I don’t have any friends... Tsk, they are something I don’t need in the first place.

Looking at the girl's angry eyes, Igarashi smiled.

You seem to have forgotten that it was you who took the initiative to provoke me in the first place. First you kicked down the door of my research institute, and then you even wanted to beat me to paralysis on the hospital bed. Now I have only sealed your superpowers and you don't have any. Are you already on fire after doing something to you? In this case, as someone who almost ended up in a worse situation because of you, shouldn't I do more things to vent my anger?

Igarashi's extremely aggressive gaze made Suzuko Yuriko startled. Then she thought of something and finally made the only girlish move so far, protecting herself with her hands.

In exchange, Igarashi said something that stunned Yuriko Suzuko.

Although I am not opposed to flat chests, with your current personality and way of speaking, you really lack the charm of a girl, so don't worry.

Chapter 1120 You are weak, so be obedient

Do not worry? What are you worried about?

Yuriko Suzuko understood what Igarashi meant after a brief pause.

If her super power can still be used, Suzukina Yuriko plans to use a building to bury Igarashi. This kind of frivolous words and casual attitude are picking on her. Yuriko Suzukina has forgotten how long it has been since she met him. Unexpectedly, the first one I met now was one that I couldn't deal with for a while.

Okay, relax. Since you are a girl, don't waste your pretty face. Pay attention to controlling the expression on your face and don't always have a dark face. It just so happens that my original assistant went to the next Toki Suzuko on vacation. Miss Yuriko will be my daughter...and my assistant, right?

Originally, Igarashi wanted Yuriko Suzukina to be his maid, just like he did with Kuroko Shirai and Shiri Mugino before. However, thinking of Yuriko Suzukina’s explosive personality, Igarashi made a wise decision. Change.

Even so, she still received a cold eyebrow from Suzuko Yuriko.

Seeing that the other party still didn't want to cooperate, Igarashi smiled sinisterly.

Haven't you figured out the situation yet? To you now, I am absolutely strong. Regardless of my combat power, status, or the connections I can use, the weak obey the strong. As the second superpower in Academy City Does x mean anything to you?


In fact, Yuriko Suzina was not as calm as she appeared. She lost her superpower and her combat power has fallen from the top to the bottom of Academy City. The reason why she did not fall to the bottom is just because there are still some children in Academy City. .

Very good. Let's eat first. Let's go to the cafeteria.

Now that Mugino Shirley is on vacation, Igarashi has no one to deliver food when he wants to eat on weekdays. He can only go to the school cafeteria in person because he is the only male teacher, whether on the way to school or in the cafeteria. I met many cute girls and greeted them politely. Igarashi felt pretty good about this.

Although I have experienced various things before, it is not too late now. It is just close to eight o'clock in the evening. Tokiwadai is an aristocratic girls' school. The opening hours of the school cafeteria are naturally very long. Go to the cafeteria at this time. It’s not too late to eat. Of course, if students go there at this time, they will inevitably be lectured, but as a teacher, Igarashi naturally has no worries about this.

Yuriko Suzina had no objection. On the one hand, she was indeed hungry, but on the other hand, she thought it was safer to go to a public place than to be alone with Igarashi.

Yuriko Suzuko, who followed Igarashi out of the room, saw many buildings with the same style and said hello to Igarashi from time to time before running away quickly. The girl who secretly looked here with a gossipy look asked with a frown.

Where is this-?

The school garden belongs to Tokiwadai Middle School.

After getting the answer, Yuriko Suzuko didn't say anything, but just followed Igarashi without saying a word. If this was the school garden, as long as Igarashi gave a little warning, she would not have escaped from the school without her superpowers. possible.

When she was silent, most of Yuriko Suzuko's energy was spent on trying to awaken her superpowers and mobilize her computing power. She firmly believed that her [vector operation] could cope with all situations. Before she met Igarashi, Various battles have also proved this. Whether it is pure physical power or water flow and flames, they can be manipulated through super powers. Even psychological super power attacks can be reflected. Now, Suzuko Yuriko also believes that she can rely on super powers. The ability to break the methods Igarashi used on himself.

After cracking it, kill Igarashi. There is no need to hesitate. It is best to kill this guy who provokes him one after another.

Unfortunately, Yuriko Suzuko has not been successful so far.

Igarashi walked through the school garden with the figure behind him who had a faint murderous intention towards him, and finally came to the cafeteria of Tokiwadai.

Gakusha Garden is more than just a school in Tokiwadai, and it also has more than just this cafeteria. However, after Igarashi’s many field trips, he found that the food in this cafeteria has the best taste, so he has visited it many times. Although Yuriko Suzina is the well-deserved number one person with super powers in Academy City, it is a pity that her true appearance is not known to the public. Although Academy City vigorously promotes superpowers who have reached LV5, it still does not distinguish the appearance of superpowers from those in Academy City. The names have been announced. At least ordinary people only know that the first one is Accelerator, and they don’t know anything about the others. At this moment, Igarashi and Yuriko Suzuko are walking all the way. In addition to making Tokiwa Taichung have more romantic remarks about Igarashi. Other than that, it didn't cause any further response.

In the outside black market, the nutritional meal packages produced by Tokiwadai Canteen can be sold for tens of thousands of yen. Its taste and nutrition are by no means a waste of money. In addition to nutritional packages, the canteen also sells other dishes. This is clearly written on the automatic ordering machine. very clear.

What do you want to eat? I'm treating you, so be grateful.

Yuriko Suzukina glanced at Igarashi, her eyes lingered briefly on the automatic ordering machine and said. ?

Spicy fried chicken, and canned coffee.

What about rice? If I buy fried chicken alone, can it be considered a meal?


I think I can understand why you have such a flat figure. In addition to this, maybe (Li Hao) there is another reason why your frequent use of vector operations affects the secretion of growth hormone?

That's nonsense. I tried using [vector manipulation] on my breasts before... Why do you have so much nonsense?

Suzuko Yuriko - the child is popular

Igarashi did not divert attention with her blinding anger. Yuriko Suzuko suspected that she had used vector manipulation to change her flat figure, and Igarashi had definitely heard it.

Now was not the time to tease her. It was enough to know that Suzuko Momotai was very concerned about her own material.

Igarashi pressed a few buttons on the automatic ordering machine.

Canned blood coffee and deluxe set meals, which include fried chicken and have a balanced nutritional profile. They are more suitable for you. You are currently in a long-rest body, so it is unwise to eat chicken alone to gain strength.

Chapter 1121 Unable to resist

Originally, Suzuka Momotaiko seemed to want to refuse and even showed anger because Igarashi did not buy the spicy fried chicken as she said, but changed it to a set meal on her own initiative. However, Igarashi After Lan said that eating like this was good for the body, Suzuko Yuriko suppressed all the words she wanted to say.

It was a bit hard and my face turned red.

In ordinary stores, after customers have finished operating the self-service ordering machine, they only need to find a seat with their meal coupons and a waiter will naturally deliver the food. However, this method is not suitable for school cafeterias.

The school is a place with extremely high population density. Every time there are hundreds of students coming to eat, even a double-digit waiter cannot deliver the food to the students in such a situation. Now Igarashi needs to hold it. I went to the window to wait for the meal ticket. Fortunately, it was late now and there was no need to queue.

Yuriko Suzuko was a little confused. She didn't know whether she should follow Igarashi and stand by the window, or find a place to sit down first.

Because it was not a meal, there were no students in the cafeteria at the moment, only a few faculty members who worked overtime were dining. The way they looked at this place made it difficult for Yuriko Suzuko to bear. She was not that kind of Q in the first place? 3 Types who like to be noticed are more accustomed to staying at home.

After a brief thought, Suzuko Momotaizi chose to follow Igarashi. Just like you did before. If he just found a seat to sit down, he would probably know if Igarashi would deliberately sit somewhere else with the dinner plate to embarrass himself. He was in a state where he was completely unable to fight back.

Teacher Igarashi, is this your...?

Although the staff in the cafeteria had not met Igarashi directly before, they could naturally recognize the only male teacher in the school. After finishing her work, she waited for others to finish the meal while chatting with Igarashi. Get up.

Looking at Yuriko Suzina, this cold-faced girl does not look like a Tokiwadai student or a teacher in age. The staff looked a little curious. In other words, gossip.

My assistant, Mr. Mugino is on vacation during this time and I need other people to help with the work.


It turned out to be an assistant. Speaking of which, didn’t Mr. Igarashi’s former assistant, Mugino Shinri, live with him? Could it be that the girl in front of me is also living with Mr. Igarashi? What would Mr. Mugino think if he came back to work and saw this scene?

Because he found that things were getting more and more interesting, the staff at the tourist attraction was patted on the shoulder by his companion. Only then did he notice that the set meal had been prepared and quickly handed two plates to Igarashi from the window.

Deluxe set C, canned coffee, spicy fried chicken and Coke, please use.

Hearing the spicy fried chicken once, Suzuko Yuriko, who was looking at Tomoko impatiently, was slightly startled when she looked at Igarashi, her eyes softened a little bit - even though this guy said such a thing Did he still silently order his favorite food?

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