The Lion King Organization's education for shrine maidens is closed. Regular courses are taught by schools under the Lion King Organization. Special methods such as spells are handled by corresponding teachers. Daily accommodation is also arranged by the Lion King Organization because most of the wizards They are all orphans, so there is no problem with the Lion King mechanism reaching this level.

The witches regard the Lion King Agency as their home, and the Lion King Agency can use this to establish their three views more perfectly and train the witches into the kind of people they need.

It's not really bad, everyone gets what they want, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Igarashi has also done things like raising girls.

What makes Igarashi curious is whether the shrine maidens under the Lion King Agency do not know some common sense of life. At least modern shopping malls should not exist in the process of training shrine maidens under the Lion King Agency.

As a result, Sayaka Kyosaka really showed a certain degree of ignorance. Some things in the shopping mall that were within the scope of ordinary people's knowledge but were rarely accessible in daily life were beyond Sayaka Kirisaka's cognition. In addition, she doesn't know much about most electronic products, such as computers and mobile hard drives, and she doesn't know much about some of the accessories that come with mobile phones.

I said, the method used by the Lion King Agency to train witches should have a glorious history for a long time, right?

Igarashi held it in for a long time, and finally couldn't help but complain. In order to avoid making Koitasa Yaka, who was obviously angry at being targeted by his classmates, even more excited, Igarashi tried to use more euphemistic expressions.

Kosaka Sayaka did not notice it. She nodded, with a look of pride on her face.

Although I didn't specifically explore this information, it must be at least several decades old.

Seeing that he seemed to speak too tactfully, and that Kosaka Sayaka felt proud instead of ashamed, Igarashi spoke frankly.

No wonder you don't know a lot of common sense about life, and you don't know much about some technological products. After all, they are decades old. The Lion King organization is very disciplined and very determined. It has not made changes for decades and has always stayed in its original position. Step on the ground.”


At this moment, Kosaka Sayaka realized that she had been suffocating because of other people's little actions, and she forgot her original scruples.

Since our Lion King organization has been able to stand for such a long time and continue to make extremely influential contributions, it proves that this education method is indeed effective. Don't give evaluations casually, you guy.

Sir, times have changed. Even the True Ancestor's Empire of Night will be at peace once a nuclear weapon is fired. All living things except the True Ancestor will die. As for the so-called history of the Lion King Agency, if we live in the past, the honor of will eventually be abandoned by the times. In fact, the Lion King's mechanism has already made changes. Look, doesn't it now understand the new way to use the witch?

Igarashi suddenly used the honorific title Sir to himself, but Sayaka Kirisaka always felt that he was mocking him. As for the nuclear weapons he mentioned, what were they? But it doesn't matter. What really made Kosaka Sayaka angry was Igarashi's last words.

What are you talking about about the new way to use dirty girls?!

A honey trap is the only trick that a weak person can use against me. Under normal circumstances, I will fall for the trap calmly. In fact, before you appeared, I still had a bad feeling towards the Lion King organization.

Sayaka Kosaka's body tensed up because of Igarashi's words. She felt the faint malice towards The Lion King's organization hidden in Igarashi's words. And just this very slight malice made Sayaka Kosaka She felt a strong sense of uneasiness, which was her body warning her.

The other party may really have the ability to destroy the Lion King mechanism.

Have I changed since I appeared? Why?

Sayaka Kosaka knows that she should be considered a beautiful girl, but today's experience at Ayami Academy made her clearly feel that as long as Igarashi hooks his fingers, there should be many girls who fanatically admire him and of communication.

To be honest, Kourasa Yaka suddenly felt a little happy.

Because I don't like making girls sad. I'm a good person.

This time, Kosaka Sayaka refutes Igarashi’s seemingly self-proclaimed words.

Ying opened the mall in silence and returned all the way until he arrived at the door of his residence again. Kozhin Sayaka turned back with some trouble, looked at Igarashi and asked.

According to the task given to me by the Lion King Agency, I should observe you and make you feel my own value. The ultimate goal seems to be to make you have a good impression of the Lion King Agency, but so far, I don't seem to have made any progress. ?”

It doesn't matter, keep working hard.

Igarashi patted Sayaka Kosaka on the shoulder with an encouraging look, causing the girl to be stunned. After reacting, he sneered.

She never expected that Igarashi would give such a response. Before coming to Genkami Island, Sayaka Kyosaka really thought that she was about to come into contact with a murderous, cruel and ruthless super BOSS, or maybe a The mastermind behind everything who stands aloof and looks at everything indifferently. It turned out to be such an interesting mix of people.

And, as much as he wanted to find an excuse, he did take care of himself.

Oh, by the way, I will help you solve the problem that other people in Shanghai Caihai Academy deliberately targeted you, so you don't have to be under too much psychological pressure tomorrow.

Fifty points can be taken care of by just using a magic spell without hurting anyone.

After saying this, he waved his hand as a farewell and returned to the mansion that was only a few meters away from Sayaka Kosaka's residence.

Kosaka Sayaka stared blankly at Igarashi's leaving figure, holding her chest with sign language, feeling that her heart was speeding up not because of negative emotions, and said to herself in trouble.

Am I not a male phobia? Why is this guy an exception?

Chapter 1185 Negotiation

So, what does Lion King Mechanism mean?

Nangong Nayue asked as she looked at the black cat in front of her in the shop that was usually hidden in Xian Kamijima's home.

This is not an ordinary black cat, but a shikigami, a special existence that allows people to observe everything from a distance with the eyes of a black cat, and can also speak through the black cat. If the scope of monitoring is limited, this ancient spell will It is more effective and flexible than many modern technologies.

The owner of this black cat shikigami is Yundou Yuan, an immortal species of elf. Even if she is not one of the three saints of the Lion King organization, her status will not be much different. Nangong Nayue, who has doubts in her heart, does not He came over hesitantly.

Although Xian Shen Island is nominally a completely neutral Demon Tribe Special Zone, it is actually still within the territory of Gong Hong. As the official organization of Gong Hong, the Lion King Agency has set up a secret stronghold here. Nangong also opened the door that month before. Close one eye but not now.

Are you referring to the matter of sending Maiwei Yuan Huangban Sa Yahua to contact Igarashi? We have no malicious intentions. Although Huang Ban Sa Yahua suffers from male phobia, she has an excellent personality and is even-tempered in her homework. She is also very outstanding, one of the most outstanding shrine maidens of our Lion King Agency generation.

This is indeed what I want to ask, but you should know that your answer is not the one I want to get.

As the world-famous Interstitial Witch, Nangong Nayue possesses extremely powerful power. Her current figure active in the outside world is just a fake constructed by Yongli. Even so, she can still gain the reputation of Ruotai. You must be too afraid of the Lion King mechanism.

The status of both parties is equal.

At the same time, Nangong Nayue did not believe that the immortal species that had survived for a long time would not understand what he meant.

...Igarashi's power is too powerful. You may not have a clear understanding of the fact that you are acting with a body made of magic power. In fact, I visited Genkami Island in my real body not long ago and wanted to get up close. We looked at Igarashi, but unfortunately, he was stopped by two witches just as he approached his residence. As you know, they are the Maya sisters from the library organization.

Well, I've seen it before.

The so-called witch is a name given to humans after they pay a certain price and reach a deal with the devil. Just like Nangong Nayue, the price for you gaining power is that your true body can only guard the prison forever. Sister Meiya should also have reached a deal with the devil. The power of a witch who has entered into a certain transaction depends on whether the bargaining chip is of sufficient weight, and has little to do with the power of the devil itself, because as a being from another world, the devil is extremely powerful, and even if the witch sacrifices her life and soul, she cannot reach its limit.

I know this too.

The demon who made a deal with the Maya sisters is dead. Now the Maya sisters have gained the same power as the demons. This is the news I have discovered.

As a gap witch, Nangong Nayue is also aware of the existence of demons. Although Nangong Nayue has never seen the demon again except for the transaction, this does not prevent her from understanding the power of the demon.

That is an existence that is undoubtedly higher than human beings. Whether the True Ancestor can defeat the devil is something that needs to be examined.

But, what is Yuantangyuan saying now? Does she know what she is going to say?

It is impossible for a witch to kill the devil in turn. The witch's power itself comes from the devil!

So, it was the demon that Igarashi killed. Then he used it as nutrients to make the Meiya sisters greatly stronger. Isn't this a conclusion that can be easily drawn? Don't you think that it was the fourth true ancestor Agu? Is that kind little girl Laura doing these things?”

Killing demons and turning them into nutrients sounds like a fantasy.

However, this is the fact, so our Lion King Agency has gone through many tests before we want to make friends with him. Igarashi is indeed not the true ancestor, and he is definitely not a demon. He is an existence that has broken our imagination of human beings. , maybe a legendary god? It would not be aggrieved for Sayaka Kosaka to serve a being like Qin.

That's true.

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