Watching them bow to Igarashi and leave quickly, Sayaka Kosaka still had a dumbfounded expression. During this period, Azure Asazu, who had been covering her eyes by her, said in trouble. road.

Well, can I take a look at the situation now?

Oh, sorry, I forgot.

Kosaka Sayaka let go of her hand. She had heard Igarashi's conversation with others before, and Azure Asazu, who had heard many unknown names of people and places, looked around curiously, but found nothing.

Except for a few cracks in the street that had been ravaged by violence, there was nothing unusual about it.

Chapter 1193 Artificial Life Form

Lan Yu Qingcong, who didn't know enough about some information that ordinary people couldn't get, couldn't clearly understand the meaning of the conversation just now. She just understood it from the cracks and pits in the ground that could not be repaired for a while. It’s just a power that is beyond everyone’s understanding.

To be able to subdue such a prisoner, the security team of Genkami Island is very powerful, and Igarashi who can order the security team is even more powerful.

Lan Yu Qiancong only came to these rough conclusions. She felt a little ashamed of her ignorance and planned to use computer technology a little bit to understand knowledge that ordinary people didn't know well when she returned home.

In Igarashi's eyes, this is not a big deal. In fact, if the demon was not easily provoked by Teacher Annihilation and destroyed the demon login bracelet to actively attack, Igarashi would have appeared earlier.

If Teacher Jian wanted to harm the demon who had not launched an attack, Igarashi would stop him, but it was a pity that the demon was not very smart.

Neither the opponent's active throwing of weapons nor the subsequent series of words and deeds revealed the strength gap between the two, nor could he control his own emotions. He was easily provoked by the opponent and launched an attack. The moment the demon took the initiative, he From then on, he changed from an absolute innocent to a person who also violated the regulations and committed two crimes of [intending to commit murder] and [destroying the demon login bracelet].

So Igarashi sat back and watched his death.

A weak person without self-awareness, Igarashi can't even move to save him. She is not a beautiful girl, and she doesn't even have the value of giving love education.

First, when he sent Aizan Asazu home, and then returned with Kyosaka Sayaka, Igarashi suddenly received a call.

We have discovered a 'thing' that is somewhat difficult to deal with at Rotanlingchia Biotechnology Company. Please give us instructions.

The caller was not from the security team of Genkami Island. Those people did not know that the caller on Igarashi's personal phone was Sister Meiya. She was a witch in the library organization before and was later taken over by Igarashi's reinforced engineering force. Security work at Juran's residence.

Well, Yu was pushed down by Igarashi a few days ago. The change in relationship prevented Igarashi from letting them serve as guards anymore and gave them enough free time. It seems that the Maya sisters learned about the previous information from the security team. What happened was helping to clean up the forces of Rotan Lingkia Biotechnology Company on Xian Shen Island.

Is it difficult to deal with it? Even with your current combat power, is it difficult to deal with it? That technology company is quite powerful.

There was some interest in Igarashi's words. When talking to the Meiya sisters, he did not think about his words because Koitasa Yaka was by his side, showing a high level of trust.

It's not a matter of combat power, it's an artificial life form that has just been cultivated. Lotharingchia Biotechnology Company used prohibited methods to cultivate artificial life, and transplanted a familiar beast into her body. It seems that I want to use it as a weapon of war.

Artificial life form...

Speaking of which, according to the original plot development, the teacher should not have appeared alone. Now because the timeline is too early, she has just been created not long ago.

I'll go there now.

Igarashi hung up the phone and looked at Sayaka Kosaka beside her.

Next, I'm going to the Rotan Lingkia Biotechnology Branch on Xian Shen Island. If you're curious, do you want to come with me?

Is it really possible?

Kosaka Sayaka felt that she had heard a lot of things she shouldn't have heard since the conflict broke out before. If it was expected that Igarashi would hire many powerful subordinates, then the Battle King Domain The information that Vatra is also his subordinate is beyond everyone's expectation. At least the Lion King Agency has no knowledge of this matter.

If she reported it, the Lion King Agency would probably praise her highly, but Sayaka Kyosaka didn't want to report it and she planned to pretend not to hear it.

I felt a little ashamed of cultivating my Lion King Organization, but now Igarashi is inviting himself to come into contact with more things. Isn’t this forcing myself to feel sorry for the Lion King Organization even more?


Of course, I don't think I need to hide anything from you.

When Igarashi said this, Kosaka Sayaka, who was still a little angry, instantly became elated, and an uncontrollable smile appeared on her face.

Then I will follow you. If you are lying to me, it is too late to regret now!

I have always been an upright person and would lie about this kind of thing.

What would that be a lie about?

Nowadays, Sayaka Kosaka can put down her psychological burden and follow her inner curiosity to ask Igarashi.

Let me think about it, um, for example, Saya Kosaka is not a tsundere, this sentence is a lie.

Ahhh, I'm really not a tsundere!

If you are not a tsundere, you should take the initiative to express your feelings. Now there is an opportunity in front of you. Come on, kiss me and I will believe that you are not an tsundere.

No, you just want to take advantage of me!

The result is that she is a tsundere.

Liana, Zang'er Tiana, and sisters Meiya are much more proactive.

Igarashi curled his lips and said nothing more. He led Sayaka Kosaka to a corner of Genkami Island. This is the area occupied by various large international companies. As a special zone for demons, Genkami Island is very popular in the world. famous. Coupled with the ultra-high technology contained in this artificial island, as well as the special abilities of the demons, it has attracted the favor of many large companies who have spent a lot of money to rent their own land here and set up branches.

Rotanlingchia Biotechnology Company is one of them. It occupies a large area, but now a cordon has been set up. The employees lined up and walked out under the supervision of heavily armed security personnel. .

They were not so honest originally, but after seeing their fiercely resisting companions being suppressed by the police with more cruel methods, they all became more honest.

Chapter 1194 Can you do housework?

In this company, those who participated in this operation, or those who have other conspiracies against Genkamijima or even Igarashi, will be treated as they deserve, and those innocent workers who do not know about it, Wu Julan would not go too far. After the police investigation confirmed their innocence, they would naturally let them go.

Lord Igarashi.

Igarashi brought Kyosaka Sayaka to the inside of the company base. Sister Meiya, who had already arrived here before, greeted them, showing a very obedient and respectful attitude. However, this attitude seemed very strange when combined with the fact that there were scattered broken firearms and bloodstains in the second area of ​​​​the server not far away.

One moment ago, they were supposed to be the witches who bloodyly wiped out the resistance forces of Lotan Lingkia Biotechnology Company, but now they were transformed into innocent and lovely girls in front of Igarashi.

That overly well-behaved posture was even incompatible with their preference for Yu Jie.

No need to be so respectful, you are not just my subordinates now.

Igarashi looked at the Meiya sisters who seemed to be asking for credit, touched their heads, and said so in a gentle tone.

There was a certain deep meaning in these words. Kyosaka Sayaka Gon next to her acted as if she didn't hear it, and at the same time, she also pretended that she didn't see Igarashi's actions. She wouldn't expect such a childish head-touch.

While on mission. We remain your loyal subordinates, Lord Igarashi.

As Sister Meiya spoke, she waved to a laboratory deeper in the area, and soon a girl with blue hair and blue eyes came over.

Give me your order, Master.

The girl came to Igarashi, bowed slightly, and said this in a calm tone.

The word Master made Sayaka Kosaka look at Igarashi in a strange way. Does this guy have any special hobbies?

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