Igarashi did not respond to those gossiping students. After all, those people's guesses were not inconsistent with the facts, but they just missed many things, such as the [Fantasy Controller] matter.

Previously, Igarashi had suppressed the commotion related to Fantasy Rider. Now most people in Academy City are kept in the dark. Igarashi had also told Saten Ruiko not to reveal her to others. Awakening superpowers relies on external forces. I think a mature girl should know how to do it.

Even if something unexpected happens, someone discovers something through clues, and even deliberately seeks external forces to awaken superpowers, it will not make any big waves in Academy City, which has been completely controlled by Igarashi.

After exchanging a few words with Saten Ruiko's Kanami, she indirectly admitted her relationship with Saten Ruiko in the face of their tactful probing, and the girl showed a shy expression. But he didn't deny it in a panic. Igarashi left Saten Ruiko a Tokiwadai access voucher and told her that she could come to Tokiwadai to find him at any time.

This kind of access voucher has been available for a long time. The reason why it was not given to Saten Ruiko before was mainly because she was an incompetent person. Of course, Tokiwadai has never had a rule prohibiting incompetent people from entering and exiting the campus, but Igarashi was worried about Saten Ruiko. Tenreko just felt sad at Tokiwadai where the lowest student level is LV3, so she just contacted Saten Ruiko through the mobile phone. Now Saten Ruiko already has LV2 superpowers, and can continue to improve after training. Five Shilan no longer had any worries in this regard.

Seeing that Saten Ruiko still looked a little timid after receiving the access voucher, Igarashi leaned into her ear and left a message: If you don't come to me, I will come to you, it doesn't matter. After the warm words He said goodbye to the girl and returned to Tokiwadai

Originally, Igarashi felt that he had thought very carefully. Yesterday, he even thought carefully about whether he would have classes today. After getting a negative answer, he got along with Saten Ruiko leisurely. Otherwise, Igarashi would not have said that he would have to find a teacher urgently. The teacher from Tokiwadai took his place.

As for rushing to Tokiwadai for class just after pushing down the girl, that doesn't happen. Igarashi doesn't love work that much.

It was now approaching evening when Igarashi returned to Tokiwadai, and then he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have to supervise Yuriko Suzukina and Shokuhou's long-distance running, and it seemed that when he left Tokiwadai on his own yesterday, he did not talk to Yuriko Suzukina in advance. Said.

After all, Yuriko Suzukina was supported by herself and came to Tokiwadai. She suddenly disappeared yesterday. Yuriko Suzukina should feel very comfortable when she saw the Taima King disappearing. She might even want to try to escape. It's impossible. Will she be like a young girl in a boudoir who feels sad for being alone in an empty room?

Thinking like this, Igarashi quickened his pace. When he arrived at the small playground, he was surprised to find that Shokuhou Misaki and Suzuko Yuriko had already started walking, although the speed was compared to when they were supervised by themselves. It was much slower, but it was undeniable that they were not lazy.

Well, I'm glad to see that you guys can still keep exercising even when I'm out for business.

It had just been a night of romance, and I continued to get along with Saten Ruiko for almost a whole day before returning to Tokiwadai. It seemed a bit excessive to forget about Shokuhou Misaki and Suzukina Yuriko the whole time, but if you think about it carefully, although Shokuhou Cao Qi had shown some soothing behavior towards Igarashi before, but thinking about it, she still didn't reach the level of a lover, and Yuriko Suzuka couldn't be a lover. What on earth was she worried about? No matter how you think about it, you have no obligation to report your movements to them, right?

At this thought, Igarashi's face became more upright, and the little apology he had in his heart disappeared.

Shokuhou Misaki didn't know that Igarashi had left Tokiwadai, and she didn't live with Igarashi. After learning the other party's identity and methods, she also removed the men who were originally monitoring Igarashi. At this moment, she saw When Igarashi appeared, he showed an expression of Sure enough,.

From Shokuhou Misaki's point of view, Igarashi was deliberately testing himself. Fortunately, he honestly continued to exercise as agreed. Otherwise, this guy who can control the hot crystals of desserts might directly turn himself into a fat woman. What a risk. risk.

But Yuriko Suzina just glanced at Igarashi indifferently without saying a word and continued running. The originally slow speed suddenly accelerated, leaving Shokuhou Misaki far behind.

Originally, Shokuhou Misaki wouldn't use her superpower for such a trivial matter. After all, she knew very well how weak her physical strength was. She was used to being overtaken by others in running. However, this time was different. Before Juarashi appeared, Shokuhou Misaki tried to talk to Suzuko Yuriko. After all, she didn’t look like a student from Tokiwadai and she didn’t know what the relationship was with Igarashi. Shokuhou Misaki was right Yuriko Suzukina was actually very curious, so she took the initiative to talk to the other party, but unfortunately Yuriko Suzina ignored her at all.

I thought she was really aloof, but when Igarashi appeared, he immediately sped up his running speed. Isn't this just showing off to Wu Nan? As the only person running on the playground except Yuriko Suzuko, I felt that she was running very fast. Targeting yourself.

If Igarashi really raises his standards for himself because of Yuriko Suzuko, and forcefully demands that he run a thousand meters or a longer distance, Shokuhou Misaki feels that he will die. This time, he can put possibility aside. Words removed.


You really need to take action!

Looking at the figure further and further ahead, Shokuhou Misaki put his hand into his pocket and secretly took out the remote control.

Chapter 1136 Attack and Counterattack

Shokuhou Misaki's small movements were not hidden from Igarashi's eyes, and he was fully capable of stopping it. However, Igarashi was also a little curious whether Suzuko Yuriko's vector manipulation could work against Shokuhou Misaki's psychological control. In terms of defense effect, does Academy City's first place represent true strength? Not like other rankings. It happens every now and then that the person in the lower position defeats the person in the upper position, and ranking on the list is like child's play.

Anyway, even if there was an accident, having himself watching would keep everything under control. Igarashi turned a blind eye, closed one eye, and looked at the food that had pointed the remote control at Yuriko Suzuko. Feng Cao prays to let it go.

Then, Shokuhou Misaki pressed the remote control, and nothing happened. From Shokuhou Misaki's point of view, his superpower failed again, just like when facing Igarashi, it was as if nothing happened.

But in Igarashi's eyes, things are not that simple.

Shokuhou Misaki's psychological control is to emit something similar to an electric wave. By controlling the water content of other people's brains, the so-called psychological control is achieved. Originally, when Shokuhou Misaki used superpowers against Igarashi, the radio wave would disappear halfway. 090 Among the many defenses surrounding Igarashi, the power of the outermost law is judged to be harmful and is directly annihilated. But Yuriko Suzuka has no laws. She only has super powers. And all the time, in the face of possible attacks, Suzuko Koyuriko's choice has never been to use vector operations to offset it, but to directly tamper with the direction to return it to the original path.

He is indeed the number one in Academy City. According to the calculations of the tree diagram designer, among the many current LV5s, he is the only one who has the possibility of reaching LV6. At this moment, facts prove to everyone that there is a gap between LV5 and LV5.

When the wave sent out by Shokuhou Misaki approached the surface of Yuriko Suzuko's body, it was manipulated by the vector and returned to the original path.

Yuriko Suzuko looked back following the source of the fluctuation, while Shokuhou Kanana was in a trance for a moment because of her devouring master super power, and walked towards Igarashi in a daze, but when she reached the second Jealousy soon came to an end, and Chai turned out to be the real master of psychological manipulation. Shokuhou Misaki was not too embarrassed by his ability to bounce back.

Igarashi looked at Shokuhou Misaki, who was already closer to him, and said with a smile.

What did you want to control Yuriko Suzuko just now?


Shokuhou Misaki didn't expect that she failed to use her superpower on Yuriko Suzuko, but instead got herself attacked. She didn't expect that her subtle little move when she took out the remote control was also discovered by Igarashi. She wanted to find an excuse to sell it. Moe blended in, but met Igarashi's half-smiling gaze and looked at Shokuhou Naoki, her heart skipping a beat and she lowered her head and whispered.

You want her to come over and punch you.

Letting Yuriko Suzukina punch Igarashi will not only make Igarashi angry, but punishing Yuriko Suzukina will also make Igarashi feel relieved. After all, this guy is Igarashi. As a result, I had to run long distances. Although I was rewarded with being able to eat desserts without restraint, I still felt a little uncomfortable having such a controlled thing happen to me.

For the sake of your honesty, I won't punish you this time. Think about how to face Yuriko Suzuko. By the way, let me remind you a little bit, she also has a codename [Accelerator] ].”

While Shokuhou Misaki was stunned by Igarashi's speech, Suzuko Yuriko had given up running, her face still expressionless. But it's a little colder than before.

That attack just now - are you LV5? There are only two LV5s in Tokiwadai, so they are definitely not [railguns]. Therefore, you are the fifth [psychological mastery]. Did you just want to control me?

At this moment, Yuriko Suzuko was in a state where her superpowers were not restricted by Igarashi. She was able to keenly detect the changes in the vector, so she naturally discovered the invisible attack launched by Shokuhou Misaki.

If it were in the past, Suzuko Momotai would have no choice but to use her abilities to cut the enemy into pieces. However, Suzuko Yuriko has changed a lot during this time, and Shokuhou Misaki has a relationship with Igarashi. Of course she wouldn't go on a killing spree because of this, but if she didn't do anything to fight back, she wouldn't be her anymore.


Yuriko Suzuko stepped lightly towards Shokuhou Misaki. The movement didn't seem very exaggerated, but it caused unimaginable damage due to the controlled vector. Taichi began to collapse, creating a crack two meters deep. It spread all the way to Shokuhou Misaki's feet, and then let her sink in.

Faced with such a purely physical attack, Shokuhou's superpowers were completely useless, and with her weak physical strength, she was unable to adjust her posture or dodge before falling into a two-meter crack. Naturally, she fell in embarrassment. Went in.

Igarashi took a look next to Kaikai, and saw that Shokuhou Misaki was just a little gray and had not been injured by his wife. He turned to look at Yuriko Suzuko with a strange expression.

You start so lightly?

What if I strike too hard and you cause trouble for me?

Suzuko Momotaizi glanced at the playground that had been destroyed by him, slightly raised the corners of his mouth with satisfaction, put his hands in his pockets, turned around and left, and said distantly.

The money spent on the repair project will be directly deducted from my subsidy next month, Mr. Director.

Yuriko Suzuko seems to be too wealthy, but in fact, she is indeed a little rich woman.

When Igarashi saw the white-haired girl leaving, he squatted down next to the ground cracking and looked at Shokuhou Misaki, who was coughing continuously due to the dust raised by the shattering of the earth and was also dirty, and smiled.

The last two times I told you that you will lose friends if you use superpowers casually, this time I want to tell you. It's best to think about how much power you have before you don't have absolute strength.

As expected of Teacher Igarashi, he never forgets to teach and educate students, so can you pull me up?

Shokuhou Caoqi, knowing that he had kicked another iron plate, tried his best to show a listening expression, and pitifully stretched out his hand to Igarashi, gesturing for him to pull him up.

At a height of two meters, Shokuhou Misaki could not climb up with his own strength.

Chapter 1137 Sprain

In fact, Igarashi wanted to continue teasing Shokuhou Caoqi and make the other party suffer more. After all, if other things are put aside, it is very disgusting for someone to try to use super powers to control themselves. If If it weren't for the change in Yuriko Suzuko's personality, and if it weren't for Igarashi watching from the side, Shokuhou Misaki might actually have a real conflict with Academy City's number one because of this reckless move.

However, looking at Shokuhou Misaki's dejected look at this moment, and seeing her abnormal movements that seemed to be a little weak, as if she was enduring some pain, Igarashi felt that maybe he shouldn't continue to lecture her.

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