If you don't want to die, just return your luggage.

As a habitual offender who has long stolen the luggage of foreign tourists through such actions as hitting, the man has been threatened many times before. In order to silence those who think they have courage, he specially carries a knife in his arms. The consequences of killing or injuring others are much greater than that of others. Theft is more serious and many men would not dare to actually do it, but if it is to scare others, it will be fine.

His expression suddenly became fierce. Akatsuki, who had realized that the other party had snatched away his and his sister's salute due to Igarashi's actions, suddenly felt his heart beat faster, his body tensed, and his consciousness went blank as if boiling. However, When the man looked at Igarashi with this expression and was about to take out the knife, he was frightened by Igarashi's eyes.

The kind of playful and indifferent eyes that look at the mature ants that jump out to seek death.

The words he just said may not be a threat. If he is not honest, he will really die.

Will die, die, die.

The only word left in the man's mind.

When the man was distracted, Igarashi had already taken out the luggage bag from his armpit. This action also made the man come back to his senses. His first reaction was not to snatch the luggage bag back or to hit Igarashi. Instead of threatening, he turned around and ran away.

Because he was too panicked, his steps were messy, and he almost fell down. His speed was much slower than normal running, so no one chased him.

He ran past a girl who was wearing a luxurious dress and holding a parasol and had an appearance as delicate as a doll. He found that there was a man blocking his way on the way to escape. In order not to waste any time to survive, he did not choose to go around but speed up. Just knock her away.

In response, the parasol in the girl's hand lightly scratched in the air, and the man's feet suddenly lost control and fell down with great momentum. After getting up in a panic, he didn't even think about the net and fell down. Whether it was because of excessive panic or what the other party had done, he immediately got up and ran away in another direction. This time, there was no further accident and he disappeared from everyone's sight smoothly.

Also disappearing quickly was the girl carrying the parasol. Before disappearing, her eyes briefly paused on Akatsuki and Akatsuki, and then she took a deep look at Igarashi, as if she was blending into the void. A trace disappeared.

It leaves no trace in ordinary people's eyes.

It's really a big help. There are passports, bank cards and other important items in the bag. It would be troublesome if they were lost like this.

Neither Akatsuki Kojou nor Akatsuki Nagisa seemed to notice the girl. At this moment, seeing Igarashi take back the luggage bag, Xiao Yongsha thanked him with a grateful face. She, who had a very good impression of Igarashi, now regarded Igarashi as a trustworthy and good person because of this little wave.

As for Akatsuki Nagisa's little face turned a little red, she began to think about whether she should kiss the side of the other person's face as Igarashi had expressed before. communication problems, and also helped recover the luggage bag. If there is such kindness, well, it is still very shy.

Excuse me, is this Miss Akisa Nagisa?

A young woman suddenly squeezed through the crowd and approached here. Greet her in a language familiar to Akatsuki Nagisa.

Even so, Xiao Yongsha, who had just experienced two bad things, was quite wary of strangers. At this moment, he moved slightly and hid behind Igarashi. Compared to himself, who was very lazy most of the time, Xiaowensha feels that Igarashi is much more reliable than his brother who can't immediately behave as he should in times of crisis.

Wearing a navy blue suit, although she didn't look like she had elaborate makeup, she was still quite beautiful. Seeing this, the woman with a secretary-like temperament looked at Igarashi in confusion.

Although she knew Xiao Yongsha's appearance and knew that Xiao Yongsha's brother Lu Gucheng would also come this time, the woman did not know this stranger, but Xiao Nagisa's attitude towards him was not ordinary. The look of a passerby.

I am Liana Karjana, appointed... to be your father's friend on this job.

It seems to be because of Igarashi's presence. Liana changed her words mid-sentence and wanted to keep it a secret. Seeing this, Igarashi rubbed Akatsuki Nagisa's head, which was still very close to him.

Since your father has made the entrustment and someone has come to pick you up, I will say goodbye and leave while I am filling in the paperwork.

Huh? Uh-huh?!

Xiao Wensha exclaimed and saw Igarashi already looking at the footsteps? shouted quickly.

Brother, you should at least leave me your contact information, right?

No need, I think we still have a chance to meet again in the future.\

,"Looking at Igarashi who waved his hand and left in a carefree manner, Xiao Yongsha puffed up his face with a little resentment. Will there be a chance to see you again in the future? If you lie, I will definitely draw a circle and curse you.

He seems to think that Igashi left because of Liana's appearance. Akatsuki's attitude towards this beauty is not very friendly. At least he is not as talkative as when he was with Igarashi before, and he seems a little listless. .

Liana worked on the Akatsuki sand for a while with a slightly uneasy expression, and then looked at Akatsuki Castle, whose presence was extremely low.

What happened to her? Did she fall ill during the trip?

Hearing this, Xiao Gucheng glanced at his sister and said in an erratic tone.

I didn't get sick during the trip. It was after I came to Rome. The only thing I got sick until now was lovesickness.

Akatsuki was only halfway through what he said when Nagisa Akatsuki slapped his head hard, knocking back what he had not finished. I'm fine, go find your father quickly.

After looking at Akatsuki's salt-toothed mouth, she judged that Akatsuki Nagisa's body was not as flexible and powerful as a patient's. Liana breathed a sigh of relief and led the two of them towards Sajima, where their father was.

Gozo is a tourist destination full of natural beauty. It is also an island with ancient ruins registered as a World Heritage. Among them, the megalithic temple called Giphontia is particularly famous.

Liana, who came here with Akatsuki Kojo and Akatsuki Sa, began to introduce some myths and legends, and Akatsuki Nagisa pointed at Liana's wrist.

Well, by the way, is the bracelet in Liana's group...

Bracelet, do you mean the login certificate?

Liana raised her left hand, where she wore a metal bracelet that was larger than a watch. It was not only a proof of identity to ensure the safety of the demons, but also a transmitter to monitor them. It was a special equipment for the demon special zone, the demon login certificate.

Although, is Miss Yana a demon?

Your father really hasn't told you anything. I am a vampire from the King of War domain. I was appointed as the general advisor of the fourth Gozo Ruins Investigation Team and I am also responsible for the guardianship of the investigation team.

Akatsuki Nagisa, who was originally depressed because of Igarashi's departure, felt a little energetic at this time.

It turns out to be a beautiful vampire sister. She is so powerful. This is my first time talking to someone from the War King Realm. By the way, this Rizhao is very strong. Is that okay?

Really? Ordinary vampires do have adverse reactions such as lack of energy and other side effects when exposed to sunlight, but I'm fine.

At this time, Akatsuki noticed that Miss Liana, who was driving an armed off-road vehicle, had missed the Gefantia Temple. He couldn't help but pointed at the stone wall of the ruins that was getting further away.

It's already been opened.

It doesn't matter. What we are investigating is not the Gyphontia Temple, but two kilometers away under the hills. There is an underground tomb there, which we call the Goblin's Spiritual Center.


Yes, we think these may be relics from before and after [Holy Annihilation].

The [Holy Annihilation] you are talking about is...

Hearing this question, Liana's face became yearning.

The large number of unexplained killings and signs of destruction around the world is said to be the collective name for the large-scale disaster caused by the Fourth True Ancestor.

The Fourth True Ancestor, if he can possess the power of a nation, or get the protection of a strong person with a certain level, then his own family.

As they spoke, they had already arrived at their destination. A middle-aged man hugged Akatsuki from behind, and when Akatsuki Nagisa hugged Akatsuki -

Oh, that brat is so heavy.

Then put it down quickly.

And when hugging Akatsuki Yongsha.

Oh, Nagisa, I was wondering how could there be an angel in this wilderness. It turns out to be my lovely daughter. Haha, it has been here for a while and she is getting more and more beautiful. Who will benefit from her in the future?

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