Shirai Kuroko couldn't stand listening anymore. She had already made up her mind to teach Igarashi a lesson after the others left.

Chapter 1099 Do you want to see those darkness?

Takitsubo Rikou was still sleeping soundly. Mugino Shiri and others who were worried about her physical condition just quietly made sure that she was not dead and that her condition was not too bad. Then they went to Tokiwadai Middle School as Igarashi said before. Eat in the cafeteria.

They have been busy since midnight yesterday, either experiencing dangerous battles or transporting superpower jamming devices. To be honest, both Mugino Shimri and Flanda are very hungry. Even Kiyama Harusei, who did not directly participate in the battle, is also very hungry. Without rest, they were first worried about whether the mission was executed smoothly, then worried about whether Igarashi would fulfill his promise, and then helped carry the superpower jamming device. Now they were both physically and mentally exhausted.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the others to leave, Kuroko Shirai, who had been eavesdropping, jumped out and pointed at Igarashi's nose and asked.

You guy, you are obviously a married man with a child, why do you still dare to go around messing around with women? Isn't it too much?

In fact, Igarashi already knew that Shirai Kuroko was eavesdropping, but to be honest, Igarashi had no prior knowledge? 5 I expected that Kuroko Shirai would jump out and say something like this.

It is simply confusing right and wrong. Not only this world, but all the worlds Igarashi has experienced so far have no children. As for married men, so far, Igarashi has not had any substantive behavior with any women, but he has been flirting with women everywhere. This point is not easy for Igarashi to refute.

I'm not a married man, and I don't have children, Shirai Kuroko. You slandered me at will in the beginning, but now it seems that not only have you not learned the lesson, but you have intensified it?

Don't pretend to be stupid. I heard the conversation between you and that Kiyama Chunsheng before. Didn't you two say the word 'children'? Aren't the so-called children the children you and Kiyama Chunsheng had?


Igarashi's words shocked Shirai Kuroko. In her opinion, Igarashi is now severing the relationship with his children just to excuse himself. He is undoubtedly the scumbag among scumbags.

Just when Kuroko Shirai was about to subdue Igarashi on the spot with the steel needle he used to deal with villains, Igarashi, who had roughly guessed what the girl was thinking from the expression, rolled his eyes.

You are quite imaginative. Child should be a term that is not too narrow. Just like me calling you little sister now does not mean that you are really my sister. The so-called child was born in an orphanage before Kishan Chun was born. When I was a teacher, the students I taught fell into a deep sleep because they participated in a bad experiment. Please wake them up.


Shirai Kuroko showed a dumbfounded expression and asked stupidly after a short period of silence.


If you don't believe it, you can confirm it with Kiyama Chunsheng later. I think you are the so-called married man who regards Kishan Chunsheng as my wife? In fact, I don't have much interaction with her. If we insist on being closer, Maybe you are more like my wife? Shirai Kuroko-san who once sent me meals for a week.

Because he misunderstood Igarashi again, Shirai Kuroko, who was supposed to fight back when he heard such teasing words, was now a little submissive and changed the subject in a panic.

For the time being, just think that I wrongly blamed you. However, what happened to the not-so-good experiment you mentioned before? Aren't all Academy City's experiments...

'Aren't all experiments in Academy City subject to strict review?', that's probably what you want to say, right? Yes, it does need to be reviewed. However, the criterion for passing the review is not whether the experiment will cause harm, but whether the experiment will cause harm. Whether it has value, if the value of the experimental results is higher than human life, then even the most shady experiments will be approved. Don’t imagine Academy City too well, Shirai Kuroko.”


Shirai Kuroko, who was stunned by Igarashi's words, took a long time to understand the other party's words. After connecting all the previous things together, Shirai Kuroko frowned slightly.

You said before that you are the director of Academy City, so these things...

The dirty things in Academy City have nothing to do with me. I should be one of the few kind-hearted people in the General Council. So, Kuroko, you have actually hurt a kind-hearted person twice. If the Academy City If the last conscience of the city is destroyed, maybe it won’t even be able to maintain its superficial brightness, right?”

Why should I believe what you say?!

Seeing that Shirai Kuroko wanted to escape from the facts, Igarashi took out his mobile phone, did a little manipulation, opened a database that could only be read with extremely high permissions, and then handed the phone to Shirai Kuroko.

This is the experiment, see for yourself.

Shirai Kuroko took the phone with a slightly trembling palm, and when his eyes touched the screen of the phone, it also became trembling.

Ability body crystallization experiment, the experiment leader Gensei Kihara, the research institution Advanced Education Kihara Research Institute, is known to the outside world as the AIM diffusion field control experiment. It needs to specifically stimulate the experimenter's AIM diffusion field to find out-of-control conditions. An accident occurred during the experiment. It was discovered that secretions can be extracted from the brains of out-of-control people. After refining it, it becomes the crystallized ability body... Why would Academy City allow such an experiment?!

It seems cruel, right? It's actually very cruel. If those secretions are lost, the person who loses control will fall into a long sleep. There are many similar human experiments. Although I won't say that all experiments will be stopped by electrocution. However, in the future, participants will be notified in advance of such experiments that are harmful to the human body, allowing them to make their own decisions.

Igarashi paused for a moment, looked at the silent Shirai Kuroko and smiled.

Are you thinking about it? The ANBU is the group that deals with the dark side of Academy City's glamorous appearance. There are also some matters that are usually handled by the ANBU. Although you are only a LV4, you are still the disciplinary committee member, and you will inevitably deal with some matters. In emergencies, it will be much easier in the future if we can establish a good relationship with the ANBU.

Chapter 1100 Leaking secrets? Just a normal chat

To be honest, Shirai Kuroko and Igarashi were frightened by what he said.

Shirai Kuroko knew that Igarashi was the director of Academy City, so he believed everything he said. Later, he saw the detailed information on the ability body crystallization experiment and learned that Academy City was really carrying out cruelty in an almost aboveboard manner. In the human experiment, Shirai Kuroko felt that her outlook on life was shattered.

Although as a member of the disciplinary committee, Kuroko Shirai has seen all kinds of villains, and has heard of demons in human skin who kill simply for the sake of killing. If you have to compare, it is actually much more abominable than human experimentation. However, the behavior of villains is different from the behavior of Academy City. If even the official Academy City is doing dirty things secretly, is there any real light left in this city?

Shirai Kuroko did not refuse Igarashi's invitation. She wanted to see how far the dark side of Academy City could reach.

Originally, when she heard that she was going to ANBU, Kuroko Shirai had already prepared herself to a certain extent. She was prepared to remain calm no matter if she saw a human massacre site or anything else - that's weird!

Shirai Kuroko was actually panicking to death.

Naturally, Igarashi noticed Shirai Kuroko's panic and watched it with interest for a moment.

Letting Shirai Kuroko know about the hidden darkness and the existence of Anbu in Academy City, naturally Igarashi did not deliberately want to intimidate the other party, but just to let Shirai Kuroko make some psychological preparations, and then wait until necessary to let Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto see Misaka Just my sister.

The ultimate goal of Academy City's ability development is to become a person who descends into the mortal world as if he were the will of God. In order to get closer to God, it is necessary to create an existence beyond human beings - LV6 absolute ability users understand the will of God with an existence beyond human beings. .

The crazy but talented scientists in Academy City, represented by Gensei Kihara, calculated through the tree diagram designer that only Accelerator, the first among the superpowers in Academy City, has a chance to evolve. As a person with absolute abilities, it would take more than two hundred years to undergo normal course training. According to scientists' knowledge, no one can live for more than two hundred years, so they continued to look for ways to accelerate evolution and calculated that Accelerator would kill The railgun can be evolved one hundred and twenty-eight times, but there is only one Misaka Mikoto, so the experiment targets the clones of Misaka Mikoto created by the mass-produced ability project carried out at the same time - the Misaka sisters. .

Through ridiculously simple equivalent substitutions, the calculation results of the tree diagram designer show that evolution can be achieved as long as Accelerator kills more than 20,000 Misaka sisters.

Igarashi naturally knows all this information. If there is a certain level of intelligence in the mass-produced esper plan, then the person who formulated the specific process of the absolute esper plan is definitely a fool. How about treating it as an upgrade for killing monsters? Asking Accelerator to kill Misaka, who is only at LV4, is like asking a game account that is close to a full-level god to go to the Novice Village to level up.

There is no need for poor scientists who lack moral ethics and IQ to exist, so Igarashi asked [Items] to destroy Gensei Kihara who advocated the absolute ability user plan...

Although the real reason why Misaka Sister was approved by Academy City was that Aleister wanted to realize the artificial heaven covering the whole world by sending Misaka Sister to all over the world, but Aleister, who had been affected by the law, naturally would not Against Igarashi's wishes, all related matters were immediately stopped, but the Misaka sisters that had been created would not be destroyed. Now those Misaka sisters are being taught knowledge by dedicated personnel and are temporarily hidden in the dark. However, there will be a day when they will be let out, and Igarashi is now laying the groundwork.

Shirai Kuroko, who had been waiting for a long time, asked with a raised eyebrow when he saw Igarashi didn't move.

So where are the ANBU?

Anbu is composed of multiple units. Although each unit is responsible for different areas, they usually receive more or less commissions. There is essentially no difference. I will show you.

With that said, Igarashi brought Shirai Kuroko to Takitsubo Rikou's room. Knowing that Takitsubo Rikou had almost rested now, Igarashi gently knocked on the door that was not closed and said. .

are you awake?


After waking up from a long-lost dreamland, Takitsubo touched the hairpin on his head and confirmed his physical condition. Looking at Igarashi, he smiled gratefully.

I feel like I'm fine now, thank you.

Mugino Shenri and the others came to see you before. They are currently eating in the canteen of Tokiwadai. They will be back in a moment. I will ask them to bring you a meal.

Eh? Bring food or something, no need...

It doesn't matter. I didn't eat either. They were going to bring my share.

Shirai Kuroko, who was silently watching the insipid conversation between Igarashi and Takitsubo Rigo, had already guessed something from Igarashi's words and deeds, but it was really difficult for her to ignore the powerless girl lying on the bed. Being associated with the ANBU, which represents the dark side of Academy City, I feel a little dazed.

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