When Aileen boarded the plane with the students in the name of a travel agency photographer who cooperated with the school, no one became suspicious. Mana Takamiya showed a happy look when she saw Aileen, but the two should have contacted each other in advance However, at this moment, he did not say hello like an old acquaintance, and it did not arouse the suspicion of others.

Apart from Mana Takamiya, Igarashi and Mio, the only one who can recognize Eileen as the executive director of DEM Club and the strongest magician in mankind is Kurumi Tokisaki.

Tokisaki Kurumi and Ailian both recognized each other's identity, but they had a tacit understanding and did not reveal it. They just smiled and nodded to each other, and then sat down on their seats.

This is a passenger plane flying to Orme Island. It does not look like a normal passenger plane. Instead, it has the feeling of a private jet. Such a large passenger plane can obviously carry several times the number of people from Lai Chan High School, but there are no other customers. However, the students at Lai Zen High School didn't think much about it. Anyway, as long as it doesn't affect the trip, it's not an important matter. This is what the extremely excited students thought.

At this moment, Tokisaki Kurumi is sitting by the window, and a trio of girls are sitting next to her. There is an aisle in the middle, and on the other side of the aisle are Eileen, Yatogami Tohka, Igarashi and Tobiichi Origami, like this The seating arrangement makes sense. Tobiichi Origami and Yatogami Tohka both want to sit next to Igarashi, but Aileen doesn’t want to get close to this scary guy Igarashi. Even if she has to come this time, she will try her best to get along with Igarashi. Lan kept his distance.

At present, a harmonious scene is maintained for the time being.

Oh oh oh, are you the photographer who the teacher said will be traveling with us? Could this hair color be called [Nordic blonde]? Is the photographer lady a foreigner?

Ai Yamabuki and Mai Hazakura, the more lively members of the three-girl trio, were obviously very curious when they saw someone they didn't know, while Mii Fujikama, who was taciturn and could only say That's disgusting to people other than her companions, was on the other hand. remain silent.

In fact, Ailian has a headache now. She has no idea why Wu Shilan called her here. She has finally lived a free life for a short period of time. Although it is quite troublesome to deal with various affairs of DEM Club, that is just It's just troublesome. If she stayed with Igarashi, Ailian felt that her dignity would be undermined, and she would be teased by the other party at will, and she would have no ability to resist. Originally, Ailian thought that she could try her best to reduce her presence. It seemed that she was sitting at fifty. The elf [princess] next to Arashi and the AST team member liked him very much. With them attracting Igarashi's attention, Ailian felt that she could relax a little.

However, now, two girls whom he didn't know, but who obviously had an unnecessary strong interest in him, were talking to him. Ai Lian felt that Igarashi had begun to look at him.

...Yes, I am from London, England, and I am the photographer sent by the travel agency to travel with you - Eileen Mathers. Within three days and two nights starting from today, I will be responsible for recording everyone's travel process. As a promotional material for the travel agency, accordingly, this time our travel agency provided certain financial assistance to Laichan High School.

I see. No wonder I feel that the travel expenses I paid to the school before were less than I imagined. If we take pictures, what do you think of us? Can we take pictures?

Yamabuki Ai leaned across the aisle excitedly and started chatting with Ailian without any barriers.

In order to play her role as a photographer, Aileen not only dressed up like a working woman, she even brought a camera. When she saw Yamabuki Ai asking her to take pictures of her, her movements froze for a moment, and then a smile appeared on her face with difficulty. .


Ailian has not specifically studied photography skills. Although she is the strongest magician in mankind, without wearing a display device, she is a weak and breathless woman who is tired even walking up and down stairs.

God seemed to be fair. He gave Ailian pure wizard blood, gave her a higher ability to control manifestation devices than humans, and gave her an almost perfect appearance and figure, but weakened her physical ability to a level lower than that of a normal person. Far inferior to the point.

However, if it is just such an exchange, probably many women will be willing.

After all, Ailian is a person who has been in a high position for a long time. If she ignores her physical weaknesses, she has strong abilities. Now, she pretends to be a friendly photographer, even letting others ignore her poor skills. I have a good relationship with a threesome of girls.

Miss Ailian, here's another one, here's another one. Look, this cloud is very beautiful.

In addition to letting Ailian take photos of people, the trio of girls also asked Ailian to take pictures of the outside scenery through the window of the plane. They did not doubt Ailian's identity and were trying to get Ailian more good enough materials. .

Ailian is very tired now, both physically and mentally. She was originally a loser in sports. Now she is being pulled around by a trio of girls and taking pictures. Ailian feels that if this continues, she will collapse from exhaustion.

Okay, okay, it's best to keep quiet on the plane, and the materials Miss Ailian needs are on Orimei Island, so don't let her do useless work anymore.

When Igarashi saw Aileen's crumbling body, he stopped watching and took the initiative to persuade the three girls.

Chapter 1033 Or Beauty Island

The plane flew in the sky for more than three hours, but the excited students naturally didn't care and did not feel any impatience because of this short period of time. Ailian also spent these few hours Here, I have temporarily established friendships with a few interested beings.

Including Yatogami Tohka, Tobiichi Origami, Itsuka Shiori and a trio of girls.

Except for the first three, Ailian's friendship with the trio of girls was passive. They were too proactive, and Ailian was a little overwhelmed.

When they arrived at their destination, a group of people with their own thoughts got off the plane. The ordinary students looked around happily, while Igarashi, Aileen, Mio and Kurumi Tokisaki all looked up at the sky.

The sky there was clear five seconds ago, otherwise the plane would not have landed so smoothly. However, now, strong winds were blowing in the center of the sky. If that level of strong winds came to the ground, it would be enough to bend trees as thick as a bowl, and if the plane If you are a few minutes late, you may be forced to return due to weather conditions.

Other students gradually discovered this, and chatted a little happily. They were not afraid of the windy weather that might indicate heavy rain. Anyway, they had already arrived on the beautiful island. It didn't matter whether it rained or not, as long as it didn't affect the bonfire party. .

It's morning now, it can't possibly keep raining until night, right? It won’t rain for two nights during this three-day and two-night trip and the bonfire party will be cancelled, right?

Everyone is very confident and is indifferent to the possible heavy rain. They are even looking forward to it. Spending a day playing in the heavy rain seems like a good thing? Isn't this my childhood dream?

In fact, it didn't rain.

When they first arrived at the beautiful island, Okamine Tsume did not let the students immediately go to the island where they had confirmed that there were no birds, beasts or poisonous insects, and the seaside was very safe. Instead, he led everyone to the residence first. , put down the luggage, and also gave some old-fashioned advice.

The students' residence is not far from the beach. It looks like a two-story building that exists like a hotel. There are four or five people in a room. Each room has a balcony, but you have to go to the toilet. Going to both sides of the corridor, there are no bathrooms in the rooms.

The students had no objections. In fact, with their current mental state, they would be very excited even if everyone was allowed to live in thatched houses, not to mention that this hotel was pretty good for the time being.

Everyone is free to move around the beach, but if you want to go swimming or play in the forest, you need someone to go with you. Swimmers should wear life jackets with ropes tied to them just in case. Go to the forest together to play. People must keep their mobile phones open and share their location at any time. In addition, the southeast of the island is private territory. You are not allowed to break in. Do you understand?


Okamine Sumie's words made some people who felt that their swimming skills were very high and wanted to show off their swimming skills in front of their classmates a little disappointed, and also made some landlubbers look relieved. Since everyone has to wear life jackets, then there is no need to It will expose the fact that you are a landlubber and at the same time enjoy the fun of playing in the water, which is really good.

As for exploring in the forest, there are many forests and hills in Tiangong City itself. People who like adventure have already been there. I don’t think there is anything special about the forest on this island. In this case, it might as well be Enjoy the beaches and ocean here.

There is no sea in Tiangong City.

After finishing the explanation, Tsumue Okamine asked everyone to disperse and move around freely.

Laichan High School has already conducted corresponding training for several teachers from other classes who can swim. At this time, they are already on standby at the beach. Once they find that students are in danger, they will rescue them in time. In addition, they will provide life jackets and emergency equipment to help students. It quickly brought the students back and forth, and at the same time bound the ropes to prevent them from swimming too far, making it foolproof.

The boys' accommodation is on the first floor of the hotel, while the girls' accommodation is on the second floor, which can be regarded as protecting their privacy.

Most of the male students hurriedly put away their luggage, put on their swimsuits and rushed to the beach, while the girls were more reserved and slowly arranged some decorations in their rooms, while taking pictures with their mobile phones. .

Itsuka Shiori, Tobiichi Origami and other girls avoided the sight of others, and under the leadership of Mio, they began to leave for Igarashi's private property on Orimi Island.

Igarashi was now in a quiet corner of the forest, and standing in front of him was Kurumi Tokisaki.

Long time no see, did you miss me? Mr. Lan.

Tokisaki Kurumi seemed very intimate, and Igarashi and Igarashi seemed like boyfriend and girlfriend who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

She obviously has an elegant temperament like a young lady, and is also very reserved in front of her classmates. Because she had been on leave for a long time before, she suddenly returned to school and was surrounded by a group of people. When curiously asking various questions, Tokisaki Kurumi smiled. In response, there was a clear sense of distance. However, in front of Igarashi, this sense of distance seemed to disappear and she turned into a girl in love.

The girl, who was already attractive enough, showed her attractiveness at this moment, which made people enchanted.

However, Igarashi just curled his lips.

Why do you need to pretend? You have obviously told me your purpose before. Since you have other intentions in approaching me, then just concentrate on completing your purpose. Why act like this? You are tired and I am tired.

Are you tired, Mr. Lan? Feeling a pity?

Kurumi Tokisaki, who had one eye covered by his bangs, looked at Igarashi with playful and charming eyes. It was obvious what answer she wanted to get.

Well, you are a very special girl, Kurumi Tokisaki, even though you have a bit of a chuunibyou.

...It would be better to remove the last sentence.

Tokisaki Kurumi curled his lips, turned around and left, and continued.

If I can fulfill my wish, I will let you seal it, so I hope you won't stop me. In addition, I am not completely acting. I have a crush on you. To me, you are also a bit special, Wu. Julan.”

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