And Takamiya Mana didn't know how many things Itsuka Kotori had thought about and how many thoughts she had in a short period of time. Now she just thought that her behavior was resistance because her privacy was discovered, so she quickly explained road.

I only learned about this hobby of yours from my sister. I have now transferred to Laizen High School.

Transferred to Laizen High School? You really have evil plans against Sister Shizhi!

Takamiya Mana's performance seemed to confirm Itsuka Kotori's previous suspicion. She was wearing a black headband and looked at Takamiya Mana with a much sharper look.

Takamiya Mana's face turned red, and she was stimulated by Itsuka Kotori's overreaction and shouted.

What's with your weird attitude regarding Sister Shizhi?!

Stop pretending! As a villain of the DEM Club, don't you think of kidnapping Sister Shizhi back to do evil human experiments? I won't let you succeed!

Itsuka Kotori looked like she was sworn to protect Itsuka Shiori, which made Takamiya Mana stunned for a long time before he defended himself.

The villains of DEM Club? Human experiments? What kind of impression do you have of DEM Club? Is it really a false accusation? Under the supervision of Sister Ailian, there can't be bad guys in DEM Club!

Seeing Mana Takamiya's determined look, Itsukawa Kotori wanted to refute, but he really couldn't find any bad deeds of DEM Club. After a moment of silence, he suspected that Mana Takamiya was related to the leader of DEM Club, the human being. Keeping this information in mind that the strongest wizard Ailian was related, Itsuka Kotori wisely changed the subject.

Tell me, you specially invited me here, what do you want to do? 167

[Nightmare] is missing.


He disappeared after coming into contact with Igarashi at noon.

Takamiya Mana's face looked serious, while Itsuka Kotori was very calm.

Maybe she went back to the neighborhood?

You don't understand [Nightmare]. She seems to have mastered the method of staying on the earth for a long time. Before she disappeared, she also asked for leave from her class teacher, Ms. Tsue Okamine. This time she disappeared suddenly. She was probably planning something. Considering She is the most evil elf, and I hope to get the cooperation of Fraxinus.

Cooperate? Does DEM Club still need to seek help from outsiders?

I have asked the company to send more manpower, but the nightmare is likely to kill people in this short period of time, so Fraxinus will not stand idly by, right?

Mana Takamiya's words made Itsuka Kotori ponder for a moment, and then asked.

How exactly do we need to cooperate?

Always scan the entire Tiangong City for elf fluctuations. If there is any abnormality, please inform me immediately.

Do you want to deal with emergencies alone?

I alone am enough.

Haha, I agree.

Chapter 1017 What a coincidence

Originally, the air battleship Fraxinus was scanning Tiangong City all the time. After all, new elves appeared, Itsuka Kotori also needed to notify her sister and find a way to seal the elves. However, the original scanning power was limited, and now from Takamiya Manna learned of the disappearance of Kurumi Tokisaki, and Kotori Ohkawa, who was also worried that Kurumi Tokisaki would hurt his sister and friends, directly ordered Fraxinas' scanning frequency to be adjusted to the maximum.

The greater the scanning frequency, the more resources are consumed. Just the energy consumption of keeping the air battleship flying in the air for a long time is a huge number that ordinary people can't imagine. And if it also maximizes its scanning power, the energy consumption will be Energy will continue to grow exponentially, and the already unimaginable numbers will multiply several times more.

The expenses involved were beyond what Itsuka Kotori's authority could afford. She said she was giving an order, but in fact she had to apply to her superiors first.

It's very strange. It obviously takes a long time to just let the superiors pass the message, but it should take more time to discuss such a large-expense matter. The result is as if the superiors with the decision-making power just glanced at it and approved it. In general, Wuhe Kotori quickly received permission.

In this way, since an hour ago, the air combat warships have been scanning Tiangong City. At this moment, the warships have received feedback from the appearance of the elves. According to the analyst Murasame Reine, this fluctuation is extremely weak, let alone causing space shocks. If the aerial warships had not maintained maximum scanning power, they would never have known that an elf had appeared in the world.

Itsuka Kotori immediately sent a drone to investigate the situation, and then, the images received made her nodded clearly.

It turns out to be [The Hermit]. No wonder. Originally, the space shock she caused was the smallest, but now it has reached the point where it will not cause space shock? It's really reassuring. If only elves were like her.

Itsuka Kotori couldn't help but think of Tokisaki Kurumi who had disappeared but left him with a great sense of uneasiness.

Huh, no matter what, even if it doesn't cause a space shock, it's still a time bomb for those high-level officials. It's better to let Sister Shizhi seal her away.

Looking at the blue-haired girl who was as delicate as a doll and Igarashi talking to her in the video, Itsuka Kotori began to contact Itsuka Shiori.

She would not have thought that no matter it was AST, Ratatosk Company or DEM Club, the top person with the real decision-making power was the same person, and that person had never regarded the elves as time bombs.

At this moment, it was half past five in the evening. Due to the season, the sky was a little dark, and Igarashi met Yoshino again.

This time, he felt in advance the passage through which Yoshino passed through the neighborhood to the earth, and slightly controlled the legal principles, so that the passage happened to appear in front of him, so that Yoshino saw himself the first moment he appeared, creating a It's the so-called fate.

Because she had had more than one contact before, Yoshino did not feel scared, but she was a little confused about how to explain her strange appearance to Igarashi.

During the time when Itsuka Kotori sent the drone, Igarashi had already explained to Yoshino that he was a so-called insider and a senior executive of AST.

Brother, it turns out that you are the mastermind behind those who restricted Yoshino's movements before? Are you a bit evil?

Because of AST's gentle behavior towards the elves, the rabbit hand puppet in Yoshino's hands at the moment - Yoshino's words sounded like accusations, but they didn't mean much.

And Igarashi wants to eliminate this superficial rejection.

No, no, no, I actually did it for your own good. Yoshino wasn't very good at controlling power at that time, right? If he met other ordinary people who didn't have eyesight, and accidentally caused mood swings and made his power go out of control, then not only would that Those who don't have eyesight will be unlucky, and many people around them will be unlucky. Yoshino, who knows what kind of power he possesses, should be able to foresee such a situation, right?


Yoshino nodded weakly, briefly imagining the scene where innocent people were injured or even died because of him, and the look he looked at Igarashi turned into gratitude.

This is also related to the friendly attitude of the AST Tengu branch. The group of young AST members led by Kusakabe Ryouko originally lacked hostility towards elves due to various regulations. Seeing Yoshino's cute appearance, they were naturally inspired. Motherly, she is very kind to her.

Yoshino, who had always had a good impression of everyone at AST, now learned that Igarashi was a senior member of AST, and her already high favorability towards him increased again.

At this time, Itsuka Shiori, who was wearing home clothes and with a slightly damp hair, walked over from the corner with an unnatural look on his face.

She had just finished taking a shower and was drying her hair, but Itsuka Kotori suddenly contacted her, saying that a spirit had appeared, and asked her to come into contact with the spirit, just like Yatogami Tohka did, trying to seal it.

To be honest, Itsuka Shiori had some complaints. He originally thought that he could lazily lean on the sofa and watch TV. However, when he saw such a cute Yoshino, Hisuka Shiori's complaints disappeared. All clean.

she is?

She is Yoshino, an elf. It's a coincidence that you came here, Shiori.

Igarashi pointed out something, and Itsuka Shizhi laughed.

I just happened to be passing by, hey hey...

Passing by? It seems to me that my hair has just been washed, and there is still a faint fragrance on it.

Igarashi said this and sniffed Itsuka Shiori's hair, causing the girl's face to turn red. At this time, the rabbit hand puppet Yoshina proved her presence.

Are this young man and this young lady a couple? I've heard that lovers are men and women who do a lot of embarrassing things.


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