Well, my brother is very good to me. I feel that if I have my brother here, I will feel at ease even without the power of the elf.

Seeing that the other elves were sealed, Yoshino already had related ideas, and with Yoshino's encouragement, she didn't hesitate much at this moment.

Listening to Yoshino's soft words, Igarashi felt more and more that it was a wise choice to let her call him brother.

I will protect you, now, give it a try.

After expressing his thoughts and getting a positive reply from Igarashi, Yoshino left his seat and came to Wuhe Shiori, looking at Wuhe Shiori with his cute big eyes.

Sister Shizhi, please.

Wuhe Shizhi couldn't resist any of his spirits, nor could she resist a petite girl like Yoshino who could easily inspire her motherly nature. When she stretched out her hand to make contact with Yoshino, the seal was naturally successful. .

Itsuka Kotori, Yatogami Tohka, Yuya Miku and Yoshino. Now, the power of four elves were sealed in Itsuka Shiori's body, which was what Tokisaki Kurumi needed to travel to the past. standards.

I don’t know when Tokisaki Kurumi will find Itsuka Shiori?

Tokisaki Kurumi, that charming elf girl who disappeared after saying she was secretly her boyfriend, was really irresponsible. She flirted with him so many times, how could she run away after flirting with someone else.

When Igarashi was thinking about it carelessly, Itsuka Shiori, who didn't know that his sister was also an elf and had been sealed by him, found out that he had sealed three elves unknowingly. He held it in for a long time before speaking. .

Next week, the school will hold an educational trip, and Yoshino...

The so-called educational travel is nominally a way of learning through exchanges and visits between local education and education in other places, with the basic purpose of promoting educational achievements, school running, demonstrating students' diverse learning, and broadening their horizons.

However, there are so many twists and turns in high school. In fact, educational trips to Zen High School have always been just class-based outings.

Since it is a trip, it will naturally last more than one day. In Wuhe Shizhi's view, Yoshino, whose power has been sealed, also needs someone to take care of him, so——

Oh, I know. The school is planning to go to Okinawa, right? I will contact the school to change it. Then we will go to Mido Island. There is a private land under my name there. Mio, Yoshino, and Miku are also You can go there in advance and we can all play together then.”

Igarashi unabashedly demonstrated the rights of capitalists, causing Itsuka Shiori to open his mouth slightly and remain speechless for a long time.

And Itsuka Kotori looked around the dining table. Well, except for the Laizen High School students who were about to go on a trip - Tohka, Origami, Shiori-nee, and the names Igarashi said, it seemed that Of all the people present, except yourself, would you like to visit Orome Island?

I also need to go!

After all, Itsuka Kotori was not even a high school student. Now that she saw Igarashi taking everyone except herself, she expressed her dissatisfaction without hesitation.

You? Don't you need to go to school?

Igarashi looked confused.

If you think about it this way, Yui Xiao Miku also has to go to school, and Mio is also the analyst of the air battleship. Why are you omitting me? Are you dissatisfied with me?

Wearing a black hairband, Itsuka Kotori will never admit defeat.

Kotori Itsuka, you are the commander of the air battleship and one of the promoters of the plan to seal the elves. I take everyone to visit Orome Island to ensure the health of the elves. I will bear all the related expenses. However, I think you should also show some expression.

Igarashi showed a wicked smile again.

Itsuka Kotori was a little panicked.

What do you want me to say?

Since Igarashi said that he would bear all the expenses, it was certainly not a monetary expression, and Itsukawa Kotori had a bad suspicion.

And Igarashi coughed slightly and replied.

Call me Onii-chan in a voice full of love, while wearing a black headband.

Chapter 1030 Consideration


Itsuka Kotori swore that if she could, she would really jump up and hit Igarashi.

Igarashi, who was glared at by Itsuka Kotori, didn't panic at all. Even if the spirit power sealed in Itsuka Shiori's body returned and Itsuka Kotori transformed into the spirit in charge of the flames again, Igarashi was not afraid at all. It's just an elf, Igarashi can hit ten with one hand.

Itsuka Shiori felt that the atmosphere was a little bad, and wanted to stop it, but if he thought about it carefully, except that Igarashi's full of love sentence was a bit weird, it was not a bad thing for Kotori to call him brother. Maybe now is an opportunity to improve the relationship between Itsuka Kotori and Igarashi. In any case, it is wrong to keep targeting each other like enemies.

Therefore, Wuhe Shizhi said nothing at this moment.

Tohka, Mio and Tobiichi Origami are naturally in Igarashi's camp now. Although Yoshino is not good at taking sides, she is not the type to take the initiative to change the situation.

Itsuka Kotori looked at the scene where no one, including her sister, spoke up to support her betrayal and separation. She felt sad. If 15 hadn't been wearing a black headband and in commander mode, Itsuka Kotori Li was already crying.

Facing Itsuka Kotori's pitiful eyes that were about to drop crystals, Igarashi felt a little soft-hearted. Just when he wanted to stop his bad taste and stop embarrassment to Itsuka Kotori——


Itsukawa Kotori really called Igarashi brother. In the commander mode, I don't know whether it was out of anger or because she was wronged. Her voice was a little trembling, but it actually felt a bit full of love.

Although everyone including Igarashi knew that he was angry, even Igarashi would not ask for anything more. Some things are too much if they exceed the limit.

Well, I heard it. Then everyone will play together on the educational trip in the future. Xiaoqinli, do you need me to go to your school to ask for leave?


Itsukawa Kotori was full of contempt for him who had surrendered to Igarashi. After saying this with a blushing face, he quickly ran away and returned to his home. Itsukawa Shiori was worried about Ohkawa Kotori, so he also apologized. leave.

Everyone had finished their meal, and Sister Wuhe started to leave the table one after another. However, everyone including Tohka and Yoshino consciously washed their own dishes and chopsticks, and did not increase their responsibility for housework. Mio's burden of work.

At night, Mio found Igarashi alone and asked.

Going to Ormei Island is not just for fun, right?

Well, in addition to playing, it's also time to let those two elves who like to run around come over. If they cause a hurricane during this period, it will really not end well, so sparsely populated or beautiful islands are a very good choice. In addition, Kurumi Tokisaki It is very likely that Wuhe Shiori will have her idea, and I will just create an opportunity for her.

Are you talking about Katsuya Yamai and Yuzuru Yamai? They are indeed very thoughtful. As for Kurumi Tokisaki, do you want to wait and see?

I don't want to arrest her. Although I don't plan to, and I can't help her achieve her wish to completely eliminate the first great air disaster, but I still let her see the past. If she insists on obstructing her, Tokisaki Kurumi is not that kind of person. The type to give up easily.”

I see.

Mio nodded after understanding Igarashi's plan. Laizen High School's upcoming outing was not a secret. Kurumi Tokisaki would soon know about it and take action. However, for the Yashimi sisters, Mio would be needed. The elf manipulated the power and guided them secretly, allowing the two of them to go to Orme Island.

These twins of wind are not peaceful masters. They rely on the ability to control the wind and run around the world. Their speed is so fast that even the AST team and DEM club cannot catch up. They can only observe, but As an origin elf, her strength has been greatly improved through her interactions with Igarashi. Mio can easily let the two of them go to the beautiful island.

As for Kurumi Tokisaki, who has mastered the power of time, as the former owner of this power, Mio clearly knew its limitations. From the beginning to the end, she did not believe that Kurumi Tokisaki could change the past.

In Wuhe's house, Wuhe Shizhi was enlightening Wuhe Qinli.

The relationship between you and Igarashi is a bit too antagonistic. I didn't say anything this time. It's for your own good. This brother will ease your relationship a lot, so don't be angry?

That guy Igarashi is plotting against me! He wants to have both sisters, absolutely!

Itsuka Kotori, who was wearing a black hairband, was very insightful. After finishing speaking, she jumped into Itsuka Shiori's arms like a frightened rabbit, and continued in a weak tone that was inconsistent with the commander's usual character.

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