Takitsubo Riko had always been in low spirits, and the clothes she wore were all based on comfort. She tended to wear loose clothes. Igarashi never expected that this girl had a pretty good figure.

Well, this is definitely not taking advantage of others.

After saving someone's life, healing all the injuries accumulated after Takitsubo's treatment, and just hugging him for a while, Igarashi believed that even if Takitsubo was awake throughout the treatment, he would not blame himself.

In fact, Takitsubo Rikou was indeed conscious throughout the whole process. When the girl was about to completely faint, Igarashi appeared, and Takitsubo Rikou's physical collapse disappeared. All that remained was the thought. It's just that I feel sleepy and want to fall asleep.

However, she did not sleep. She suppressed her sleepiness and looked at Igarashi, this mysterious man with whom she had not had much contact before, and said softly.

Thank you, I'll keep it a secret.

Keep it secret? You said that I healed you instantly? It's not a secret that cannot be exposed. I didn't tell Mugino, Shenli and the others directly, I just wanted to receive some reward. To be honest, your actions this time were a bit unplanned. Enter through the front door openly. Is this considered ANBU? Shouldn’t the meaning of ANBU be law enforcers hidden in the dark, similar to killers? I’m afraid you are not berserkers.”

Igarashi's accusation made Takitsubo Rikou look away without confidence. Then he remembered the other party's words, half changed the topic, and half asked with concern.

What do you mean by reward?

The delicate appearance of a cute girl is one of the few wonderful scenery in this world. You must appreciate it.

Is that enough?


Chapter 1096 Thanks

Takitsubo Rikou's eyes lost focus, and he didn't seem to notice Igarashi's surprised expression. He was lost in thought, and then whispered like a dream.

I knew that my body would soon collapse due to body crystals. Even if I stopped using them, my lifespan would definitely be much shorter than that of ordinary people. I didn't expect to meet you again...

Takitsubo Rikou's current state is a bit strange, as if she is delirious, and her tone of voice is very erratic, but Igarashi can be sure that he has indeed solved all the hidden dangers of Takitsubo Rikou's body and mind just now, and the only remaining Those sleepiness should not make her look like this.

If there is no problem with Takitsubo Rikou, then it will only be the outside world.

Igarashi let Takitsubo Rikou chatter for the time being, and carefully felt the factors in the environment that might affect people.

This is Tokiwadai. Logically speaking, it should be one of the most peaceful and safe places in Academy City. After all, it is a world-renowned prestigious school and the second card of Academy City, let alone the other chairman. Even Aleister would not do anything to Tokiwadai without any reason. The numerous 8.7 ability users gathered here also deterred the villains with evil intentions.

Many people with abilities...

Thinking of Takitsubo Rikou's super power - [Ability Tracking], Igarashi raised his eyebrows, and placed a barrier around him that could isolate the AIM diffusion field that the ability user unconsciously emitted, and then paid close attention to Takitsubo Rikou's movements. Change, planning to cancel the barrier once the other party behaves abnormally.

Igarashi is not sure whether a character like Riko Sabota, who is very sensitive to superpowers, might have regarded the AM diffusion field as something as indispensable as air.

As a result, Takitsubo's spirit improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her erratic words and deeds became normal. The girl's eyes returned to focus, and she glanced around with a slight surprise. Of course, Igarashi was not seen. She had set up a barrier, but knowing that such a change was inseparable from Igarashi, she still kept her eyes on Igarashi.


I originally thought that the AIM diffusion field was necessary for you, but now it seems to be the opposite?

...Well, because of the [ability tracking] I have, the AIM diffusion field that ordinary people and ability users cannot feel is something that is perceptible to me and cannot be shielded. It will affect my body and mind to a greater or lesser extent. Affected. It's a bit like hearing noise for a long time or being in the water for a long time. Now suddenly you can't feel the AIM diffusion field, which is a refreshing feeling.

After hearing what Takitsubo Rikou said, Igarashi looked at the other party. He only pursued comfort but lacked aesthetics in a shirt and sweatpants without any accessories. To be honest, this unusually simple dress was not worthy of Takitsubo Rikou. In terms of appearance, she is similar to Saten Ruiko. She does not give people a strong sense of beauty at first, but she is very attractive and makes people feel more comfortable the more they get along with her.

The brilliance in Igarashi's hand flowed and condensed into a flower-shaped white hairpin, which he handed to Takitsubo Rikou.

In the future, if you wear this hairpin, you can block the AlM diffusion force field. If you take it off, it will return to normal. I paid special attention to the design of the hairpin. It should be no problem to sleep with it.

Riko Takitsubo was not someone who often received gifts.

As a member of Academy City ANBU, Takitsubo Rikou spends most of her time walking on the dark side. Even though she is an attractive girl, she rarely receives gifts. The few times she receives gifts are from fellow member Julan on her birthday. reach them. They are all small gadgets. In terms of real value and help to oneself, the card issued by Igarashi is unique.

Takitsubo Rikou's eyes became wandering again after she had regained her original personality and become a lazy girl of few words.

You saved my life and now you give me such a precious gift. Should I respond in some way?

Well, I insist on the principle of voluntariness, it's up to you.

Igarashi looked indifferent. He wouldn't force a girl out of desire, after all, Igarashi is already an experienced driver.

Takitsubo's eyes flashed, and he turned his head to look at the mysterious man standing next to him. The first time he appeared, Mugino Shinri, who was LV5, was completely unable to fight back. Even with the high-end instruments, he could not detect any abnormalities. The means of sealing superpowers can instantly heal his body that has been damaged due to frequent use of body crystals, and he can use means that are definitely not superpowers to create cards out of thin air.

Excessive mystery can make people fearful, but Takitsubo Rikou is not afraid of Igarashi.

...Then please come closer to me.

Igarashi followed his words and approached Takitsubo Rikou. On the one hand, he was a bold artist and was not afraid that Takitsubo Rikou would do something bad to him. On the other hand, he was a somewhat curious girl expressing her gratitude. The way.

The scene where the hero saves the beauty is always so attractive.


The gentle kiss on the side of the face obviously didn't make people swoon like other deeper contacts, but Igarashi still felt pleasure.

This is a thank you gift, okay?

To be honest, after hearing Takitsubo Riko's words, Igarashi wanted to give a negative answer, and then looked at the girl whose face was already blushing to see if she would give more thank you.

But seeing the sleepiness that couldn't be hidden in the other person's eyes, Igarashi knew that he might have shot himself in the foot by not regaining Takitsubo Rigo's physical strength before, but he didn't feel regretful about it. With such emotion, he stood up neatly and spoke.

Okay, this is my residence in Tokiwadai Middle School. You can rest assured that I will inform Mugino and the others about your recovery. When you wake up, you should be able to see those who care about you. Companion.


Chapter 1097 The leader is super charming

Originally, compared to Kihara Gensei, who is only a researcher in name and controls a research institute similar to other research institutes, but not much special, Kihara Sugata, the leader of the ANBU [[Hound Force]], should be more difficult to deal with. .

However, it is different from Kihara Gensei who has one trump card after another. The means with a large number of Kihara are really limited. As one of the leaders of the ANBU, he actually let his subordinates and Mugino Shinri face Todoroki. The result was that the [[Hound Unit]] were all wiped out, but Mugino Shinri was unscathed.

Even at LV5, it is a bit strange to remain unscathed in a hail of bullets. After all, Mugino's super power does not strictly speaking have very good defensive capabilities, but focuses more on attack. However, just as the bullets that had not been destroyed by the atomic collapse were about to fall on him, Mugino Shinri's body suddenly emitted a shimmering light and destroyed the bullets one by one. This scene made Flanda and Kinuhata a little dumbfounded, and they thought Mugino Shenli has mastered some new methods of using super powers, but Mugino Shenli himself knows clearly that these glimmers of light have nothing to do with him.

Thinking of the sudden appearance of Igarashi at the critical moment, who had obviously been paying attention to the situation during his mission, Mugino Shenli, who had probably guessed the source of these glimmers of light, flashed a touch of tenderness in his eyes, which quickly disappeared and became full of energy again. Furious, before Kihara, who wanted to say something, could speak more, an atom collapsed, completely annihilating him.

Then, after roughly cleaning the battlefield, Flanders and Kinuhata found a very strange mechanical device, which seemed to be worn by Kihara Sudo and carefully placed it in a very hidden place. Although it was unknown. [Items] have no effect on the body, but the two of them still talked to Mugino Shenli and planned to take them back as trophies.

At the same time, a superpower jamming device was discovered that could not be easily moved by manpower and had to be transported by truck to move the device. Originally, Flanders didn't quite know what it was. After curiously pressing various buttons on the console, the device that was somewhat similar to Zhang Xiang played harsh music, making the three of them cover their ears in discomfort.

Afterwards, Frenda was naturally scolded by Mugino Shenli.

Frenda, go find a car and move this thing away as well.

After scolding Frenda, Mugino Shenli calmed down his inner temper a little and took a deep breath before saying this.

Flanda looked at the superpower jamming device that should weigh close to a ton in total. She knew that if she nodded at this moment, she would be reduced to a porter in the future, so she said cautiously.

Is it really necessary to move this thing back to the stronghold? Our stronghold is not very large to begin with, and if we don't understand the effect of this thing, if it takes a lot of effort...

What is ineffective? Even I will be affected by the noise it emits, and I will not be able to use my superpowers normally. Are you blind? As for the area of ​​the stronghold... If you can't find enough space, I will give you the space in your room. Throw out the gifts you don’t know who they’re for.”

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