Igarashi said nothing more and stretched out his hand to Shokuhou Misaki in the cracked ground.

Seeing Igarashi's clean and neat movements, Shokuhou Misaki pursed his lips. The catkin wearing the white spider web gloves was stretched out and was caught in Igarashi's hand. Shokuhou Misaki tried to hold it in place when there was already a force. As he lifted himself up, he stepped on the broken surface of the earth in front of him with his feet, borrowing more power. However, he quickly retracted his extended right foot as if he was electrocuted. Shokuhou Misaki frowned because of this. At that time, he discovered that Igarashi's power was enough to bring him out of the rift, and no additional help was needed.


After letting out a small exclamation, Shokuhou Misaki stood on the normal ground again, but he did not stand firm immediately. Instead, he subconsciously grabbed Igarashi's hand, as if he wanted to use this to ensure himself. --Balance so as not to fall.

Igarashi's gaze moved downwards, focusing on Shokuhou Misaki's right leg. The white spiderweb knee-high socks of the same style as the gloves had lost their original pure white color due to dust, and the girl's delicate feet did not land normally at this moment. Carefully, he put his toes on his toes.


Well, did you twist your foot?

Yuriko Suzina did not deliberately make things difficult for herself. The two-meter crack in the ground probably only had symbolic meaning. From Igarashi's mouth, she learned that the opponent was Accelerator's Shokuhou Misaki, and she never thought that two meters was the limit of his power.

The other party was merciful, but he was still injured. It's a bit ridiculous to say that he fell with a drop of only two meters. It was obviously a situation that most people with V3 superpowers could easily handle, and even some people with physical abilities could easily handle it. People with flexible postures and incompetence can be guaranteed to be unharmed, but as a LV5 person, I am helpless. ,

Princess, or carry me on my back, it's your choice.

Igarashi gave Shokuhou Misaki two choices. In fact, he could do more, whether it was to instantly cure Shokuhou Misaki's sprain at the moment, or to move Shokuhou Misaki to the infirmary or Her accommodation is nothing more than a simple effort.

I didn't do that just because Igarashi wanted Shokuhou Misaki to remember the lesson. On the other hand, it was out of a normal male psychology.

Anyway, I have no intention of letting Shokuhou Misaki go, and all the previous things have proved that the other party has no resistance to me. Of course, Igarashi will not ruin such an opportunity.

...Is this the only way?

Shokuhou Misaki, who is more of a queen type and has a strong personality, seems a little shy at the moment, but Igarashi's attitude is very determined.

it's the only way.

Igarashi did not tell Shokuhou Naoki that if she really resisted, she could take out her mobile phone and call the supporters in Tokiwadai and ask the girls who follow Shokuho Naoki as big sisters to come and help. Shokuhou Misaki herself seemed not to have thought of this, or in other words, she had thought of it but deliberately ignored it.

From the corner of Igarashi's eyes, she could see Shokuhou Misaki quietly stuffing back the mobile phone that had been exposed from the handbag on her shoulder due to her large movements.

Then - please carry me back to my residence.

Aren't you going to the infirmary?

It's just a sprain. I know how to deal with it, and the infirmary is much farther from here than where I live.

Shokuhou Misaki lay on Igarashi's back and hid her face on Igarashi's shoulder, as if hoping to block herself so as not to be recognized when she met her classmates on the road.

It's a pity that Shokuhou Misaki's appearance is obvious enough and easy to identify, but Igarashi also secretly set up a dispersing barrier along the way to prevent the Tokiwadai LV5 who was about to appear from being confused with the teacher. Chu rumors are strangled in sleepwalking,

The small playground is about a thousand meters away from Shokuhou Misaki's residence. The distance, which is neither short nor long, gives Shokuhou Misaki time to let her thoughts wander. After about a minute of silence, the girl spoke quietly.

I should be the worst LV5, right?

Shokuhou Misaki did not wait for Igarashi's response, and continued speaking after a brief pause.

If you think about it carefully, psychological control is only powerful on the surface, but in fact it's useless. I have only met two LV5s so far, Mikoto and that one - Accelerator Fang, um, or Yuriko Suzuko, they can do it Immune to my superpowers. According to Academy City's ranking of me, the four superpowers in front of me should all be like this, right? And maybe the superpowers ranked after me can also ignore psychological mastery. And those levels If someone lower than me is just a little smarter and attacks me from a distance with a group shotgun, I will be completely capable of resisting.

Although she spoke a long series of words to herself, it does not mean that Shokuhou Misaki is very energetic. The sense of dripping and powerlessness in her tone is obvious enough, and it is obvious that Igarashi knows that if she does not say something, , Shokuhou Misaki may be in ruins.

Actually, among the LV5s, the only ones who are immune to your superpowers are Misaka Mikoto and Suzuko Momodaiko, so there's no need to belittle yourself. How can other people survive if the dignified LV5s are like this? Besides, sniper rifles and the like, I feel Except for Yuriko Suzina, anyone else could be assassinated without warning.

The way to comfort me is not to say that I am strong, but to say that others are weak in disguise?

Shokuhou Misaki complained a little, then moved his head, rested his head on Igarashi's shoulder, and stopped talking.

Chapter 1138 I have detection methods

When he sent Shokuhou Misaki to the other party's residence, he saw the empty hall. Igarashi originally thought that it was class time. The other students did not skip class like Shokuhou Misaki, the LV5, and went to study. As a result, Shokuhou Misaki's base camp was empty, and when he noticed the girl's equally surprised look, Igarashi noticed something was wrong.

No matter what, there shouldn't be no one left. With Shokuhou Misaki's physical fitness like a useless person, she would have to do all the physical work on weekdays, and she would ask Igarashi to send her back at the beginning. He probably wanted members of his faction to help treat the sprain.

This strange scene gradually made Shokuhou Caoqi's heart rise, thinking that he was being targeted by a certain black 103 evil force and was caught in some kind of conspiracy, even if all the enemies in his memory had been wiped out by him, even if Igarashi, the director of Academy City, is also full of goodwill toward him. Shokuhou Misaki does not feel too unbelievable about the possible attack. As a [psychological master], there are really too many things that can make him The role of people taking desperate risks.

As long as Igarashi's method of immunity to Shokuhou Misaki's superpowers does not come from some [prop] promoted by the upper echelons of Academy City, then Shokuhou Misaki can control the entire council and become the true control of Academy City. Furthermore, even if the upper echelons of Academy City take precautions and abduct Shokuhou Misaki and control her, it would not be difficult to go to a small country in the world and become the controller.

For a moment, Shokuhou Misaki thought of many possibilities and even thought of the possibility that students from his own faction would be killed by villains, and his face turned a little pale.

Igarashi, on the other hand, silently removed the idler dispersing barrier that he had arranged before but forgot to remove.

Normally, idlers dispelling the barrier will only disperse idlers, that is, passers-by who happen to be passing by. People who approach with some strong purpose will not be affected. However, Igarashi is too strong, so powerful that even if he doesn't The intention to specifically strengthen the effect of the barrier, and when the energy in the air is used to a normal degree, the energy that should be unconscious is like a child who wants to be praised, very active, which enhances the effect of the barrier by more than one step.

The people in Shokuhou Misaki's residence were driven away by the enhanced power of idlers to dispel the barrier.

After learning this, Igarashi knew for a moment that those who had been dispersed would not come back due to subconscious influence. After thinking about it, he gave up the plan of using the law to force them to return.

I have not received any reports of abnormality at Tokiwadai. Your subordinates should be fine, but it is not wise to leave you alone now. Can I help you with your ankle?

Igarashi felt that he should take the corresponding responsibility and take care of Shokuhou Misaki. Although he originally planned to make this guy who used superpowers for trivial matters and included himself in the target range suffer, but looking at Shokuhou Misaki Igarashi looked pitiful and felt the affection shown by the other person when he was carrying her. Igarashi felt that the so-called punishment should be over.


Men and women are not intimate. Generally speaking, girls will not agree to such a proposal from a boy so easily. However, the relationship between Shokuhou Misaki and Igarashi is not ordinary, and Shokuhou Misaki has thought about enough. thing.

In the current situation where none of his subordinates have gone to know where they are, if Igarashi really wants to do something, he can't resist at all. Super powers have no effect on him. He is already weak in physical strength, and now he is injured. , It’s simply that people are using the knife and others for the fish and meat.

If Igarashi has no other thoughts and simply wants to help, Shokuhou Misaki will not reject Igarashi because of this level of contact. And if the other party wants to do something, well... Shokuhou Misaki Qi was shocked to realize that he still wouldn't live because of this possibility and the consequences that would occur.

This guy is really weird. If I think about it carefully, I have only been wary of him from the beginning, but not disgusted with him.

Shokuhou's gaze towards Igarashi became a little troubled, and at the same time, she began to wonder. Could it be that she was a member of a very serious appearance association? That's not right. Having seen enough dark memories, I shouldn't be that superficial.

Igarashi didn't know what Shokuhou Soki was thinking. Even if he knew, he would just laugh it off. As a transcendent person, if he really gave up restraint, he could achieve various terrifying effects.

The arrogance that makes people bow to you, the chaos that makes people collapse, the charm that makes people fall in love at first sight, or the murderous intention that makes people kill at the first sight, because it is strong. So too much can be too much for the weak.

At this moment, Igarashi just went to the bathroom to get a towel in a very familiar manner, and then went to find ice cubes in the refrigerator that was not located in the lobby, and applied ice to Shokuhou's sprained foot.

Shokuhou Misaki was stunned by this groggy posture.

Why do you know where my towels are? Why do you also know where the refrigerator is? I remember that you have only been here once, right? And that time you only stopped in the lobby. I had no intention of showing you around!

I know what you want to ask. Don't worry, I didn't install any tiny camera on you, and there are no cameras in this house. Your uncle can imagine that I have detective superpowers, so I can know the location of these things. ?”


What does can be imagined mean?

Just when Shokuhou Misaki was about to say these words, something even more terrifying suddenly occurred to him. If the other party really had a means of detection that could ignore terrain restrictions and obstruction of vision -

Shokuhou Misaki put his hands on his chest and looked at Igarashi with extremely vigilant eyes. Even the walls made of reinforced concrete could not resist his exploration. So wouldn't the so-called clothes have the desired effect?

Chapter 1139 Teach me

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