
Saten Ruiko stopped talking.

Pure girls can't stand teasing, and Igarashi also knows to keep a good balance. He quickly stopped the topic and started talking to Saten Ruiko about other things.

After getting the [Fantasy Hand], have you ever used the superpower you got to do justice?

It's just LV1's ability to blow the breeze. How can you use it to do heroic things?

That's not necessarily true. Didn't you stand up bravely when faced with a girl who wanted to kidnap a child during a bank robbery?

Igarashi talked about the past, which made Saten Ruiko look a little embarrassed again.

Well, it's just that I didn't overestimate my capabilities. If you hadn't appeared in time, the number of hostages would have only increased by one.

The original bank robbery investigation not only greatly improved the relationship between Saten Ruiko and Igarashi, but also made Saten Ruiko realize the helplessness of being an incompetent person.

Later, Saten Ruiko found out that some of those criminals had fire abilities that reached LV3. Let alone Saten Ruiko, even an ordinary person with a strong physique who wanted to act bravely may not be able to succeed. Igarashi At that time, he kicked him away with one kick. To be honest, even now Saten Ruiko is still a little unbelievable, and guessed that Igarashi is a person with physical enhancement system. However, Igarashi Wei has not said anything about super powers. Leizi didn't ask specifically.


You said before that I might awaken my superpowers when I come here. What should I do?

Saten Ruiko's eyes are shining with the light of expectation. Even if there is only a slight possibility, she must firmly grasp it. Although Saten Ruiko herself knows that this possibility must be very small, otherwise even if she uses [ Fantasy Controller] will fall into a coma for a long time, even if it is ten days and a half, just because of the ability to awaken superpowers, countless people will go crazy to fight for the opportunity.

If an ordinary person obtains [Fantasy Master], and then there happens to be a high-level ability user in the network that matches his brainwave, such as LV4, then using an ordinary person's body to use this level of ability will be full of danger, and even Regarding the possibility of being in a vegetative state, you have gained LV1 ability, so there is no danger. If you want to awaken your superpower, you don’t need to do anything. Just sleep peacefully, I will take care of everything.

In fact, from the moment she met Saten Ruiko, Igarashi allowed her to truly gain superpowers, which is the LV1 level [weak air flow] that Saten Ruiko now masters.

Seeing that Igarashi didn't say much, Saten Ruiko quickly concluded that helping her awaken her superpowers would definitely require the institute to pay a high price. The girl's eyes struggled for a moment, and then she made up her mind. determined.

Otherwise, let's forget it and let me wake up normally after falling asleep. Even if my superpower is only LV1, it won't be very useful. I can't repay you at all.

I said, leave everything to me, you don't have to think too much.

Chapter 1117 Accelerator

Saten Ruiko still wanted to say something, but the sound of music coming from the cowardly places of her classmates on various streets caused Ta to fall into a coma after a brief pause. The girl's face did not show panic, but With the trouble and gratitude of receiving favors but not being able to repay them, and the excitement that seems to be unable to be concealed.

Although this room is just a single room with all the things placed together, it looks messy, but it does have a relatively comfortable bed for people to take a nap, so it is no problem for Saten Ruiko to temporarily use it as a resting place.

After Igarashi settled the girl, Haruo Kiyama rushed over. Seeing this, he was still thinking about whether he should stay and take care of Saten Ruiko for the next time, but because of his status as Tokiwadai teacher, he still had a lot of work Igarashi immediately made a decision to deal with it.

She is Saten Ruiko. You have met her before and I left her in your care. It should be a lot easier for you both as women.

Haruso Kiyama just received news from his subordinates that Igarashi came to the research institute, suspected to be inspecting work or assigning tasks. Previously, Haruso Kiyama untied his knot with the help of Igarashi and had a good sleep. He felt that the dark circles under his eyes had disappeared at this moment. It was about Igarashi, his benefactor, so he naturally put down everything in his hands and hurried over.

Then he saw a sleeping girl and heard Igarashi asking him to take care of her.

To be honest, it's a bit like Igarashi eating up others and then leaving himself to clean up the mess.

However, as the developer of [Fantasy Rider], Haruo Kiyama naturally knows what the music just played in Academy City is, so he doesn’t think wrongly, and with Igarashi’s current position in Motoyama Taoyu’s heart, Harusi Kiyama even thinks wrongly. He won't say anything to criticize, but will cooperate with him as much as possible.

I see.

By the way, she will wake up in about two days. I have awakened her superpower, the LV? level ability to control airflow. When the time comes, you can say it is the credit of the research institute. Don't show too many flaws and help me by the way. She measures the various coefficients of superpowers.


How did Igarashi enable an ordinary person to awaken his superpower?

Kiyama Harusi clearly knows that [Fantasy Controller] has nothing to do with awakening superpowers. Its essence is to invoke the ability of others existing in the network based on similar brain waves. It was not originally developed for the reason of awakening superpowers. , using it as a bargaining chip to negotiate with Igarashi was just a helpless move made by Haruo Kiyama because he couldn't bring anything else to the table.

Although he had doubts about this, Kiyama Harusheng was smart enough not to ask, from the moment Igarashi woke the children up with a snap of his fingers. Harusi Kiyama knew that Igarashi was special and powerful.

He is almost like a god walking in the world. For Haruso Kiyama, Igarashi, who saved his children and himself, is a god.

Sorry, I told you to take a break before.

Igarashi remembered that she was in the hospital and asked Shan Chunsheng to rest according to [Props]'s schedule and deal with her own affairs. However, it didn't take long for her to be assigned a new task, which was somewhat unnatural.

Kiyama Chunsheng shook his head.

I didn't do anything at all. If I can help you, I'll be happy.


There was a sudden noise, something heavy seemed to have fallen to the ground near the entrance of the research institute, and the sound came here faintly.

It seems something has happened. I'll handle it.

After Igarashi finished speaking, he did not hide his intention in front of Kiyama Harusheng, and disappeared all of a sudden. Kiyama Harusi silently looked at the place where Igarashi stood before disappearing for a while, then moved his eyes to Saten Ruiko, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and murmured.

What a lucky girl.

Although it is a newly established research institute, the founder is a director of Academy City. The facilities here are of an extremely high level, including the entrance door of the research institute, which is a smart door made of special alloy. Only those with ID cards can It will be turned on only after being tested by the researcher himself. It is bulletproof and thunderproof. In theory, unless some villain openly uses a high-power weapon to bombard it, this will be an insurmountable barrier.

But now he was kicked away casually.

Being able to kick open the door so easily, and with that white hair, he could solve the case. This guy should be the number one [Accelerator] in Academy City. Because of his arbitrary behavior... he has always enjoyed a bad reputation among the researchers, but the other party As a person with superpowers, his value is so high that no senior management will hold him accountable. The researchers only describe his characteristics, telling colleagues to run away when they see him.

So now that they saw that the person coming was Accelerator, neither the researchers nor the guards of the institute launched a mindless attack. They just divided some people to pay attention to Accelerator's movements, and the other people hurriedly went to the director Kiyama Haruno and the researcher. Igarashi, the director of Academy City with the greatest background, reported.

But Igarashi is already here

Glancing at the door of his own research institute where the canister was flying, Igarashi suddenly recalled the incident of letting [props] destroy the Original Research Institute before, and he didn't know if it was a tit-for-tat now.

He has always been the only one who makes trouble for others, but today, first the remnants of Kihara Gensei who did not know whether to live or die wanted to attack and kill him, and now even Accelerator has come to his door. If Igarashi hadn't clearly known that Accelerator would never Perhaps because of Kihara Gensei or the many dead Kiharas who came to trouble me, they might now think that the other party is a member of the Kihara tribe.

But looking for trouble is looking for trouble. The person who attacked and killed him before has already paid the price with his life...and now Accelerator probably didn't come here to kill him, but he must at least let him lie in the hospital for a month or two. .

Igarashi turned his gaze and looked at the white-haired figure.

Accelerator, you... hmm? Are you a girl? Seven!

Chapter 1118: This uncle...this lady will not let you go.

At this moment, Accelerator has walked unimpeded all the way to the deeper parts of the research institute. The people who were secretly monitoring the surrounding areas were also blocked by Igarashi. Now Accelerator and Igarashi are alone.

The white-haired figure at the moment when Igarashi revealed her gender—no, the white-haired girl's face seemed to have a slight joy, and then this joy quickly turned into exaggerated anger.

Have you investigated me specifically? A mere director dares to make an idea against me. It seems that I must teach you a lesson.

Accelerator said this in a rough tone that was not suitable for a girl. He stretched out his hand. The alloy wall on one side of the passage shattered into a large piece like tofu, and Accelerator held it lightly in his hand.

When you are thinking about life in the 640 hospital, you must remember the lesson of provoking me this time.

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