Faced with the little girl's pleading look, Igarashi, who had just come to this world and had no urgent matters to deal with, did not refuse.

Chapter 1165 Library

In fact, after releasing his senses before, Igarashi knew which world this was, and when he learned that the girl's name was Senduki Yuma, he determined the current timeline.

Since it's still early, there's no need to rush.

Although hide and seek is somewhat childish, for the current Igarashi, there are no high-end games that are not childish. The so-called extreme sports are neither dangerous nor challenging for him. The so-called high-difficulty computer games His reflexes were mediocre. Since they were all half-measures, Igarashi wouldn't be able to suppress the pressure and play hide-and-seek.

He even deliberately limited his five senses and tried to use ordinary people's observation skills to find the hidden Yuma Senduki. For the little girl, it was undoubtedly a very happy game for her.

Just like a bird in a cage that was lucky enough to be freed from its restraints one day, Senduki Yuma was a little crazy at this moment, completely ignoring the passage of time. The two met in the afternoon, and now, the sky It was already dusk.

Miss, it's time for you to go home.

There were several more figures in the place where Igarashi and Senduki Yuma were playing. They were men wearing masks and dark suits. There were also some women in maid outfits. They were also women wearing masks. The style of the masks was very special. Looks like they belong to the same organization.

Facing the sudden appearance of these figures, Senduki Yuma showed a timid look, nodded subconsciously, and then suddenly realized the existence of Igarashi and said quickly.

Big brother just happened to pass by here. He doesn't know anything. Don't hurt him.

Since you said so, miss, we understand.

The man who seemed to have the highest status among the people nodded and made a voice that was not as emotional as ordinary people speaking. Then the maids surrounded Senduki Yuma in the center and moved in a semi-forced manner. Take the girl away.

The men did not leave, but looked at Igarashi. Although their faces were obscured by masks, they probably had unfriendly expressions, either expressionless indifference, or revealing murderous intent towards the intruder.

At this moment, even the gentle breeze that was blowing had a somewhat heavy meaning. There is no doubt that although it is etiquette to call Yuma Sendumaki a small gesture, these people do not intend to follow Sendumaki. Mu Yuma's words revealed a solemn atmosphere at this moment.

This is a location that should be kept secret, and any intruders, whether intentional or unintentional, should be eliminated for the sake of the great cause of freeing the leader.

It should have been a wise choice, but it was a pity that I found the wrong opponent.

Facing the moth ants that were exuding murderous intent towards him and preparing to take action, Igarashi could not help admiring their poor fighting prowess. With a thought, the power of law flowed, and he easily brainwashed the two people in front of him into becoming his loyal servants. .

A seat appeared out of thin air behind Igarashi, which focused more on comfort than majesty. After sitting down comfortably, he propped it up with his hands, looking at the chair that had changed from full of murderous intent to pure for himself. The two men lowered their heads loyally and humbly and asked casually.

Tell me, your identities?

We are the secretary of the library. We are responsible for protecting the safety of Miss Senduki Yuma, cleaning up the intruders who come without permission, and teaching Miss Senduki Yuma a little bit about how to master the power of a witch to liberate the prison. , for the ultimate goal

The so-called witch is a being who makes a deal with the devil and pays a price to gain power. Igarashi can easily see that Senduki Yuma is not a witch who makes a direct deal with the devil. She is, the witch of witches.

At this moment, the two top executives of the criminal organization library, who enjoy a good reputation in the dark side of the world and are wanted by various forces but have been able to continue to fight against a modern military team, are a threat to ordinary people and most demons. The secretary, who was so powerful that he couldn't resist, was in front of Igarashi, and he knew everything and said everything.

As for Igarashi, although he looks down on the power of the library, in fact, including the True Ancestor's Empire of Night, Igarashi doesn't think there is much value for him to waste his time, but after all, he can't do everything by himself. , Igarashi temporarily attaches a little power of law to these two library secretaries. In this case, they can then be asked to go to other senior officials of the library organization, and then the power of law will turn them into five Shilan's loyal servant.

Taking the evil forces into your own hands and making yourself the biggest mastermind behind the scenes, can't you guarantee that no messy troubles will happen? At least you can let your subordinates solve those small things.

Looking at Secretary Shu who bowed his head humbly and kept quiet after the report, Igarashi was silent for a moment and then spoke.

In addition to normal knowledge teaching, additional entertainment time should be arranged for Senduki Yuma. She can do whatever she wants. If she is blindly allowed to learn, she will not be able to grow normally.

In fact, Senduki Yuma is special and ordinary in the hearts of the library organization. She is the key to liberating the prison and finally rescuing the leader, but she is also a tool that does not need to be considered too much. If Igarashi's words, According to the two original ideas, they would never agree, but now. The two secretaries felt that this was a golden statement and the most reasonable thing in the world, so they nodded and accepted it without any hesitation.

Also, expand the power of the library a little. Although I don't expect you to do too much for me, but you must at least have some abilities, right? Now, almost everyone is gifted and can only live on the dark side. How to become a vegetarian?

The cold faces of the secretaries who had taken off their masks showed expressions of sincerity and fear. When they were at a loss, Igarashi continued.

Now let's integrate the power of the library, and then continue to strengthen ourselves. I will tell you if I have anything to do in the future, do you understand?


It only took a few minutes from the time the people from the library appeared until Igarashi subdued them and issued orders.

Chapter 1166 Something needs to be done

Under the arrangement of the library members, Igarashi quickly found a residence nearby without putting in any other effort. Although he has many means at his disposal, he can easily use natural magic to build a wooden house, or use earth elements to build a wooden house. The castle was magically completed, but as expected, the period-style steel and concrete houses were more normal.

There is a city with nothing special nearby. The Empire of Night, which does not belong to a certain vampire ancestor, does not have any powerful demons under its command, nor does it have many powerful forces. Perhaps because of this, it is walking in the first place. Only the library organization on the dark side would use this place as an important base to train Senduki Yuma.

Senduki Yuma is really powerful, even Igarashi has to admit this.

That little guy was able to play hide and seek for several months without getting bored. Igarashi was really convinced, to be honest. Even if he is extremely suppressing his perception now, the scenery of the place where he and Senduki Yuma played hide and seek have been completely engraved in Igarashi's mind. 997 Any weird disturbance is extremely important to him. obvious.

In the past few months, Igarashi has been acting with Senduki Yuma. Even if he can determine the hiding location of the other party as soon as he hides it, it still takes a long time to find her, or maybe He simply pretended that he couldn't find it. After a few months, Igarashi felt even more exhausted than fighting the enemy every day.

After all, for him now, there will be enemies but almost no strong enemies.

Senduki Yuma must be given two other entertainment methods, a game method that can be used repeatedly for a long time without losing the fun. At least he cannot continue to play hide and seek with himself, and of course it cannot be more excessive. Home.

So, since your organization is a library, collect some books for me. Storybooks, fairy tales, history books, and biographies. Collect some and show them to Yuma. Train her to do more than hide and seek and play house. Other interests besides games like this, do you understand?

In the evening, after the two-hour game time with Senduki Yuma ended, Igarashi Final King called the secretary of the library and said this.

The library organization actually lives up to its name and owns many magic books.

Secretary Shu opened his mouth but did not say anything to refute. He said goodbye and left, while Igarashi covered his forehead with a headache.

Little Yuma just wants to play hide-and-seek with me. I understand her dependence on me to some extent. Although being clinging to her is not a bad thing, I really don't want to play a child's game. In addition, considering the time, It is true that I can no longer stay here to accompany her. There is one thing that I need to deal with. Since someone does not want to be the true ancestor, then I should also be the beauty of an adult.

the next day. Igarashi touched Senduki Yuma's head and said.

Brother, I still have some things to deal with, and I need to leave here for a while. During this time, do you want to study and live happily?

Huh? Leaving or something...does big brother hate me?

Before, she was full of boyishness, a little girl who would not cry even if she tripped over an unnoticed stone during the hide-and-seek ride. At this time, his eyes became crystal clear, and he also had a crying tone when he spoke. Igarashi had to squat down, so that his eyes were level with the girl, and said softly.

I really have something to deal with here. During this process, we can still contact each other through mobile phones, but we can't play hide and seek. But you can play with the big sisters who take care of you.

I...I just want to play with my big brother.

Igarashi's eyes wandered for a moment. The pitiful look of Senduki Yuma at this moment made him feel soft. Igarashi was thinking about whether he should take the little girl with him, but then he thought about it. At this moment, Senduki Yuma Even at such a young age, she has already established normal values ​​and values ​​in life. If she were to be taken with her, it would probably be difficult to take care of her.

At worst, you can use the teleportation magic a few more times to get back.

Let's do this. I promise that I will come back to play with you every month. How about that?

Is Big Brother going to be gone for more than a month?

As a result, there were more tears in Senduki Yuma's eyes.

Igarashi stretched out his hand to wipe away the little girl's tears, pinched Fang Yanen's face, and comforted her.

You only have two hours a day to play with me now. When you learn enough knowledge, there will be no restrictions in this regard. Even if you spend all 24 hours a day, ahem, please be sure to do it then. Don't let me play hide and seek with you for nearly a whole day, I will be exhausted.

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