Not far behind the taxi where Igarashi was riding, Shokuhou Misaki was sitting in his own car, looking at the scene that happened in front of him and was equally stunned.

How much is this guy hated?

Although the defense of Shokuhou Misaki's car is enough to withstand bullets, the defense of modified cars that want to collide with Igarashi's taxi is not inferior, plus steel bars, boulders and the like Shokuhou Misaki, a heavy-weight Shokuhou, felt that if he changed roles, the means he had prepared so far would not be able to withstand so many crazy attacks.

Miss, the road ahead is blocked. Do you want to force your way through?

Although those who wanted to attack Igarashi made a lot of preparations, they did not have the power to order the security team to turn a blind eye. At this moment, the security team had already blocked the road, and according to Igarashi's order, the remains of the modified car and the Clean up the corpses lying on high-rise buildings.

Shokuhou Misaki was silent for a moment and shook his head.

Forget it, go back. Don't look at things you shouldn't look at, and don't touch things you shouldn't touch. Something unexpected has happened now. Let's get out as soon as possible.

Shokuhou Misaki will not have emotions such as worry because Igarashi encounters danger. On the contrary, she is a little gloating, although she does not want to let Igarashi, who has not shown any malice towards her so far, Juran died in the attack, but Shokuhou Misaki still sincerely hoped that the director, who he could not deal with, would be injured and lie in the hospital for ten days and a half.

Later, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko saw what happened to the taxi Igarashi was riding in, and saw Shokuhou Kanana leaving. The original reason for following them had long been forgotten by Mikoto Misaka. Unable to sit back and watch this undisguised assassination succeed, and not wanting to see Igarashi, a teacher, die like this, Shirai Kuroko, with a similar mentality, continued to activate his super powers and followed closely behind Igarashi.

To be honest, if there were not all kinds of extraordinary situations in the middle, Kuroko Shirai would not be able to catch up with the speed of the vehicle even if she activates her super power. The limit distance of her spatial movement is more than 80 meters. With Misaka Mikoto, she can The calculation process is even more difficult. Now, Kuroko Shirai, who frequently uses super powers, looks ugly.

If we can't hold on any longer, let's go back. It seems that Teacher Igarashi has already taken precautions.

Roads were blocked in many places along the way, making it impossible to call for a taxi at the last minute. Seeing the strange color on Shirai Kuroko's face, Misaka Mikoto's tone was hesitant. Although she was worried about Igarashi's safety, she could not let Shirai Kuroko. Suffering is the premise.

No, so many people attacked him, and he still wanted to travel under such circumstances. There must be something important. Don't forget that he is still a director. In order to protect the safety of the city, I will continue to obey.

Shirai Kuroko looked determined.

Chapter 1115 Just let him do it

Yes, Igarashi is a director. There are only a handful of top-level beings in Academy City. Every word and deed can have a huge impact on Academy City. At this moment, they have encountered so many attacks. They must be obstructing them. Igarashi achieves some kind of action.

Shirai Kuroko, who had already learned about many of the dark sides of Academy City from Takitsubo Rigo, was now thinking that the person who carried out such a despicable attack was definitely not a legitimate organization. The current Igarashi has already melted in Shirai Kuroko's heart. A person with lofty ideals who wants to clean up the filth in Academy City.

However, as time passed and there were no more attacks, after Igarashi's taxi successfully arrived at its destination, Shirai Kuroko roared crazily in his heart and overturned all his previous thoughts.

What did she see? The director of Academy City takes a taxi very low-key, but still encounters various attacks. Even so, Igarashi still does not change his original intention and moves forward bravely. His destination is actually the dormitory of a middle school?

If ten seconds ago, Shirai Kuroko still had the idea that there was some big shot hidden in this dormitory area, just like Igarashi staying at Tokiwadai as a teacher, then when Shirai Kuroko saw Igarashi smiling Shirai Kuroko had already confirmed everything when he greeted a girl who ran out of the dormitory area.

Igarashi took great risks and came here just to meet Saten Ruiko, and if those horrific attacks put aside the goal of killing Igarashi, could they be to stop Igarashi? Is it such a ridiculous reason for Lan to meet a girl?

Shirai Kuroko thinks Igarashi is crazy, and the organizations that attacked Igarashi are also crazy.

Misaka Mikoto was silent for a moment, looked at Igarashi who was chatting and laughing with Saten Ruiko in the distance, and then looked at Shirai Kuroko. what you said, Igarashi has something major to deal with that is related to the safety of Academy City?

In response, Shirai Kuroko responded with a twisted and dark smile.

Hey, sister, hurry up and use your handsome railgun to shoot that guy? Since he wants to date a girl at the risk of his own life, let's just let him do it.

Heizi, you can't be serious, right?

Seriously, I'm very serious. I tried my best to activate my superpower just to catch up with the taxi, and then I saw this scene. If my sister doesn't plan to take action, I can only endure the pain of my head exploding and find someone. The thing teleported over and smashed him to death. What about the car wrecks on the road before? There were still flames on them, so the damage should be pretty good.

Seeing Kuroko Shirai with a dark face, she was about to take action. Misaka Mikoto hurriedly patted her. Space ability users need to perform extremely complex calculations to activate their abilities. Too strong mood changes and external interference may lead to failure. At this moment, due to frequent use Shirai Kuroko, who was a bit weak in terms of super powers, was slapped by Misaka Mikoto. He seemed to be burned out and even the strength to stand disappeared and he fell limply on Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto originally thought that Shirai Kuroko was looking for excuses to take advantage of her as usual, but when her eyes touched the other person's unusually pale face, she suddenly became gentle.

Thank you for your hard work, Kuroko. You have always spoken ill of Igarashi-sensei in the past, but I didn't expect that you could do this at a critical moment. I'm impressed.

Shirai Kuroko, who was being gently held by Misaka Mikoto, felt that the other party was softer than ever before. Suddenly, he felt that his tired body was bursting with unimaginable vitality. His pale face gradually turned red due to the excitement in his heart. He noticed this Kuroko Shirai quickly lowered his head to avoid Misaka Mikoto's gaze and enjoyed it secretly.

On the other side, Igarashi was noncommittal to the two girls in the distance who were not sure whether they were expressing friendship or having sex with Yuri. He looked at the pretty girl in front of him who was obviously dressed up and wearing a dress, and said.

Actually, besides coming to see you today, there is one more thing I want to say to you.

Because he didn't want other people to disturb him, Igarashi deliberately used some small means to disperse the unimportant people. As a result, he and Saten Ruiko were now alone. Although Igarashi did not deliberately guide the atmosphere, it was Saten Ruiko's face. But she was getting redder and redder. She had already endured the warm gaze of her roommate because she was called out by the opposite sex, but when she heard Igarashi's words, her heart beat wildly.

The meaning of the change in Saten Ruiko's expression was really easy to guess. Igarashi's forehead made the girl let out a small cry as she continued.

Don't get carried away. This time it's business. You should have had a good understanding of the abilities enhanced by [Fantasy Controller] during this period, right? How does it feel?

Igarashi's words suddenly made Saten Ruiko's expression darken.

I can't do it. I can't remember my personal reality no matter what, and I can't even have a rough idea of ​​it. It's like I suddenly got something that doesn't belong to me. All I can do is use it.

Saying this, Saten Ruiko raised her hand, and there was a surge of air in her palm that was difficult to see with the naked eye. That was the ability she had gained to control the air flow. Currently, Saten Ruiko could only produce a little breeze. .

Don't define yourself in such a hurry. It's just that you haven't done it yet. Wait until Academy City plays the music that releases [Fantasy Controller] on a large scale. You will be in a coma for a few days. In order not to arouse the suspicion of your roommates, I Shall I take you to the hospital first?


Saten Ruiko was not surprised that Igarashi found a way to relieve the fantasy. She was concerned about another thing.

If it were a hospital, I couldn't hide the fact that I used [Fantasy Controller] at all. Although it was just an unintentional attempt at the beginning, the process is not important, what is important is the result. I usually don't pay too much attention to the manifestation of super powers. If you use [Fantasy Unloading], your classmates will feel hypocritical if they find out.

But, it's still my fault after all

Saten Ruiko sighed, and was about to nod when Igarashi gave him another option.

Actually, I also have a research institute under my command. If you don't want to go to the hospital, you can go to the research institute. Maybe it can help you awaken your superpowers.

Chapter 1116 Leave it to me

Igarashi's words can easily be misunderstood. No matter what excuse a man uses to invite a woman to his research institute, it is very strange. In Academy City, the research institute is an extremely private place, unless she is a staff member of the institute. Either a partner of the institute or a superpower trained by the institute. Otherwise, outsiders cannot go to the institute to investigate. This is a place where technology is studied. The most important thing in Academy City is technology. The institute is subject to various regulations. Protected place.

However, Saten Ruiko didn't have any unnecessary thoughts at all. Noriya didn't know whether it was because she never doubted others in the first place or she had almost absolute trust in Igarashi. Without any hesitation or unnecessary considerations, Saten Ruiko had no idea. He followed Igarashi hesitantly.

And Misaka Mikoto had already left with the weak Shirai Kuroko. Otherwise, if she sees Igarashi taking a girl away, she will probably have some crazy associations.

The research institute Igarashi mentioned was headed by Haruso Kiyama. After Haruso Kiyama, a talent who was not good at fighting and preferred scientific research, joined [Props], Igarashi used his power as a director to establish [Props] in the second school district. A research institute was established nearby the stronghold of Kihara, and the superpower jamming devices seized during the previous elimination of Mohara were also sent there. Although it was a temporary establishment, its strength was still 600, which is not bad. In addition to Kiyama Chunsheng, there were also some who had been in Kihara before. A researcher at the institute who worked with Haruo Kiyama but resigned because he discovered Gensei Motohara's twisted mentality of giving up everything else for scientific research.

At present, this research institute has not produced any results. Igarashi brought Saten Ruiko here because he did not really want help from these researchers who are not very good except Haruo Kiyama. He just asked for help. It's just an excuse that Shizuo Tenreko can accept.

She can't be allowed to try to awaken her superpowers at Igarashi's house without going to the hospital.

Although he would not use rules to brainwash a researcher who was destined not to have much contact with him, Igarashi still took some measures to prevent minor troubles from arising. At this moment, he took Saten Ruiko all the way to the research institute. Other than saying hello, no researcher asked Igarashi about his purpose.

Igarashi led Saten Ruiko to a room that was originally used for ability users to rest temporarily after measuring their abilities. Igarashi said.

According to my estimation, you will have to fall asleep for a long time after releasing [Fantasy Controller], but with my help you can wake up in two days at most, so there is no need to worry about the impact. Your classmates should You know you left school with me, right? They probably thought you were dating your boyfriend for two days.

Male...boyfriend or something...

Igarashi's words made Saten Ruiko blush, and she stammered and wanted to say something. Seeing this, Igarashi, who was still two steps away from the girl, took a few steps forward and stood in front of Saten Ruiko. Within touching distance, almost face to face, he looked at her increasingly rosy cheeks and raised the corners of his mouth.

Is not it?

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