At the end——

Qian Cong, I never thought that you have such a big appetite.

Looking at Aizan Asazu who finished two plates of food alone, Kosaka Sayaka showed a shocked expression.

This appetite is completely unlike that of a junior high school girl. No, even an adult male would not have such an appetite. Unless he is the kind of guy who has done physical work for a day without eating, he can only eat so much in one go. However, Lan Yu Qian Cong's It seems that eating so much at once is very common for her.

Uh...I do have a big appetite, sorry.

Lan Yuqiang was very happy and engaged when eating, but now after eating Zong, she realized how much she had eaten, and she looked embarrassed. She first apologized, and then looked at Igarashi asked a little nervously.

How about I pay for it myself? I won't let you spend money.

One of Lan Yu's hobbies is food. When he first browsed the menu, most of his attention was on the pictures of the dishes, and he didn't pay much attention to the prices. But now that he thinks about it carefully, he can vaguely remember it. These are expensive things.

Prices on Xiankami Island are already higher than those in the outside world, and the price of this high-end restaurant on Xiankami Island is already a bit beyond ordinary people's imagination.

I took the initiative to treat you before, but now I have to pay for the girl just because she shows a good appetite. This is too embarrassing. I am also very happy to see you eating so satisfactorily. Do you want to eat anything else? You're welcome, you may not believe it, but I'm actually quite rich.

Next to him, Igarashi propped his head up with great interest, looking at the Azuha Asagawa with some pastry cream on the corner of his mouth. This simplicity of laughing because of eating delicious food was very similar to Agulola. picture.

However, Igarashi naturally does not think that Lan Yu Qiancong is as innocent as Agulola. The family situation of the other party's father who has just remarried has determined that she will only mature earlier than her peers.

In fact, Igarashi had learned about Ami Asaki's family situation before and planned to get to know her when the time was right. Unexpectedly, Sayaka Usaka took the initiative to bring her to meet him.

Thank you, thank you.

Lan Yu Qian Cong thanked him very embarrassedly.

Speaking of which, you are obviously a beautiful girl, but this outfit doesn't suit you very well. Do you need my help to show you more of your charm?

Igarashi was saying these words to Lan Yu Asakusa, but Koitasa Yaka was listening with inexplicable emotions in her heart.

Why do I always feel that it was a wrong choice for me to bring Lan Yu Qianzuo into contact with Igarashi?

Is it the guilt of sending one's friends into a tiger's mouth? It does not seem…

Huh? Beautiful, beautiful girl or something, are you really talking about me?

Lan Yu Qianzuo looked around to make sure there was no one else behind him. After looking at Igarashi here, he was indeed talking to him. The red head that had just dissipated quickly appeared in a more obvious posture.

Yeah, I'm talking about you. In fact, in my heart, you should be a gorgeous beautiful girl. You seem to be a little short-sighted, so you wear glasses, right? Since you are Sayaka's friend, I will give you the first one A small gift is ready.

Igarashi signaled Lan Yu Qianzuo to close her eyes. The girl was a little nervous, but surprisingly well-behaved. She closed her eyes obediently, and then she felt something warm touching her eyes.

It seemed to be Igarashi's finger, which was very comfortable. In addition, his glasses seemed to have been taken off.


When Lan Yu Qianqing opened her eyes again, the girl was extremely shocked to find that she could still see everything around her clearly without wearing glasses.

You must know that because she likes to read and learn computer knowledge, and often uses computers to learn and apply knowledge and even further research, she had mild myopia before and had to wear glasses. Now, with Igarashi's ten o'clock movement, her eyesight is It actually recovered.

Well, without wearing glasses, part of your hidden charm has been revealed. As for the remaining part of the hair, I recommend that you dye your 170 hair blonde? Although black hair is also good, I think gorgeous blonde hair It’s more suitable for you, of course, this is just a small suggestion, it’s up to you whether you want to do it or not.”

Blonde hair, I will give it a try later. Anyway, thank you very much, Igarashi-senpai.

Girls all love beauty. Although glasses can make people look quiet, it is definitely better if they don’t wear glasses, at least that’s what Lan Yu Qian Cong thinks.

The girl thanked Igarashi excitedly, and then asked hesitantly.

Um...I want to test my current vision.

Although he has clearly felt that his eyesight has improved and he no longer needs eye cans, Lan Yu Qiancong is still a little unbelievable and seems to want to conduct more verifications.

Go on, go on. If there is a chance next time, I will treat you to dinner.

Igarashi had no intention of staying or staying with the other party, indicating that Lan Yu Qiancong didn't have to worry about his side now.

The girl ran away happily, while Kosaka Sayaka on the side was silent for a long time and said quietly.

Because she is my friend, do you want to help her regain her sight? You haven't even given me a gift.

Chapter 1188 Tsundere? nonexistent!

This sentence is full of grievance and resentment, like a jealous girl in love, and it is completely unlike what Kyosaka Sayaka would say.

This girl is a heroic type in ordinary life, but in terms of relationships between men and women, she is more shy and arrogant. She expresses her inner emotions frankly in a way that is similar to that of coquettishness. Even Igarashi used to do it. Not expected.

After a brief pause, Igarashi looked at Kyosaka Sayaka playfully.

The girl's eyes were a little erratic, not the kind that showed a guilty conscience but a lack of confidence, but an absent-minded wandering. Her attention was obviously not here, she was thinking about what just happened, and even what she said at this moment was mostly unconscious.

As time went by, Koitasa Yaka noticed Igarashi's gaze and realized what she had just said. Her face gradually began to turn red. Seeing this, Igarashi not only did not offer any words of comfort, but was very upset. The ambiguous body leans forward, bringing the two people who are only separated by a dining table into an extremely close distance.

So, what gift do you want?


At such a distance, Kyosaka Sayaka could even faintly feel the other person's body temperature. How could she be able to say anything? The girl's violently beating heart made the girl's mind go blank. Then she realized that the other person was getting closer and closer, and she was filled with confusion. Flustered, but at the same time he closed his eyes with a little anticipation.

This is the gesture of begging for a kiss.

Originally, Igarashi just wanted to tease her, but now that he saw how cute Kyosaka Sayaka looked, he naturally stopped teasing and accepted the girl's first kiss that he had treasured for more than ten years.

Tens of seconds later.

Looking at Sayaka Kosaka who was lying weakly on the dining table and embarrassed to raise her head, Igarashi smiled.

If you want this as a gift, I can give it to you every day from now on.

certainly not!

Realizing that if she didn't express her attitude, Igarashi might really do something extremely embarrassing. Sayaka Kyosaka, whose face was red, raised her head and strongly objected.

The girl's blushing face was so cute that Igarashi even wanted to take a photo with her mobile phone. However, considering that the girl would never sit back and watch her taking photos, he could only give up with great regret.

So, what gift do you want? In the past, Lanyu Asakon had a vision defect, so I could help her cure it decisively, but I couldn't see what the defect was in Sayaka Kirisaka. Can you tell me what gift such a perfect girl desires?

Igarashi's compliments that were almost flattering made Kosaka Sayaka feel dizzy.

It turns out that in his eyes, he actually belongs to the category of perfection?

Obviously there are many shortcomings

Kosaka Sayaka began to look at herself, but naturally she would not take the initiative to tell her shortcomings and lower her image in Igarashi's mind.

I-I don't want any gifts! Since we've already eaten, let's go home quickly. I still have homework to do.

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