Igarashi half-jokingly described an extremely bright future for Senduki Yuma. The girl held back her grievance, sniffed pitifully a few times, and then reminded her uneasily.

We agreed that we would come back to stay with me every month, and we could contact me via mobile phone at other times.

Yeah, agreed.

Is Big Brother going to leave next?

No, I'll leave tomorrow. For the rest of the day, I'll just play hide-and-seek with you. Have a great time.

A few hours later, late at night.

Senduki Yuma has reluctantly gone home to rest, while Igarashi is standing by the window of his residence. Looking at the bright moon in the sky, next to it is the secretary of the library.

Sir, I have already booked a flight from Daihong to Ruoyi. I can confirm that it is the same flight that Lu Gucheng and Xiaowensha take. The special car to the airport is also ready. It is just the right time to set off now.

Special car? No need. I have given you a general direction for the future plan of the library. You can determine the details yourself. I hope that when I come back, you can make some achievements, do you understand?


When Secretary Shu bowed his head humbly and raised his head again, Igarashi had disappeared. Seeing this, Secretary Secretary locked the door of the residence as carefully as a housekeeper, and made sure that the windows were closed before leaving quickly. , preparing to grow the library organization.

Chapter 1167 Xiao Family Brothers and Sisters

Xiao Gucheng was originally going to be the fourth true ancestor of vampires in this world, inheriting the name of the strongest. After all, the fourth true ancestor of vampires was originally the product of extremely enhanced combat power in order to deal with a certain existence. However, in the future, he However, he frequently received favors in battles and was led by various forces like a puppet on strings. He always said that he was just an ordinary person and seemed to be extremely resistant to becoming the Fourth True Ancestor. The name of strong is disgraced. In this case, Igarashi plans to realize his wish.

Rather than taking the power of the Fourth True Ancestor as his own, Igarashi looked down upon this power. He just planned to kindly help Akatsuki, prevent him from becoming the Fourth True Ancestor, and let him continue to be an honest person. Just an ordinary person.

The senior management of the library organization understood some of Igarashi's ideas from a few words he said. After obtaining Igarashi's consent, they purchased two tickets that were not only on the same flight as Akatsuki Castle but also sat together.

There is a cute little girl in the middle, Akatsuki's younger sister - Akatsuki Nagisa

It seems that it is because of Igarashi's appearance and temperament that can easily make a good first impression, or because Akatsuki Nagisa is not afraid of strangers. When he found that the person sitting next to him was a friendly-looking person, A handsome boy, and after his lazy brother Akatsuki Nagisa fell asleep due to laziness, Akatsuki Nagisa began to chat quietly with Igarashi.

Brother, you are also going to Rome. What are you going to do? Gu Cheng and I think it was Yacheng, ah. Our father called us here.

I went over to deal with some matters. By the way, you two are only elementary school students, and you are already able to travel alone? Are you not afraid of encountering bad guys and kidnapping you along the way?

Although Xiaoqusha is not afraid of life, she is still a little girl. When she heard Igarashi's somewhat photogenic words, she showed a somewhat cowardly expression.

Eh, it shouldn't be possible, right?

On the contrary, regardless of your brother, a cute girl like you will definitely become an excellent prey in the eyes of human traffickers.

Igarashi's words not only made Akatsuki Yongsa's face become more serious, but also made Akatsuki Kojo, who was pretending to sleep next to him, twitch the corners of his mouth. He had woken up a long time ago. Although he really wanted to sleep, there were two guys talking next to him. Even if you talk quietly, it will be difficult to fall asleep.

What do you mean I just ignore it? I shouldn't be the type to repulse others, right? Everything should be of some value to human traffickers.

Akatsuki closed his eyes and thought wildly, while Akatsuki Nagisa looked at Igarashi with a troubled expression, shrank his head, and protested.

It's not right to intentionally scare people.

I just kindly told the primary school students about the dangers in the world.

Seeing that the cute girl became nervous, Igarashi stopped teasing her. Quickly change the subject.

If you want to go to Rome, are you familiar with the customs and customs there? You should at least learn the language beforehand? Italian.

“…well, we currently only say, ‘hello’ and ‘sorry’ in Italian, and some simple numbers.”

Igarashi gave him a thumbs up, saying that of course this was not a true compliment. Xiaowensha lowered his head in embarrassment, and then spoke in order to ease his embarrassment.

What about you, big brother? Maybe you are very familiar with Italian.

That's right. In addition to Italian, I also know many other languages. You can regard me as a linguist.

There was no adoring look as expected. Xiaowensha looked thoughtful, and then looked at Igarashi with some expectation.

Then - when we arrive at the airport, can I ask you, big brother, to help me be a translator? It won't take long. Someone arranged by Yashiro-kun will pick us up soon. And while we're here, I can treat you, big brother, to something to eat.

I can't tell that a mere elementary school student is quite good at business. Are you planning to hire a translator based on some snacks?

Hey, hehe.

Akatsuki Nagisa smiled, and Akatsuki opened his eyes slightly and looked at Igarashi. Seeing that he did not look like a bad person, he closed his eyes again and did not express any objection to his sister's words.

Aren't you afraid that I am a human trafficker?

It can't be such a coincidence, right? The handsome brother sitting next to me is a human trafficker or something.

Have you started complimenting me yet? Okay, I agree, but only for today.

Very good.

Akatsuki Sofa burst into cheers, causing other passengers sitting far away to turn to look at her. Seeing this, the girl shrank her head again, not because she felt ashamed because of other people's gaze, but because she felt sorry for disturbing others. .

After the plane arrived at its destination, Xiao Wensha, who came out of the somewhat stuffy plane, became obviously more energetic. Coupled with her waist-length black hair, her cute girl appearance attracted the attention of many people. Xiao Wensha Nagisa didn't mind this, but Akatsuki was obviously embarrassed and pulled the hood of his hoodie.

Four coffee cookies.

At Akatsuki Nagisa's request, Igarashi bought coffee biscuits from a kiosk clerk in the airport according to the girl's wishes. When Igarashi handed it to Akatsuki Nagisa, the girl showed a confused expression.

Although I said I wanted to buy four, as I said before, big brother, you can also ask for your own share? I will pay for it properly.

No need. I'm not hungry right now so just treat it as unpaid labor, but if you really want to pay me.

Igarashi raised his profile

Just a kiss.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?! I'm an elementary school student? Big brother, are you a lolicon?

Lu Yongsha showed a surprised expression, but surprisingly he didn't feel disgusted. Instead, he seemed a little hesitant, and he was actually thinking about whether to take action.

Igarashi quickly spoke, knowing that even if Lugisa was willing to do this, Akatsuki would stop him.

Just kidding, don't worry.

Because of Igarashi's perfect appearance, even this somewhat rude joke did not stop the girl from resisting, and even seemed to increase her favorability.

At this moment, a man in his thirties walked straight towards Shougu Castle, who was speechless because of the lack of distance between his sister and Igarashi.

Chapter 1168 The Fairy’s Coffin


There was a sound of bodies colliding, and the man who bumped into him hurriedly said something in Italian. Xiao Gucheng couldn't understand it, but it was probably an apology, right? Xiao Gucheng, who was in a daze before, quickly apologized for this and awkwardly switched languages.

At this moment, Igarashi held the shoulder of the man who wanted to leave.

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