Accelerator made the final announcement with a second wave of his hand, and the cannonball-like sphere made of alloy in his hand was aimed at Igarashi's right leg and shot away.

In order to become invincible from the strongest, in order to make all those who are spying on his first position and want to challenge him fall into despair, when Accelerator learns that the absolute ability user evolution plan is to kill the third person in Academy City. When a railgun clone was promoted to LV6, she didn’t hesitate too much.

Anyway, they are just clones, tools that can appear at the touch of a button. The clones in Academy City are all catalytic things. They lack common sense and emotions and cannot be called people who can advance by killing these things. There is nothing to hesitate about.

However, before the plan started, Accelerator received a notice that this good plan died halfway. It was the director of Academy City who stopped it.

what does it mean? The directors of Academy City are not kind-hearted people who cherish the lives of replicants, right? Then there is no doubt that either the person who made the plan provoked the director, or the director had the idea to target himself. The top management of Academy City have always been thieves and fraudsters. Accelerator has no idea what kind of arrogant ideas they will have. Accident.

Now that Igarashi's gender was revealed in one breath, Accelerator could almost conclude that the other party was specifically investigating him because—

Although you have short hair and - Ma Pingchuan on your chest, I am very discerning and can tell your gender at a glance without having to investigate. Speaking of which, your excessive negative expressions and manic speaking style do not look like a woman's. My child, how about replacing me with this lady in the future? It should be much cuter that way.

Because it's hard to see Accelerator's gender from the outside.

While Igarashi said casually something that made Accelerator's face distort, he stretched out his finger and flicked the flying alloy cannonball, directly annihilating it like a ghost. This scene made Accelerator smile. A twisted smile that matched her expression.

It turns out that he is not an ordinary person. Is the hidden LV5? Or is it using some newly developed technology? In any case, if you think you can manipulate me with just this power, you are totally wrong...

As soon as Accelerator finished speaking, Igarashi appeared in front of her in an instant, casually touched her shoulder and then pinched her cheek.

I'm at the mercy of you, what can you do to me? Hmm. Speaking of which, your face feels pretty good. It's the only feature I've found that matches a girl's so far.

From the moment she awakened [Vector Operation] and became the number one in LV5 Academy City, Accelerator has been in a state where no one dares to mess with her. The Chodotori Academy that she attends does not require her to come to school at all, but just begs her to come to school every day. During the school festival, they were competing for the school's status. Countless research institutes were struggling to cooperate with Accelerator. However, those fanatical researchers in Academy City and even the ANBU who walked on the dark side deliberately avoided Accelerator. .

Now, it was Accelerator's first encounter with someone who dared to challenge him.

Sure enough, you have to go from strongest to invincible to avoid such boring things.

Accelerator thinking this way was confused for a moment when Igarashi who came into contact with him was not ejected by the super power covering his body. Then he didn't think much and immediately prepared to use calculations that other super powers could not imagine. Li used [Vector Operation] to blast the opponent away. If Accelerator had just planned to let the opponent lie in the hospital for a few months, now she no longer planned to consider the opponent's life and death.

However, nothing happened.

It wasn't that Igarashi was immune to superpowers, but that Accelerator didn't use his superpowers at all, and couldn't even use the massive computing power.


Looking at Accelerator, whose eyes were widened and whose expression was finally no longer so distorted, Igarashi touched her head with a kind smile.

You're still far behind. Come, follow me. I think a rebellious child like you should be given a good education.

How weak is Accelerator without his superpowers? It's almost as if there is no way to restrain the chicken.

As a LV5, in addition to possessing terrifying destructive power, Accelerator also uses [Vector Operation] in a meticulous way. He attaches permanent superpower protection to his body and can reflect bullets even when he is sleeping and even when walking, More detailed application when picking up objects allows Fang Tongxing to do almost everything without expending energy.

This also caused Accelerator's body to be thinner than a malnourished girl without exercise. At this moment, not only was he unable to break away from Igarashi's hand, but he was also carried lightly on his shoulders. All his efforts failed to achieve anything. any effect.

If this continues, the reputation of being the number one in Academy City will be lost.

Anticipating the scene of Igarashi carrying him on the street, Accelerator went a little crazy and growled at Igarashi in a suppressed tone.

I will never let you go, absolutely!

If you change your self-identity as I said, then how about I stop carrying you on the street? Don't you think about it? Now you are at the stage where I will take advantage of you?

...I will never let you go.

Chapter 1119 Don’t worry

Accelerator has never surrendered before, and there is no one who can really threaten her. Whether it is an energy attack or a physical attack, as long as she activates her ability, she can defeat any opponent. Now that Accelerator is being threatened and surrendered to others, Accelerator is still For the first time ever.

Igarashi had taken away Accelerator's first time when they first met, and it had already reached this point. Accelerator originally thought that Accelerator would at least let go of him. After all, he had agreed before that if he changed his identity, he would not be paraded in the streets. According to Accelerator's guess, physical contact is necessary for this guy to seal his superpowers. As long as he keeps a distance, it shouldn't be a problem.

Temporary submission is for revenge later.

However, Accelerator discovered that Igarashi did not let go of himself as he had guessed, and as soon as his eyes were blurred, he came from the research institute to a space that seemed to be an ordinary residence.

Well, it was true that he kept his promise and did not carry himself to the streets. Instead, he used the ability to teleport with what seemed like space movement.

Accelerator said nothing, thinking about ways to break the deadlock, but found that his field of vision changed again, and Igarashi actually lowered his shoulders on his own initiative.

The girl showed a rare display of relatively agile movements and took several steps back. After confirming that Igarashi could not touch her instantly and that was to say that her super power could not be sealed instantly, a ferocious smile appeared on her face and then quickly froze.

She discovered that she still couldn't use her superpowers.

You seem to think that your superpowers are restricted because of physical contact with me? The expression on your face when you wanted to say something about revenge but stopped midway was very interesting. How about doing it again?

Igarashi playfully teased Accelerator, but Accelerator seemed to know that now was not the time to show off his strength, with a stern expression on his face and did not speak. Seeing this, Igarashi took out his mobile phone and used his director authority to view the information.

Accelerator, whose real name is Suzina Yuriko, once studied at the Kirioka Affiliated School, which is a school affiliated with Kiriugaoka Women's College. Currently, she is a student of Nagadotaki Academy in name only. In fact, she has never attended school, and her whereabouts are not specified. He is truly the first person in the field of superpowers, but his physical fitness needs to be improved urgently.

Igarashi, who read out the information he saw, nodded in agreement.

That's very pertinent. Then... no, Yuriko Suzuko's name is quite cute. From now on, you can strengthen your physical training under my guidance. When your physical fitness and mental character are up to standard, I will restore your super powers. .”

Who is this person who has been threatened by him? Igarashi feels that he is becoming more and more skilled.

Hearing the name that had not been used or heard for a long time from Igarashi's mouth, Yuriko Suzuko was speechless for a moment, and then quickly came back to her senses.

The director who jumped out of nowhere actually wants me... this young lady to accept your training. Please stop being funny, okay? If you know what's going on, quickly remove your tricks, otherwise you won't be the only one who has to bear the consequences. Mud, School District 7, and even the entire Academy City will be buried with you.

After all, she is Academy City's strongest superpower, Yuriko Suzuko, and she still has a strong voice - if she hadn't changed her self-identity midway.

Her lackluster eyes, short hair that has not been combed properly, and a long-sleeved shirt that is somewhat ill-fitting and full of wrinkles do indeed give her the appearance of a decadent girl. If she restrained her overly distorted expression, it might be enough to call her that. As a beautiful girl, this is why Igarashi didn't really teach her a lesson. The person in front of her had kicked the door of Igarashi's research institute away before.

Facing the girl's threat, Igarashi nodded clearly.

Since you said so, I can't let you recover your superpowers. After all, the first moment you recovered, you attacked me.


What Igarashi said made sense. Yuriko Suzuko was speechless.

She turned around and walked out without hesitation. Since the other party did not intend to lift the restrictions on her superpowers, she had no choice but to go to the research institute. There was no unbreakable technology in Academy City.

Seeing this, Igarashi reminded him casually.

I said, Suzuko Yuriko, do you have any enemies? If your enemies knew that you couldn't use your superpowers, you would be in trouble.

Hearing Igarashi's worried words, Suzuko Yuriko finally couldn't bear it anymore and turned around with a dark face.

As the guy who caused all this, do you really have the qualifications to say that? Damn it, hurry up and let me regain my superpowers!

I mean Yuriko, as a girl you can't say bad words.

Igarashi appeared in front of Accelerator in an instant, and pinched the opponent's face again. Once again clearly aware of the state of being raped by others, Suzuka Momotaizi began to use his idle brain for a long time after a brief rage.

It seems that the Kihara Research Institute, which I have cooperated with before, has been destroyed by the guy in front of me? No, even if Kihara Research Institute still exists, now that I have lost my superpower, it is indeed difficult for me to fight against the group of researchers at the institute with ulterior motives. And if I leave Kihara Research Institute aside, who can I turn to for help now?

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