Eh?! I was wrong, I was wrong, please don't throw away my things.

Flanda looked pitiful and ran out to find the truck.

And Jingqi's favorite blinked and saw that his leader seemed a little angry now, so he betrayed his teammates without any hesitation.

Flanda's gift is for her sister. It seems to be called Fremea. It seems that she is not in Academy City, so Flanda's gift has not been sent out before. But I heard that some time ago, Fremea will Entering Academy City.

This kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. You and I will move these super-power jamming devices out first. It just so happens that Haruso Kiyama, who joined before, is a researcher. Let her study this thing when the time comes. Maybe there will be unexpected gains.

Mugino's words made Kinuhata love Jingmin the most.

Move the superpower jamming device together? Does this mean that Mugino Shenri will also help? It turns out that she would never do such unskilled physical work. Moreover, the plan to hand over the superpower jamming device to Haruso Kiyama for research was so normal that it was not something that Mugino Shimri would propose. The same.

That [Atomic Breakdown] Mugino Shiri actually has such a strategic plan? This is definitely not the Mugino Shimori that Kinuhata remembers most.

If it weren't for Mugino Shenli's remaining power, the current rope flag favorite would want to check the opponent's body to see if his leader was transferred to someone without his knowledge.


Thinking of the time when Mugino Shenri used his super power despite the physical pain in order to prevent himself from inhaling too many body crystals, Kinuhata's favorite eyes felt warm.

It's great that the leader has such a transformation.

What are you staring at? Come here and help.

At this moment, Mugino Shenli had already moved part of the superpower jamming device. Seeing Kinuhata's favorite standing there in a daze, he urged him impatiently.

Ah, yes, yes, I'm sorry.

After coming back to his senses, Kinuhata's favorite hurriedly got into work. As the youngest among the four, he was noisy and out of breath after moving for a while, but Kinuhata's favorite didn't complain that he was tired. , persist silently. After moving the superpower jamming device to the house and waiting for Frenda to drive the truck over, Ji Qi's favorite asked calmly.

Chief, our mission has been completed. After moving the superpower jamming device back, shall we start vacation directly?

First go to Tokiwadai to find Igarashi to confirm Takitsubo's condition. If she is out of danger, take her on a normal vacation.

What if it were another situation?

Mugino Shenli glanced at Kinuhata's favorite face with a hint of worry, and said.

Then let's find a way to solve the problem. That guy Igarashi is so powerful, at least he won't let Takitsubo Rikou die, right?


why are you laughing?

No, no. I just think the current leader is super charming!

Chapter 1098 Misunderstanding

After bringing the superpower jamming device back to the base, Mugino Shenri hurried to Toipandai, but Kiyama Haruo also had to follow.

Although he did not directly contribute in the battle, Kiyama Harusi also provided a large amount of intelligence, and was indirectly involved in the operation, completing the request made by Igarashi before. Now Kiyama Harusi wants to ask for the established rewards from Igarashi.

Awaken those children who believe in him but fall into slumber because of their glamorous appearance but actually sinister experiments.

As a result, Mugino Shenli took Frenda, Kinuhata Aoi and Kiyama Haruo to Tokiwadai. When they arrived at the school gate, they were stopped by the guard as expected.

Although Mugino Shenli has been in and out of the school many times, the guard already knows her, but the other people brought by Mugino Shenli's 843 are not known to the guard.

Mugino Shenli suddenly wanted to bring so many outsiders who were not students into Tokiwadai, so of course he had to confirm their identities.

Teacher Mugino, what are you doing?

The woman who was in charge of guarding the Tokiwadai gate, probably in her thirties, and who looked like she had received military training, showed a hesitant look, and her eyes wandered back and forth on Frenda and the others.

Flanda is more of a girly type, Kinuhata's favorite is more girlish than Flanda, while Mugino Shinri is more of an older sister type, and Kiyama Haruo is more of a naughty girl than Mugino Shinri. They are beauties with their own characteristics, at first glance. The guard thought they were here for a beauty pageant.

Thinking of the letter that Teacher Igarashi asked me to give to Mugino Shimori, which should be a love letter, and the news that Mugino Shimri and Igarashi were living together in the school during this period, I looked at the charm in front of me. Different people, the fire of gossip is burning in the guard's heart.

These are all people Igarashi-sensei knows, and they are here to see him this time.

Of course, it was impossible for Mugino Shinri to tell the guard about the ANBU. Instead, he gave an equally real reason. Because he was worried about Takitsubo's condition, Mugino Shinri and others were a little anxious, while Kiyama Haruo was simply doing it for Wu. Julan is nervous about whether he will fulfill his promise.

From the guard's perspective, the faces of the first few people were not pretty, without any smiles, and rather menacing. She, who was already filled with gossip, suddenly thought of a lot.

Are these girls who have an ambiguous relationship with Igarashi-sensei? Now there is a fire in the harem and we have come to investigate.

With the charm of Mr. Igarashi, it was indeed possible to quietly establish such a harem. The guard just didn't expect that the scope of Mr. Igarashi's interests would be so wide, from Kinuhata's favorite who was similar to Wang Loli to none at all. Even Kiyama Chunsheng, who had doubts about Yujie, would not let go.

I understand, please come in, but be careful not to cause problems with your wife. Otherwise, it will have a bad impact on yourself and others.

The guard let me go with an understanding look on his face.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of her words, Mugino Shenli would not delve into it and quickly led everyone in a hurry to the residence at fifty o'clock.

During this period, Mugino Shimari, who took many courses on behalf of Igarashi, has already gained a certain reputation in Tokiwadai Middle School. Although she lacks patience, as LV5, she is undoubtedly an expert in superpower knowledge, so He was highly praised by some students, and many eldest ladies in Tokiwadai liked to be scolded by Mugino because they were used to flattering Qin Cheng.

Along the way, many students greeted Mugino Shinri. Mugino Shinri, who was worried about Takitsubo, nodded hastily and led the three people behind him to move quickly. This somewhat unusual scene soon caused a stir on the campus. There was a small commotion, and Shirai Kuroko happened to be nearby. He saw the unknown people behind Mugino Shenli. Seeing their unkind appearance, he hesitated for a moment, and then used his super power to stay far away. Follow.

Even though he said he disliked Igarashi, if Igarashi really encountered any danger, Shirai Kuroko would not sit idly by and ignore it.

About five minutes later, Mugino Shenli led people into Igarashi's villa, and Shirai Kuroko also secretly used his superpowers to sneak into the empty room secretly based on his memory of being forced to work as a delivery maid for Igarashi. observe……

How is Riko Takitsubo doing now?

As soon as he entered Igarashi's residence, Mugino Shinri hurriedly said this.

She is just a little tired now and will recover after a sleep. You can have a meal together in the canteen in Tokiwadai and then go on vacation.

Looking at the people running over, Igarashi didn't show any surprise. Inform Mugino Shenli and others of the room where Takitsubo Rikou is. They rushed over impatiently, but Kiyama Chunsheng stayed behind.

As promised before, the children's matters...

Kiyama Harusheng pursed her lips and her voice was a little soft. She was very afraid that Igarashi would regret it temporarily. He even went so far as to kill children in order to protect Academy City's reputation.

I know, I will go see them tomorrow. Don't worry, I will not go back on what I promised you before. You have a good rest. The dark circles under your eyes are very strong now. You don't want to change your current posture by then. Show it to the kids, right?”


The conversation between Igarashi and Haruso Kiyama ended here, but Kuroko Shirai, who was eavesdropping against the wall in the vacant room next door, was already in an uproar.

That girl named Takitsubo Rikou is tired? And sleeping at Igarashi’s house? Isn't this just saying that Igarashi pushed someone down? Moreover, even though he is on vacation, is this guy really so bold that he openly and blatantly opens a harem and allows his girlfriends to cultivate relationships?

And what about the kids? Igarashi actually already has a child, well... Haruso Kiyama is not a girl, so having a child is understandable, but it is Igarashi who cannot be justified.

This guy is still so flirtatious even though he has a child. He is simply the scumbag among scumbags. Listening to the weakness revealed in Haruso Kiyama's words just now, Igarashi may have done a lot of sad things.

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