Obviously my virginity is left to Sister Shizhi.

Wha, what! Take the sisters together or something, leave your virginity to me or something, Kotori, please wake up!

Itsuka Shiori grabbed Itsuka Kotori's shoulders and shook him violently, and Itsuka Kotori shouted.

I'm very sober. Don't you have any doubts? How can anyone let their sister-in-law call her Oni-chan with so much love?

If Igarashi and Itsuka Shiori get married, Itsuka Kotori will indeed be Igarashi's sister-in-law. Thinking of this, Itsuka Shiori nodded thoughtfully.

Well, it is true, but you and I are not related by blood. Maybe we are not sisters?

Is now the time to worry about this? Sister, what are you thinking?! Now is the last chance to nip that Igarashi guy's ambition in the bud. Sister Shizhi, go and teach him a lesson now.

Itsuka Kotori's words made Itsuka Shiori weakly raise his hand.

Well, even if I really teach him a lesson, I think the final scene will be like him teaching me a lesson, which may be regarded as a sheep in the tiger's mouth. You know, Igarashi has never been a person who accepts weakness.

What should we do?

Looking at the troubled Itsuka Kotori, Itsuka Shiori said weakly.

have no idea.

Of course Wuhe Shizhi doesn't know how to resist. She is just walking step by step like a lamb in the trap, but Wuhe Qinli is an elf. She has decided to find an opportunity to regain the power of the elf and teach the lawless man a lesson. Igarashi.

Chapter 1031 Grouping

If it is Okinawa, the original destination of the educational trip, there is a blue ocean and white sandy beach. You can taste fried egg balls and kinchaku while enjoying the tourist destination full of coral reefs and Okinawa style. For this day, everyone does They made all kinds of preparations, including sunscreen, swimsuits, etc., and even a few landlubbers learned to swim early on the weekend. Therefore, when Takee Okamine announced the change of travel location, the classroom became uneasy.

Sensing the changing atmosphere, Teacher Xiaozhu raised her voice slightly and spoke.

Don't worry, the changed location is a great place!

So, where are you going?

That—or Mido.

After Teacher Xiaozhu said the name of this place, most of the students tilted their heads in confusion. Maybe Mei Island is not a very famous place because it doesn't seem to be a public place.

Please rest assured that Ormeidao is an island off the coast, surrounded by the sea, and there will be no other tourists nearby when we go there. Then everyone can have fun, even barbecue or have a bonfire on the beach The party is okay as long as everyone can dispose of personal garbage and pay attention to safety!

Of course, Okamine Shue will be watching the students in her class to avoid danger, and the same is true for other classes.

Oh? Ouch!!

At this time, everyone became excited. If you go to Okinawa, you cannot have barbecues and bonfire parties at the beach. On the beaches of Okinawa, in order to protect the environment, all you can do is swim and bask in the sun. Even if it is Collecting shells as souvenirs is prohibited.

Teacher, do we need to bring our own ingredients and grill for the barbecue?

Yes, do we also need to prepare firewood for the bonfire party?

Everyone seems to be very active. For them, it seems to be very happy if they can prepare their own ingredients. As for preparing firewood and so on, looking at the eagerness of these students, maybe they want to be on the island. Cut down trees and think of it as fun.

Except for the ingredients, everything will be prepared by dedicated personnel. As for the barbecue ingredients, there will be shops on the island selling fresh ingredients at normal market prices. Students can buy them there or bring the ingredients with them. Teacher, I don't mind. If everyone catches fish in the sea, it will be very troublesome if there are hidden dangers such as food poisoning.

Takee Okamine put her hands together in a gesture of supplication, and her classmates nodded in understanding.

It is understandable not to prepare ingredients. After all, food for so many people is not a small sum. The travel expenses paid by the students before are actually not enough. The school is already losing money by not asking the students to make up the payment. If it is still a student Preparing barbecue ingredients is really a waste.

As a well-known school in Tiangong City, Laizen High School can naturally guarantee the quality of its students. Coupled with Okamine Zhue's status in the hearts of the students, no one will violate this requirement.

The specific details will be explained in detail in the revised travel guide, so let's decide on the room allocation now. Please be grouped with four or five friends who are close to each other.

After Takee Okamine finished speaking, every student looked around with observation eyes for a moment, then pushed away their chairs and stood up, joining their circle of close friends.

Naturally, the girl trio was still three people together. Takamiya Mana, the transfer student who transferred in, still clung to his sister Itsuka Shiori, while Tobiichi Origami and Yatogami Tohka looked at Igarashi.

As for the room grouping, let's be in the same group!

Tohka, with sparkling eyes, leaned towards Igarashi from her desk.


Igarashi paused and was about to say something, but after hearing Tohka's words, Teacher Xiaozhu stood on the other side of the podium and said loudly.

No... you can't! Yatogami-san, boys and girls cannot be in the same group.

Well, why? I want to be in a group with Igarashi!

You, you asked why...it was because...

Teacher Xiaozhu's face began to turn red, as red as an apple, and he began to hesitate.

And Igarashi leaned into Tohka's ear and whispered.

Don't embarrass me, teacher. This grouping is only temporary. After we get to the island, we will go to my private property. You can do whatever you want then. Now be obedient.

oh oh.

Tohka nodded repeatedly and said nothing more, but Tobiichi Origami knew these things better than Tohka, and knew that she should at least make a show of grouping them together, so she joined Itsuka Shiori's group.

Including Yatogami Tohka, Itsuka Shiori's group happened to be four people.

However, there are still three girls in the trio, one less than the minimum standard of four. Just when they were looking for another partner, a figure who had not been seen for many days walked in outside the noisy classroom door.

Teacher, I'm sorry that I took such a long leave, but it seems that I didn't miss the educational trip?

Tokisaki Kurumi, who disappeared for a while, is back.

The classroom fell into silence for a moment. Everyone looked at Tokisaki Kurumi, who had not been seen for many days, with various thoughts. Ordinary students did not expect that this transfer student who looked like a young lady would actually ask for leave during school. , waiting to skip classes before returning to school after going on a trip, and Itsuka Shiori and others who knew that Tokisaki Kurumi was the most evil spirit were thinking about the reason for returning to school at this time.

With the character of Takee Okamine, of course she would not accuse Kurumi Tokisaki of anything. When he saw her returning to school, he briefly inquired about the physical condition of this student who had taken an indefinite leave of absence due to illness, and then asked her to hurry up. Teamed up with other students.

After Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes briefly glanced at the girls who had finished forming groups in twos and threes, they stayed on Igarashi for a moment. He did not act like Tohka, who wanted to share a room with Igarashi. Something that might be allowed, but he came in front of the three girls and asked in a pleading and elegant tone.

Can you let me team up with you? I won't cause you any trouble.

Facing this girl who was suspected of being her love rival, Yamabuki Ai showed no resistance, but nodded readily.

Well, we also happen to be short of one person. Please give me more advice later.

Chapter 1032 Photographer Ailian

Although Eileen, the strongest human magician from DEM Club, has been deliberately avoiding Igarashi, Igarashi has no intention of letting her go. This time or the trip to the beautiful island, on the one hand, according to the original plot trajectory, the three girls The human group seems to be Eileen's nemesis. Igarashi is very curious about what interesting things will happen between Eileen and the three girls on Orimi Island. On the other hand, Igarashi has no intention of stopping Tokisaki Kurumi from plundering Itsuka. If there is elf power in Shiori's body, Tokisaki Kurumi is almost destined to go back to the past, and after seeing that scene in the past, what attitude will she take towards Mio, the origin elf, Eren, one of the three sinners, and Here is Igarashi, the savior.

For these two reasons, Igarashi ordered Ailian to find an excuse to come to Orome Island for an educational trip.


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