Although all elves currently appearing are female, there is no rule that elves must be female. Are you an elf? An unprecedented male elf.

Both Wuhe Shiori and Yuxiao Miku looked at Igarashi in surprise. Different from Wuhe Shiori's simple surprise, Yuxiao Miku was a surprise. For her, if Igarashi was an elf and the same kind, It could not be better.

But Igarashi shook his head.

If I were an elf, I would have been sealed when I came into contact with Wuhe Shizhi, right? After all, her sealing ability only requires that both parties have no resistance or rejection. Or should I say that Miss Shizhi has feelings for me? Exclusion?

Upon hearing Igarashi's question, Wuhe Shizhi quickly waved his hand in denial.

No, not at all.

There is no rejection at all, I just like it.

Wuhe Shiori's face turned slightly red after reacting quickly, but it was not too exaggerated. After all, he and Igarashi had already confirmed their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, and even exposed it openly or covertly in school. How could it not be possible? like.

Then why did you...?

The questions in Itsuka Kotori's heart still have not been answered. She does not believe that Igarashi, who has shown shrewdness in many places, will put himself under a dangerous wall.

Because I am a being above the elves. You can regard me as a god for the time being. Besides, I am also the savior.

Igarashi looked serious when he said this, but Itsuka Kotori sneered. She couldn't associate Igarashi, who was provoking girls everywhere, with the word god. How could any god be like this? Gods shouldn’t have no desires or desires, have great power and cannot be approached.

Miku didn't believe it either, but she hugged Igarashi's arm with a happy look on her face.

Well, honey is my savior.

Itsuka Kotori didn't want to see the sweet interaction between Miku and Igarashi. Anyway, now that the air battleship has been exposed, Itsuka Kotori said directly.

Let me take Yui Xiao Miku to Fraxinas for a check to make sure whether her power has been sealed. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome if a space shock is caused inadvertently. Such a close At such a distance, there is not much time to react. Of course, it’s not that Sister Shizhi and I don’t have time to react, the air battleship will pick us up in time.”

When he said the second half of the sentence, Itsuka Kotori looked proud. After all, the AST force, at least Neon's AST force, did not have an air battleship at the same level as Fraxinas.

Miku, your power has been sealed, right?

Igarashi turned to ask Yuxiao Miku, the person involved, and Yuxiao Miku nodded.

Well, even if I want to, I can't cause a space shock.

That's fine. There's no need to check. It's a waste of time.

Igarashi's words made Itsuka Kotori's eyes widen.

Are you sure just by asking?

Of course, Mijiu is the person involved. She knows her situation very well, and I believe her. Do you have any questions?

Yuxiao Miku snuggled into Igarashi's arms even more sweetly, while Itsuka Kotori was speechless for a long while, squinting at Igarashi and said.

How bad of you to have an intimate interaction with another girl in front of my sister, Igarashi.

Although Itsukawa Shiori himself has not expressed his objection yet, and it is a bit strange for Ohkawa Kotori to express his dissatisfaction, Igarashi did restrain himself a lot at this moment and nodded seriously.

It was indeed my fault this time. I will be more careful next time and do it more discreetly.

Why don't you say it so straightforwardly?

Wuhe Kotori was so angry that he jumped up, while Wuhe Shizhi sighed in confusion and said quietly.

It doesn't matter, I'm almost used to it.

This is a terrible habit.

Itsuka Kotori plans to educate her sister well when she returns home, so that she can learn to compete, at least to become the leader of Igarashi's harem, but now——

Hey, Igarashi, Mio is actually the analyst of the air battleship Fraxinus. I originally wanted to determine the living conditions after the elf seal before I became a maid by your side. Next...

She will still be my lovely maid. Do you have any objections? Even the commander of an air battleship can't interfere in other people's private lives, right?


Itsuka Kotori did not expect that Igarashi had no intention of letting Mio go. At this moment, his eyes widened and he took a deep breath and said.

I won't interfere forcefully, but if Mio doesn't have a mission, she definitely won't be willing to work as a maid for you.

Don't want to? Xiao Qinli, you seem to underestimate my charm.


Itsuka Kotori planned to explain the situation to Murasame Reine later and ask her to give up this job that she didn't know how much burden it would be, but she would definitely be bullied by Igarashi Fana from time to time. With Murasame Reine's serious character , you don’t want to continue at all, do you?

after an hour--

What?! You want to continue being a maid for Igarashi?!

After the Itsuka family received a clear reply from Murasame Reine that she wanted to continue, the Itsuka family was shocked. Itsuka Kotori's voice was very loud, at least Itsuka Shiori in the hall on the first floor could hear it clearly.

Well, I like Igarashi, no, I love Igarashi deeply.

Mio said this to Kotori Itsuka very seriously, which made Kotori Ohkawa feel a little dizzy. She didn't expect that this analyst and former commander who didn't want to talk to men at all would actually show up in such a short period of time. Time makes such a big difference.

That guy Igarashi, did he fill you with ecstasy soup...could it be that he is really charming?

Itsuka Kotori, who didn't know how long ago the bond between Igarashi and Mio had formed, was now full of questions.

Chapter 1029 Four elves have been sealed

Itsukawa Kotori had doubts. When he learned that Igarashi invited him and Itsuka Shiori to have dinner together, he didn't have much intention to refuse. He came to Igarashi's house with a desire to explore and sat down at the dining table. , secretly observing Igarashi, wanting to see what kind of charm he has.

In addition to being handsome, his temperament makes people feel very comfortable, and he is very rich. As a student, his academic performance and sports performance are extremely good. He is also a senior executive of AST, but he is never domineering despite being in a high position, even when facing ordinary people in school. When he was a student, he was gentle and helpful in dealing with others, and besides being reliable almost all the time, there was nothing particularly outstanding about him.

Itsuka Kotori wanted to curl her lips, but she suddenly realized that if we put aside the unclear philandering of Igarashi and many girls, and the evil intentions that were revealed from time to time, so far only directed at herself, Igarashi seemed to Really a very charming type?

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the Prince Charming in countless girls’ fantasies.

Brother, Sister Tohka and Sister Miku have both been sealed with elf powers. Should I also...?

At the dining table, Yoshino weakly raised her hand, causing everyone to look at her in surprise, making this timid elf girl subconsciously want to cover her face with a hood.

Unfortunately, Yoshino is not wearing a hoodie now.

Looking at Yoshino who looked like a frightened little rabbit, Igarashi spoke in a reassuring and gentle voice.

It would be great if it could be sealed, but don't you resist losing your power?

It is rare for an elf to take the initiative to be sealed, but such things have happened one after another.

After looking at Tohka, Yuya Miku, and then at Yoshino, Itsuka Shiori finally gradually understood the role he played - as the provider of sealing abilities, he negotiated with the elves to let them put down their guard. It is Igarashi's job to worry about it. Before this, Wuhe Shiori thought that he could help, but now it seems that he only needs to be a salted fish. Igarashi's efficiency is beyond imagination. .

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