The intention of the Lion King Agency is obvious, it is to please Igarashi.

After getting the answer, Nangong fell into silence that month, and then planned to leave, but Yuantang Yuan said calmly.

Have you not been tempted after seeing the current situation of Meiya's group of girls? Get rid of the shackles of the devil's contract and see the world with your true body.

The reason why I guard the prison is not entirely because of the devil's contract.

In order to protect the safety of Genkami Island and even the world? As long as you explain your wishes to Igarashi, it won't be a troublesome thing to deal with those troublesome prisoners in the prison, right? And with your relationship with Igarashi, or rather With Igarashi’s special attitude towards you, the probability of him agreeing to your request is very high.”


Nangong Nayue didn't say anything more, turned around and left in silence.

In addition to the extremely guilty prisoners in the prison, there is also his best friend Xiandumu Aye.

Putting Xiandumu Aye in prison is Nangong Nayue's way of protecting her, because Xiandumu Aye's ideal is too terrible - to build a world without any demons and other extraordinary powers.

Not to mention the possibility of implementation, just publicizing this ideal is enough to make the Empire of Night, the Lion King Agency, etc., whether they are demons or human organizations with special powers, regard them as enemies. If it weren't for Nangong If Xiandumu Aye was imprisoned in a closed prison that month, perhaps her best friend would die in the attacks of various forces.

As the current leader of the library organization, Igarashi also showed a special attitude towards Sendumu Aye. Whether he is just lusting after his best friend's beauty or agreeing with his best friend's ideals, it is a very bad thing.

Her real body has been sleeping in the prison for a long time, and she has become somewhat accustomed to the life of moving in a magical body.

Nangong Nayue didn't plan to take risks, she wanted to maintain the status quo.

Chapter 1186 Lan Yu Qian Cong

Ever since Igarashi said that he wanted to help him solve his troubles, Sayaka Kyosaka has indeed not felt targeted by others anymore, which is very strange, but if it was Igarashi, it wouldn't be too strange.

Moreover, during this period, Sayaka Kyosaka also made a good friend-Azure Asazu.

Originally, she was supposed to be a very beautiful girl, but unexpectedly she was not very good at dressing up, and she did not go out of her way to make friends with her classmates on weekdays. In addition, she was always sitting in her seat during class studying things that her classmates could not understand, so Everyone regards her as a maverick and not many people take the initiative to contact her.

But Sayaka Kosaka is different. As Maiweiyuan of the Lion King Agency, Sayaka Kosaka can feel the specialness of Lan Yu Asakon, but she can’t tell what is special. However, a group of students had previously targeted her. At that time, Lan Yu Qiancong was sure that Wu Er Qi didn't do that. She had been reading a book. The title of the book seemed to be Java from Beginner to Master? So what is Java?

With such doubts, Sayaka Kyosaka and Aizawa Asaki started talking, and then they found out during the conversation that the other person was a girl with a very good personality.

It turns out that Java is a type of computer language, and Lan Yu Qiancong seems to be very good at computer things.

Sayaka Kosaka is not good at these things. The ancient teaching method of the Lion King Organization makes her not very familiar with many modern electronic products. She is only familiar with mobile phones because she needs to contact her from time to time. As for computers and the like Things I have never touched before.

Of course, Kosaka Sayaka doesn't want to learn Java. She just learns basic computer operations from Lan Yu Asakion. And now, she is inviting Lan Yu Asakion to have dinner together as a reward for Lan Yu Asakion's popularization of computer knowledge to her. .

Um, Asakusa-san, are you free next?

Her long, smooth black hair fell down without any hairstyle. Her beautiful big eyes were mostly covered by the bangs on her forehead and her glasses. In addition, she didn't have any extra decorations on her body. She was in an ordinary school uniform. Lan Yu Qiancong is obviously a beautiful girl without a doubt, but she dresses like a local girl and doesn't attract too many people's attention.


Hearing what this friend whom Gangfeng had known for a short time said, Lan Yu Qiancong put away another book in her hand, Python from Beginner to Master. She knew very well that she still had to be careful when talking to others. Good, otherwise it will be suspected of being disrespectful.

Look, you told me so much knowledge before, and I want to treat you to a meal. Well...I may invite another friend during the process. Then we can all come together, okay?

Lan Yu Asakon didn't pay too much attention to who the other friend Kyosaka Sayaka was talking about. Her attention was entirely focused on another place.

Eating? Okay, okay, but I have a big appetite. Are you sure you want to treat me to dinner?

Although she seems to be a lonely person in ordinary life, Ami Asaki is actually a very lively and cheerful girl. Only her friends can see her like this. Kyosaka Sayaka becomes the one who understands Ami Asō's true face. people.

At this moment, seeing Lan Yu Asan, she did not intend to refuse, but showed an unabashed reaction of expectation, and Kyosaka Sayaka was not surprised.


Thank you so much! I just want to have a big meal. I was thinking about finding a part-time job to make money, but if you treat me, I'll talk about the part-time job later. Let's go, let's go. Go and call your other friend and let’s go!”

Lan Yu Qian Cong energetically waved her arms, which was far different from the way she used to read quietly. However, it was precisely because of this interesting character of being as quiet as a virgin and yet free from movement that made Sayaka Huangsaka willing to frequent Get in touch with her.

ten minutes later

Igarashi looked at the girl coming behind Kosaka Sayaka, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and asked nonchalantly.

Who is this?

Lan Yu Qianconi, my good friend, I want to take her to eat. Do you know where there is a suitable restaurant on Xian Kami Island? Can you take us there?

During this period, in addition to getting to know Aizane Asazu, Kosaka Sayaka also got to know Igarashi further, and her life became much more casual.

In fact, Kosaka Sayaka's character was originally tsundere-y, but it doesn't matter that there is no emotional involvement between men and women yet.

So you're just here to have fun with me?

how come!

You don't treat me as a tool and let me take you to the restaurant and then leave immediately, right? If we are eating together, in the end I will definitely have to show my gentlemanly demeanor to entertain the guests. I always You can't just show off when you meet new friends, because in terms of results, you're just cheating.

After Igarashi said this, he didn't wait for Kosaka Sayaka to refute, and turned to look at Ai Yu Asan.

I'm Igarashi, a high school student at Ayakai Academy. I don't know if Sayaka has told you before that I haven't, so I'd like to introduce myself a little bit. By the way, is there anything you particularly like to eat?

Hello, I have no taboos. You guys have decided.

Although she was very lively and cheerful in front of Koitasa Yaka, when facing the male Igarashi, Aiyu Asakusa became a little more reserved, not because he was a famous figure in Kagekai Academy. Show excitement.

Then leave it to me.

Igarashi nodded, motioned for the two of them to follow him, and began to lead the way.

Nowadays, Igarashi has almost mastered all departments of Genkami Island. In addition, the Empire of Night in the outside world has recognized Igarashi's existence. It doesn't matter if he regards Genkami Island as his own territory. He wants to find a qualified restaurant. Of course it's not difficult.

However, Igarashi, who was walking on the road with two beautiful girls, finally attracted a lot of attention. Even among the three of them, it was Kyosaka Myoyaka who was walking in the middle, Igarashi and Aiha Asan. Walking on both sides, but as the only male, Igarashi, who is suspected to be the winner of life, is still envied and hated by many people. Of course, there are also those who envy Aoi Asakusa and Kosaka Sayaka for having such a A female passerby accompanied by a karmic male.

All kinds of stares made both Kosayaka and Lan Yu Asan feel a little uncomfortable.

Why, when you came to see me before, didn't you expect this situation? It's such a fool's errand, Sayaka.

Of course I expected it. It doesn't matter. Anyway, Chongshi is not what they thought. Just ignore it.

Just as Igarashi guessed, as long as she is provoked casually, Sayaka Kyosaka will reveal her tsundere nature. Now Igarashi wants to try to see if he can use the provocation method to make this girl more cute. .

Chapter 1187 You never gave me a gift

Igarashi slowed down invisibly, which also caused the distance between Sayaka Kyosaka and him, who was still moving at the original speed, to suddenly become closer. The atmosphere became weirder, but Sayaka Kyosaka seemed to be Wanting to prove what he just said, his face was obviously flushed, but he still held on.

This situation continued into the restaurant, where Igarashi and Kyosaka Sayaka sat opposite each other, and Azuha Asazu sat next to Kyosaka Sayaka.

Of course, Sayaka Kosaka will not save money for Igarashi. People who can be feared by the Lion King's organization cannot lack money. Although she will not take this opportunity to spy on Igarashi, she still wants to eat it. Just ordering whatever you want is not meant to be too polite.

When Lan Yu Qiancong next to her saw it, she somewhat let go of her scruples. Originally, she had planned to order the cheapest thing to be polite.

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