No, I thought you were going to make some excessive demands, so I chose to give up.


Igarashi really didn't expect that Nangong would give up so decisively that month. Originally, he wanted to say, Why don't you take Astaludi to live in my house? My house is quite big.

It's so boring.

Taking care of and teaching Agurola among the vampire sisters is already a lot of work. If you add Astraupon to the mix, their free time will also be taken up, so——

Then Sister Maya, you will be responsible for taking care of and teaching Astaludi from now on, okay?

Please feel free to leave it to us, Igarashi-sama.

Sister Meiya was shaken, but she made a serious promise.

Nowadays, the Maya sisters also live in Igarashi's residence. In essence, Astaludi was still taken home by Igarashi, but the person taking care of her was not Igarashi.

As a result, Nangong Nayue next to him seemed unable to sit back and watch.

What request did you want to make before? Let me tell you, if Astalu is handed over to these two witches, haven't you heard that those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black?

If the Maya sisters take care of Astaludi, the artificial life form's personality will become similar to the Maya sisters. Igarashi heard this subtext.

But he felt that there was no problem at all. Although the Maya sisters were somewhat indifferent to the lives of others, they were extremely loyal and loving to themselves. If Astaludi moved closer to the Maya sisters, it would not be a bad thing for Igarashi at all.

He is as cold and ruthless to his enemies as ice, but he is as cute and loyal to himself as a pet. This is full of cuteness, isn't it?

However, since Nangong changed his mind that month, Igarashi had no intention of teasing her.

My request is that you also move into my residence. If you nod, I will agree to hand over Astarte to you.

Once Nangong moved in that month. It doesn't matter whether I give Astalus Steam to her or not.

Igarashi's wolfish ambition made Nangong Nayue speechless for a moment, with disgust in his eyes.

I am now a body made of magic power. Are you sure you want to do this?

Xiao Nayue, where did you think you were going? I have always respected girls' wishes. Although I don't mind some special ways of playing in the future. But if you don't agree, I won't force it.

Chapter 1196 Do you have any good friends?

As a result, Astaludi was taken away by Nangong Nazuki, and Igarashi did not let her live in his home.

Nangong Nayue has a knot in her heart. Her heart is covered with a layer of protection as the body that guards the prison sleeps. She will keep a certain distance from everyone, and the relationship between Igarashi and her has reached that limit. .

The previous words were just teasing Nangong Nayue, and Igarashi would not threaten others on such matters.

The reason why Nangong Nazuki was asked to take Astaludi away was not only because Astaruti had just come to the world and was ignorant of many things and needed someone to teach her carefully, but also because Igarashi knew that Nangong Nazuki was a little lonely.

Nangong Nayue, whose body is sleeping in prison, has been relying on the hypocritical body shaped by magic power to move around in the outside world. He can also feel the taste of the food and drinks Wu Qiqi eats in his mouth normally, and sleeps like a normal person, even if it is The magical body also allowed Nangong Nayue to create a famous name in the world. There is no doubt about her power.

Nanzhen was just a little lonely that month. From the day he imprisoned his best friend who had too terrible thoughts, from the day his body stayed in the prison with his best friend, Nangong Nayue has been living alone. With.

The love of the students at Ayami Academy allowed her to relieve a little of her sadness, but it was just a little bit. How could the students, who were mostly just ordinary people, understand the troubles of the Gap Witch.

Now that there is an additional Astaludi, and he has to take on the task of teaching her, Nangong's life will probably change that month.

Igarashi sent Nangong Nazuki and Astaludi away. Take the same steps.

Let's go home.

With the appearance of Teacher Rudolf on Genkami Island, the series of events triggered did not end here, but Igarashi no longer needed to do anything for this. He had already given the order and the rest would naturally be completed by his subordinates. .

Halfway through, Sayaka Kosaka, who was following Igarashi, finally couldn't help her curiosity and asked.

You said that before. Did you let Nangong Nayue take Astaludi away in the end?

Of course those words were a joke. Well, the phrase upholding the principle of equality in them is not a joke. You may not know much about Nangong. Nangong Nayue will reveal a little information to you. She has always lived alone, so She has a good relationship with her fellow teacher Senzaki, so she is undoubtedly lonely, so I’ll just let Astalute keep her company.”

Igarashi's words shocked Koita Sayaka, who was still a little unhappy about his unabashedly revealed flirtatious thoughts, and she muttered after a while.

So you care about people so much.

That's right. Speaking of Sayaka, you seem to live alone, in such a big house.

I'm not moving in with you!

Before Igarashi could finish speaking, he was interrupted by an angry Kyosaka Sayaka. Igarashi, who understood the other person's character, didn't take it seriously. Then he spoke.

Originally, I wanted to ask you if you have any good friends in the Lion King Agency. Although you are currently in Saikai Academy and have a good relationship with Lan Yu Asazu, she has her own family after all, and it is impossible for me to live with you. I will go to your house to talk to you in the middle of the night. If you have friends in the Lion King Agency, I can also ask the Three Saints for someone to come over and make love with you. Since you are so resistant, forget it.

Huh? Uh-huh?!

Realizing that things were not what she imagined, Sayaka Kosaka quickly changed her words.

Yes, I have a good friend, Himiragi Yukina. She is the sword wizard of the Lion King organization and is also my best friend.

Best friend, Lan Yu Qiancong and I will both feel sad after saying this.

Well, I don't know Nianjiu after all, Qian Cong, as for you.

You are my only friend of the opposite sex.

This was a subtle enough statement, but Sayaka Kosaka still couldn't say it out loud, and Igarashi had no intention of letting it go.

What am I?

Anyway, you and Yukina are different. It's really troublesome. After asking so many things, can you let Yukina come to Genkami Island?

Of course it can.

The current timeline is still early, and Ji Hiiragi Yukina should be just a little girl who has just entered junior high school. However, this also means that Igarashi can be cultivated to a certain extent during her immature stage.

Speaking of which, compared to the arrogant Sayaka Kosaka, Yukina Himiragi seems to have no shortcomings.

Coming to the same road as Kyosaka Sayaka, after watching her walk into the house, Igarashi turned around and walked towards his own house, which was just around the corner. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. .

I am here.

He was quickly connected, and a young-sounding female voice came through. Her words were short and crisp, but it was easy to hear her helplessness and slight nervousness.

Feidao. How are your studies lately? If you encounter any difficulties, you can come and ask me for help?

Igarashi's tone was very casual, causing the other party to be silent for a moment, and then the helplessness became more obvious.

Lord Igarashi, since you called out the surname Hiida, what you want to do is not chatting with the students of Saikai Academy, but what order do you want to give to the Three Saints of the Lion King Agency? Please? Said that as long as it does not violate the principle, I can agree on behalf of the Lion King Agency.

On the other side of the phone, in Akai Academy, the name Isugu Ei is used as an ordinary student, but in the Lion King Agency, she is a girl named Hiida Koe, one of the three saints, and her tone gradually becomes more recognized. 44 Get real.

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