Compared with exploring Shokuhou Misaki's thoughts, it is indeed more important to help Saten Ruiko, who is destined to fall into a coma after the [Fantasy Controller] is lifted.

Yes, I'm sorry. Let's share a hidden meal next time if I ask, Shokuhou-san.


Seeing Shokuhou Misaki's stunned look, Igarashi added kindly.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not making excuses. It's really something.

Well, this kind of supplement is more like superfluous.

Shokuhou Misaki's original plan was to establish a friendship with Igarashi, at least openly friends.

The other party's reason for destroying the external brain was that he did not want to put himself into unknown dangers. No matter how true this excuse was, Shokuhou Misaki could be sure that Igarashi was interested in him. Originally, Shokuhou Misaki would kill all those who dared to make up his mind. To deal with the person who hit you, you must at least use your ability to make him mentally retarded. But if it is Igarashi, so far, not only has he not harmed himself, but he has also expressed goodwill, plus his directorship The unknown method of identity and immunity to super powers, Shokuhou Analyze found that he could not escape and planned to take the initiative.

If Igarashi is really a good person, it doesn't matter if he becomes a friend or even a boyfriend or girlfriend. After all, to be able to have such popularity in Tokiwadai where all the ladies are, one can imagine Igarashi's charm. It's not annoying at all.

And he is the first person besides Misaka Mikoto who can be fully immune to his own superpowers anytime, anywhere.

However, all thoughts have come to an end. Shokuhou Misaki struggled with the invitation she just sent out for a long time, but was decisively rejected by Mr. Igarashi. Now she is a little doubtful about life. First, she pretended to be extremely kind and helped destroy He pretended to be smart and then praised himself a lot. When he wanted to respond to a certain extent to avoid being resented by the other party, he refused so decisively. Is this guy Igarashi kidding me?

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko noticed Shokuhou Cao's gritted teeth expression as she prayed for Igarashi's departure, and they already had some ideas in their minds.

Hate comes from love, only hate from love, and trying to retaliate after being rejected can explain the recent series of actions of Shokuhou Misaki.

Chapter 1113: Will you be blessed if you survive a catastrophe?

Igarashi originally planned to pass the fantasy about music directly to Academy City's broadcast department, let them broadcast it throughout the city at night, and then go to find Saten Ruiko.

However, it was difficult for Igarashi to turn a blind eye when he felt the three followers sneaking behind him.

Shokuhou Misaki, as always, had no intention of attending the rest of Tokiwadai's classes. After Igarashi rejected her dinner invitation, she seemed to be aroused by her curiosity, and followed Igarashi from a distance with a fairly good tracking level. Behind the scenes, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were following Shokuhou Misaki, trying to see what the superpower's plans were.

There were three people skipping class at Tokiwadai Middle School today, and they were either powerful LV5 or rare spatial zero-nine-zero powerhouses. They were all influential figures in the school. It seemed that there was an urgent need to rectify the school spirit and strengthen the quality of students.

Of course, Igarashi did not intend to provide additional psychological education to these problem students who skipped classes. After a brief thought, he simply pretended that he had not noticed them. During the walk, he sent the [Fantasy Controller] release music to the broadcasting department and asked them to find someone. The reason was broadcast in the evening, and then I took an expensive taxi to the area near Saten Ruiko's dormitory.

Neon taxis are already relatively expensive, much higher than buses, trains and other more common means of transportation. This is even more true for Academy City taxis, but this kind of thing naturally cannot be difficult for Shokuhou Misaki. The Queen of Tokiwadai didn't even choose to take a taxi. After a short phone call, she called a car that looked the same as other vehicles and was very secretive. She came over and continued to follow Igarashi.

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were a little embarrassed. It was not like they had no money to take a taxi. However, since they were following, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko naturally couldn't call a taxi nearby before Shokuhou Misaki. Wait, who knows what Shokuhou Misaki will do next. If he goes to a small alley, there is no point in taking a taxi.

Now, watching the hard-to-recognize car that Shokuhou Misaki was riding in gradually disappearing into the distance, and the taxi that Igarashi was riding in disappeared directly from sight, Misaka Mikoto pursed her lips, wondering whether she should think method to continue tracking.

But Kuroko Shirai spoke.

Sister, I will continue to use my super powers to take you with me next time, right?

Generally speaking, Misaka Mikoto wouldn't be able to stalk others with her personality. If it weren't for Shokuhou Misaki, she has a history of controlling others at will. If it weren't for Shokuhou Misaki, who is worried about hatred and love, she would do something to Igarashi. For something out of the ordinary, Mikoto Mikoto wouldn't follow her here secretly.

At this moment, Misaka Mikoto was a little troubled to see that instead of stopping Shirai Kuroko, she wanted to help.

...Is it really necessary to go to this point?

Although I have been saying all kinds of bad things about Igarashi before, in fact he is not that bad. This time is very special. The person who was responsible for protecting him is on vacation. If he doesn't follow up, something might really happen. .”

There was a hint of worry and complaint in Shirai Kuroko's tone.

That ANBU [Item] should be the organization responsible for protecting Igarashi's safety on weekdays. Shirai Kuroko and Takitsubo Rikou had already learned about it when they chatted before. The [Item] will be on holiday in the near future, and Igarashi This guy actually dared to leave the school so casually. He was simply looking for death!

Shirai Kuroko gritted her teeth as she thought about it more and more, and pulled Misaka Mikoto to use her super powers to avoid losing her. Misaka Mikoto, who noticed the change in her expression, was a little confused.

In terms of emotions, Misaka Mikoto belongs to LV0. She has no emotional experience and also has no corresponding vision. At this moment, she doesn't see how strange Shirai Kuroko is about Igarashi. She just doesn't want to put her friends in danger. Keep an eye on the car in the distance.

In fact, Shirai Kuroko's guess was not wrong, something unexpected did happen.

Igarashi was a director who suddenly appeared among Academy City's top leaders. He didn't have a deep foundation in the eyes of many organizations. As he skipped the board meeting and sent someone to kill Motohara Gensei, a well-known scientific researcher in Academy City, Motohara Gensei was killed. And naturally some people in the [Hound Force], an important part of the ANBU annihilation, regard him as a thorn in their side.

When Igarashi was at Tokiwadai, this small group of people who lacked brains and vision did not have the strength and courage to attack Tokiwadai directly. Now that he has left Tokiwadai, the King of Finals has allowed these people to seize the opportunity. , launched a brazen attack.

An attack that took a little bit of ingenuity.

Igarashi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, saw the oncoming reinforced vehicle that had been specially modified and had no license plate. He glanced at the horrified driver next to him, and after confirming that the driver was not a participant in this incident, he casually mobilized some energy.

Driving in the opposite direction, he obviously wanted to deliberately cause a car accident. The tires of the reinforced vehicle that caused Igarashi to die in the car accident suddenly exploded, causing an unimaginable huge impact, causing the heavy-weight car to fly into the air. It was weird. After flying for more than ten meters, it directly collided with a huge cement pillar at the three-way intersection. The airbag had just popped up and exploded again. The entire car was plunged into a sea of ​​fire. The heat wave caused the driver's seat next to Igarashi to The driver suddenly stopped the car, looked at the fireball in the rearview mirror, and rubbed his eyes in shock.

Didn't you hit us? Did the tire blow out?

Igarashi nodded in agreement.

That's about it. I think the car lost control because of random changes and irregular driving behavior. It exploded to pieces. It's okay. Just keep driving. Anyway, Academy City has surveillance. That car just now Driving in the opposite direction and not making any contact with Hibiki's car, the police will not cause trouble for you.

That's right.

Although the modified car exploded, he was fine, and he didn't even have any trouble. Maybe he would be transferred from Lingtian onwards. The taxi driver comforted him like this.

Chapter 1114 For the safety of Academy City

If the saying that if you die too hard, you will be blessed later, is really true, then your future fortune should be enough to make you the chairman of Academy City.

In just ten minutes, the taxi driver encountered modified cars driving in the opposite direction three times and had heavy objects dropped from the sky four times. He was somewhat doubtful about his life.

Originally, the destination Igarashi said would only take ten minutes to reach, but now, ten minutes have passed, and the car has only completed half of the journey.

The taxi driver had never seen so many traffic accidents and accidents in his life. He watched with his own eyes as the three modified cars that could not be seen on the street were about to collide, and they were mysteriously blown up and turned into fireballs. , watching with my own eyes the huge rocks, steel bars and other things falling from the air hit the front or back of the taxi with a slight difference, and then rolled to the side inexplicably. In these short ten minutes, the taxi driver originally It was enough to die seven times, but so far, neither he nor the car he drove was injured.

In addition to the exploding modified car, the taxi driver could also hear a faint and tragic sound every time a heavy object appeared, which seemed to come from the place where the heavy object was thrown.

I didn’t do anything extraordinary. At most, I cursed a few times when someone cut me off while driving. The rest is worthy of a quality citizen. Since the problem did not originate from me, then--

The taxi driver's hands holding the steering wheel trembled slightly, and he looked away through the rearview mirror inside the taxi to look at the passenger sitting in the passenger seat.

Are you...some big shot in Academy City? It looks like many people want to assassinate you.

The taxi driver's question made Igarashi smile with interest.

Similar situations have happened seven times. I can understand that you don't regard it as an accident. However, why do you think I am a big shot? Maybe I am a prisoner who is fleeing?

You are joking. A prisoner would not have such magnanimity. Moreover, if he was really a prisoner, Academy City would directly dispatch the police instead of just doing shady things like now.

At the end, the taxi driver was also gritting his teeth. As an unrelated person, Igarashi's temporary driver was about to be included in the assassination target. This unreasonable disaster made him very angry. He also knew that he had been prepared seven times. The assassinations that came had all failed inexplicably. It must have been someone from Igarashi's side. At this moment, I was not resentful, but Igarashi was somewhat worried about his future safety.

Keep driving. Even if there are still attacks, your life will not be really threatened.

To be honest, the taxi driver regretted making this business trip today. It was clear that he could not drive Igarashi out of the car at this moment. Who could be sure that he would not be attacked after Igarashi left? Moreover, the other party is an unknown big shot. If he offends him, he will die faster.

At least, I haven't been injured so far

The taxi driver sighed heavily in his heart and continued to drive carefully. The distance that could have been completed in seven minutes was now only half of it, but there was nothing that could be done about it.

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