In fact, Igarashi can indeed do what Shokuhou Misaki guessed, but he is not so impatient. He has never disdained such sneaky things, and will wait until he reaches a sufficient favorability level. , can you do more than this?

At this moment, Igarashi didn't know Shokuhou Misaki's random thoughts. After taking off the girl's shoes and wiping them, he looked at the swollen feet and wrapped a towel with ice cubes around them.

Hiss... cold cold cold!

Shokuhou Misaki shivered and began to shake her body restlessly. Igarashi did not comfort her now, but directly tied a knot in the towel to ensure that no matter how Shokuhou Misaki shook her legs, it would not fall off her hands. He just let go of his hand.

In these ten seconds, Shokuhou Misaki has become accustomed to the biting coldness of the ice. Perhaps because of being frozen, Shokuhou Misaki felt that the sprained area was not as painful as before. She blinked and looked curiously. To Igarashi.

By the way, don't you need to apply medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis for sprains? Why do you use ice compresses?

It seems that you also lack medical knowledge. Have you never seen the memories of people with medical skills before? Or have you forgotten after seeing it? When you just sprained the capillaries, that's why there was abnormal redness and swelling. At this time Activating blood circulation only speeds up the amount of bleeding from the rupture. Ice is the right choice to relieve the pain and allow the blood vessels to contract to stop the bleeding. As for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, it should only be considered after one or two days of injury, and after the ruptured small blood vessels in the hand have healed. thing.

...You seem to know a lot.

Of course, so it's okay to show off your ignorance.

Igarashi didn't bother to show off his knowledge to Shokuhou Misaki. He looked around and asked after seeing a TV in the living room.

You should have difficulty moving next. Are you just going to lie on the sofa and watch TV? I can help you turn on the TV.

Just a sprain is not as exaggerated as a fracture. Shokuhou Misaki can completely endure the pain and walk, or focus the stress point on the intact foot to move, but with Igarashi's new attitude towards Shokuhou Misaki Knowing that this athletic idiot would probably fall if he moved on his own, and thinking of the scene where Shokuhou fell to the ground alone, and his injuries worsened but no one knew about it, Fifty-year-old Fifty, who was the culprit of driving away her subordinates, Of course, Lan couldn't turn around and leave so easily.

Even if we use the law now to get those people back, it will take several minutes. During these few minutes, Shokuhou Misaki cannot be left behind.

That's stupid! If the members of my faction come back, open the door, and see the leader they admire in such a mess, my image will be completely shattered! Help me to the room. Anyway, you were there before. If you carry me on your back, it doesn’t matter if you carry me again, right?”

Shokuhou Misaki seemed to be in a broken state and didn't mind having one more close contact with Igarashi. Seeing her indifferent expression, Igarashi grinned and made some moves.


Huh? Uh-huh?! You...

As you said, I have already carried you on my back before, so I feel like I should change my movements. How about it? Is the feeling of holding the princess completely different from that of being carried on my back?


Shokuhou Misaki didn't say anything, and Igarashi didn't continue teasing her. He held the girl in a princess hug and walked forward.

Shokuhou Misaki has blond hair. In most cases, blond girls give people the impression of a eldest lady, but the quiet look of Shokuhou Misaki at the moment makes her look like the eldest among the eldest ladies. The term hug, which was originally just a simple action, has become more meaningful.

For innocent boys, a girl's boudoir should be a forbidden place that exists only in fantasy. But for a veteran like Igarashi, it is just ordinary. In his world travels, Igarashi has seen enough types of girls' boudoirs, whether they are modern or ancient, whether they are magical or magical. Igarashi, who has a simple style, whether he is girlish or lacks innocence, has already had enough experience, and he did not show any abnormality just because he stepped into Shokuhou Misaki's room.

This was also discovered by Shokuhou Misaki, who had been quietly staring at Igarashi.

Feeling the emotion that seemed to be a loss in his heart, Shokuhou Misaki closed his eyes and opened them again with a different color.

Drinks, desserts and mobile phone chargers are all placed on the bedside table. You can reach them with your hands. In the next few days, you can just eat and wait for death without going for a run. Tsk, I even doubt you now. The injury was intentional to avoid physical training.”

Watching Igarashi carelessly provoking his own nerves while thoughtfully placing various things on the bedside table, Shokuhou Misaki's eyes wandered for a moment, then he took his cell phone and sent a group text message to the members of his faction. . Tell them that they need to have a good rest today. Don't bother me.

When Igarashi saw Shokuhou Misaki starting to fiddle with her cell phone, she thought that Shokuhou Naomi was in a state of recuperation, and turned around to leave. Speaking of which, Yuriko Suzuko's previous attitude was obviously abnormal, and Igarashi planned to return to his residence to investigate.

However, just as he turned around and before he could even take a step forward, Igarashi felt his clothes being pulled by someone. There was only one person in the room besides him, and it was obvious to him.

Igarashi turned around, looked at the girl who was clearly holding his gaze but looking away and asked.

What? Do you need anything else?

You said before that I can ask you anything I don't know, and you will teach me, right?

Of course, but since when have you been so eager to learn?

Igarashi was a little surprised, but Shokuhou Misaki changed his gaze. He looked at Igarashi.

There is something I want to explore. This is the first time I have such a thirst for knowledge.

Oh? Tell me, I will tell you everything I know.

Can you teach me about the relationship between men and women?

Chapter 1140 Big News

The members of the Shokuhou Misaki faction who had been expelled by the idler dispersing barrier were already about to return. Later, after seeing the group text message sent by Shokuhou Misaki, most of them were ready to return to their dormitories to rest. A small number of them serve as Shokuhou Misaki's confidants. The girls who also live with Shokuhou Misaki would not have been affected by such a text message. After Igarashi lifted the idler dispersing barrier and the impact subsided, they should have returned to Shokuhou Misaki's residence.

Shokuhou Misaki's residence is as spacious as a villa. Even if Tokiwadai gives LV5 a lot of preferential treatment, Shokuhou Misaki will not really let Shokuhou Misaki enjoy such a large residence alone. The school requires that every bedroom in this residence cannot be used. To be used by Shokuhou Misaki for other purposes, that is to say, to ensure that someone lives with Shokuhou Misaki, so that even if the media asks about it, the senior management of Tokiwadai will not be too embarrassed.

After all, the other LV5 lives in an ordinary student dormitory very honestly.

As a result, this house also became the residence of the top members of the Shokuhou Misaki faction, and was envied by many girls in Tokiwadai.

Of course, these things are no longer important now. What is important is that Igarashi directly used the law to affect the cognition of the girls who also lived in the mansion, so that even if they returned to the residence, they would subconsciously forget the existence of Shokuhou Misaki. , if Igarashi hadn't been worried that driving them out of the mansion for a whole night would leave those poor girls without a place to sleep, he would have to take more decisive action.

Although Shokuhou Misaki usually behaves like a superior person, he has always been oppressed in front of Igarashi. Even if he is LV5, at this time, he is no different from Saten Ruiko who has just awakened his super power. Facing Igarashi, there is no doubt that he can only be a loser begging for mercy.

The next day, Igarashi originally planned to accompany Shokuhou Misaki. As for the members of Shokuhou Misaki's faction, they had shown their methods overtly or covertly. If Shokuhou Misaki was unwilling to expose both of them, In terms of human relations, Igarashi was originally prepared to let them ignore Shokuhou Misaki and himself. However, the girl seemed to be too shy and used the excuse that Igarashi had classes in the morning and asked him to go to class quickly and ignore her.

Seeing that the girl was very determined, Igarashi could only agree. As for Shokuhou Misaki's original sprain, it was naturally cured by Igarashi instantly. Now that a close enough relationship has been established, Igarashi has no way to hide it. necessary.

Leaving Shokuhou Misaki's residence and untangling the cognitive tampering with members of his faction, Igarashi sighed.

Originally, he had already asked other teachers at Tokiwadai to teach for him through text messages on his mobile phone, but now he had to inform others again that the situation had changed and change his words at the last minute, which really caused trouble for others.

Igarashi took out his mobile phone and called the other party, telling him that he no longer had to teach for him. He did not pretend to be a director in his words, and he had enough apology and gratitude. Anyway, it was indeed his fault, Wu Shilan wouldn't put on a different face just because the other person was an ordinary passerby.

It was still early after finishing the substitute teaching matter. Igarashi also had breakfast with Shokuhou Misaki and thought about it before returning to his house.

Speaking of which, it has been two days in a row that Yuriko Suzuko has not spent the night at her home. Could she have secretly done some damage behind her back?

Thinking like this, Igarashi walked through the Academy Garden, smiling and nodding from time to time in response to the students who greeted him, and soon arrived in front of his single-family villa.

Well, from the appearance point of view, the villa has not changed much, just like when Igarashi left two days ago, and in Igarashi's perception, Yuriko Suzuko is in the villa, which is surprisingly honest.

I'm back~

Igarashi said this as he opened the door, but of course he did not receive a response like Welcome back. With Yuriko Suzuko's character, Igarashi would only feel horrified if she really said such a thing.

Oh, the director who has so many things to do is actually free to come back today?

Yuriko Suzuko was lying on the sofa in the living room using her cell phone. When she saw Igarashi appear, she only gave him a minimal warning look, and then returned her gaze to the screen of her cell phone.

Igarashi felt that Suzukina Momotai was blaming him, because Igarashi knew very well that what he had done in the past two nights had nothing to do with his status as director, and Suzina Yuriko would not do it under normal circumstances. would say something like this.

Why, do you miss me so much since I haven't been home for the past two days?

Igarashi has always been the type not to show weakness when faced with other people's provocations.

No, on the contrary, I feel very comfortable. I'm just a little curious if the director went out to do something important. After all, the unloader Mikoto, the other LV5 at Tokiwadai, has made some things to the outside world in the past two days. Big news.”

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