, now, if Igarashi had not planned to hide the relevant matters from her, Nangong Nayue would probably think that nothing happened and stay in Caihai Academy with peace of mind.

Okay, okay, it was indeed my negligence before. I forgot to ask my subordinates to give you the authority you deserve. Starting tomorrow, you will have the status of arbitrarily transferring people at or below the level of secretary of the security force.

Secretary? You still follow the hierarchy of the library organization. I do know the levels of secretary and ordinary members, but what is the level above the secretary? Is that the person in charge of the library organization? Aye is still in jail obviously...

Above the secretary, there are witches like Sister Meiya. Why, do you still want to order them?

Igarashi's words caused Sister Meiya to stare at Nangong Nayue with hostile eyes. Seeing this, Nangong Nayue was speechless for a moment.

How could these two witches who had committed various crimes become like this now?

Of course not, so what are you going to do with her?

Minami Manazuki pointed at Astalute.

Of course I brought it home, just in time to share some work with Liana and the others.

Nangong Nayue showed an inexplicable smile.

you sure?

Are you sure? Is there any problem?

It's astonishing that this company can successfully create an artificial life form with a beast inside it. Having accomplished this feat, they probably wouldn't instill common sense in life into this girl, right? They should be planning to use her as a war weapon.


Igarashi turned his head and looked at Astarte, who had been expressionless throughout.

Can you do housework?

Housework, what is that?

Astarte tilted her head expressionlessly, questioningly.

Chapter 1195 As the manager of Genkami Island, I treat everyone equally

The original destiny of the artificial life form Astaludi was to constantly fight against powerful enemies and clear obstacles for Lotharingkia Biotechnology Company. Its own life and death are not of concern to anyone.

Familiar beasts are originally an exclusive term for vampires, because familiar beasts will not only devour the host's magic power, but also consume its lifespan. Only vampires who have been cursed by gods and have a negative lifespan can withstand the demands of familiar beasts. Others, even if they are powerful Orcs, or some kind of human genius with extraordinary spiritual power would be fine.

Of course, Astarte can't do it either. She will be slowly devoured by the beasts that live in her blood, and even die. From the moment she was born, Astarte is destined not to live long, and it is precisely because of her short lifespan. , Lotharingia Biotechnology Company was supposed to give Astaludi a life of constant fighting and give full play to her value.

And Igarashi, who ordered the destruction of this branch of the company and rescued Astarte, was his benefactor. Just asking her to do housework was definitely not a bad request.

Originally, there were not many household chores at the Igarashi residence, and with food and lodging included and generous remuneration, this was undoubtedly a lucrative job - just right.

As a result, Astaludi didn't know how to do housework.

If you just take her home like this, let alone lightening the burden on the vampire sisters, Igarashi feels that it is more like increasing the burden. Just after a while, he checked a little and found that Astaludi can not only control the attacks of familiar beasts, , I know nothing about all kinds of common sense of life.

Okay, now it seems that there is another useless cutie like Agulola in the family?

Just as Igarashi was thinking this, Nangong Nayue next to him spoke.

Leave her to me.

Leave it to you? I don't think so. This is the person I rescued.

Igarashi had no intention of handing over Astaludi. When he heard Nangong Nazuki's robbing words, he directly protected Astaludi who was watching the development of the matter expressionlessly.

This action made Nangong Nayue roll her eyes.

Now Astaludi doesn't understand anything and can't help you with housework, why are you so persistent? It's true that you can't control your inner desires when you see a beautiful girl, and you don't mind even if the other person is an artificial life. What?

Yes, I just lust after her body. I am honest and deserve praise.

Nangong Nayue was dumbfounded by Igarashi's words. She had never thought that this guy with the power and influence to change the world could actually let go of his reserve and say this.

The Maya sisters next to them looked at Igarashi with sparkling eyes, seeming to think that he should indeed be praised. Astaludi still looked expressionless. Although she looked like a beautiful girl, she had just been born into this world not long ago. She didn't understand the meaning of Igarashi's words at all, and the only one who was still normal was Kyosaka Sayaka.

The girl was shocked by the fifty o'clock speech and puffed up her face angrily, but that was all.

Are you really philanthropic?

Nangong Nayue's delicate and pretty face was a little dark, but Igarashi Tulan didn't care.

Thank you for the compliment. As the manager of the Demon Zone, you should uphold the principle of equality. There is no distinction between races. This is the quality I should have.

After a short pause, Igarashi looked at Astaludi, then at Nangong Nazuki, and asked curiously.

By the way, why do you care so much about Astaludi? It feels like you came here just to take her away.

Because she is an artificial life form, I originally thought that you would get rid of her by using iron-blooded means to eliminate Lotan Lingkia Biotechnology Company, and I couldn't bear it. But it turns out that I was overly worried. As long as it's beautiful, Girls will receive preferential treatment from you, I will keep this conclusion in mind.

Actually, it's not impossible for you to take away Astaludi.

Hearing Igarashi's change of rhetoric, Nangong Nayue raised a nice eyebrow.

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