Because of Igarashi's proper protection over the years, Kurumi Tokisaki did not have any pity for the elves themselves, but only cared about the great air disaster that caused the death of countless living beings, changing the history of the great air disaster, and rescuing hundreds of millions of people. The deceased was Tokisaki Kurumi's wish.

I disagree.

However, Igarashi gave a negative answer.

Chapter 1015 In the eyes of gods, all living beings are equal

Why?! As long as I go back to the past, I can save enough people! Why can't you understand that I can do so many things for those who are troubled by space shocks?

Kurumo Tokisaki's tone changed a bit. She originally thought that the person in front of her was a righteous partner who shared her goals. However, Igarashi left a very good impression on her heart after all. After a moment's pause, Kurumi Tokisaki Then I thought of a reason for Igarashi.

Are you worried that it will take a lot of time for me to use the power of elves to go back to thirty years ago, and that many people will have to pay their lives? I have already taken away the time of ten thousand guilty people, so I can roughly determine that it will take a lot of time to go back to thirty years ago. Ten years ago, it probably took nearly 100,000 people to complete it. With your status, it shouldn’t be difficult to gather 100,000 criminals, right?”

However, Igarashi shook his head again in the expectant eyes of Kurumi Tokisaki.

You only think about the losses of thirty years ago. Have you considered the power you need to expend in order to deal with that space earthquake?

That was not an ordinary space earthquake, but a conflict between the neighboring world and the earth. Three wizards in the neighboring world opened a channel and connected to the earth, causing a high-level energy riot. Even Igarashi could only forcibly suppress the space earthquake. Originally, The space earthquake that was likely to destroy all life in Eurasia and even the entire earth, under Igarashi's suppression, only took away the lives of hundreds of millions of people, which was already the best result. The will of the world later also allowed these hundreds of millions to When people are reincarnated, they will have a better life in the next life, and all losses will be minimized.

As for Kurumi Tokisaki wanting to prevent space earthquakes, it's just a joke.

Even the source of Tokisaki Kurumi's power, the origin spirit Mio, was helpless against that great air disaster. Even Igarashi could only do that, and the will of the world failed to find a better remedy. Even if Kurumi Saki could go back to the past, he would just be a spectator.

This riot of high-level energy contains too much legal history, and it is not something that can be changed casually. Otherwise, the world's will, which controls almost everything in the world, will definitely do something.

For example, let Igarashi go back in time and kill three wizards in advance.

Tokisaki Kurumi didn't know too many secrets, and was speechless by the facts Igarashi told. She didn't even know that the space earthquake currently recorded in the records was no longer as powerful as its original One percent of the peak moment, and just this one percent, already made Kurumi Tokisaki feel helpless.

In her mind, a disaster of that magnitude cannot be prevented by humans or elves.

...At least, I can kill the elf that caused this disaster.

Tokisaki Kurumi was still struggling, but Igarashi no longer wanted to say more.

I advise you to give up your idea. In the eyes of gods, all living beings are equal, and everything in the world is unified. Those who died accidentally because of the great air disaster may have been compensated, so why do you have to do something that is simply impossible?

Gods? So you, as a human, believe in gods? So you also believe in the illusory theory of reincarnation? It seems that we have nothing to say.

Tokisaki Kuangsan stood up and left without looking back.

She has decided to plunder the elf power in Wuhe Shizhi.

Although Igarashi did not say it clearly, Kurumi Tokisaki still discovered that Shiori Itsuka, who was supposed to be an ordinary person, possessed the power of two elves in his body. In addition to the sealed Yatogami Tohka, there was also a Whose power is it? Tokisaki Kurumi has no intention of exploring, but the power of the two elves is enough to complete half of her goals.

Then, as long as there are two more elves with the power...

Kurumi Tokisaki, who was preoccupied with changing the history of the great air disaster, failed to discover the unimaginable energy in Igarashi's body, nor did he realize that Reine Murasame, who often appeared next to Igarashi, was Mio, who is the origin spirit, did not even realize that Tobiichi Origami also had spirit powers, but was hidden by Igarashi.

Looking at Tokisaki Kurumi's leaving figure, Igarashi twitched the corners of his lips...

If Kurumi Tokisaki is the reincarnation of the person who died in the great air disaster, then if she holds the power from the Origin Spirit and wants to go back in time to kill the Origin Spirit, what will happen? How many time paradoxes are there?

The terrifying impact of these time and space paradoxes is enough to completely devour Kurumi Tokisaki, who is not even a god, and eliminate any trace of her in the world, even affecting her relatives and friends.

When Tokisaki Kurumi travels through time and dreams of going back to the past, he should help him.

Igarashi will not actively contribute his own power to help Tokisaki Kurumi return to the past. Even if the cost is insignificant to Igarashi, he will not hinder Tokisaki Kurumi's actions. He will even cooperate secretly until the time comes. When Kurumo Tokisaki really wants to do something to Shiori Itsuka, Igarashi will naturally use some small tricks to make Kurumi Tokisaki realize his wish, and not to let the Yatogami Juju who belong to Shiori Five Rivers into his body. The elf power of Xiang and the elf power belonging to Wuhe Koto have become consumables for returning to the past.

Not long after Tokisaki Kurumi left, Tobiichi Origami and Yatogami Tohka ran over. They stared at Igarashi for a while as if they were worried, and Tobiichi Origami directly started to touch Igarashi. It looks like he is checking his body, but it is more like an ambiguous interaction between a couple.

Igarashi raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

I'm fine, I'm fine. Lunch break is almost over. Shall we go back to the classroom?


Yatogami Tohka showed a reassuring smile and nodded repeatedly, while Tobiichi Origami took back his hand with regret and returned to the classroom with Igarashi.

The situation did not go beyond Igarashi's expectation. The seat in front of him was empty. Kurumi Tokisaki, who left the rooftop of the teaching building, did not return to the classroom but disappeared.

When will you see her next? When Wuhe Shizhi was alone, or did he wait until four elves were sealed?

Chapter 1016 The private meeting between Itsuka Kotori and Takamiya Mana

He turned the rusty doorknob and pushed the door open. The rotten door made a shrill scream, and the paint chips peeling off the door kept falling on the spot.

This is obviously an abandoned place, and Wuhe Kotori came here because of an appointment with someone.


Looking at the dilapidated and dirty environment, Kotori frowned and smacked her tongue softly before reaching the top of the abandoned building.

I've been waiting for you for a long time, Kotori.

The girl Mana Takamiya, who had been waiting on the roof for a long time, said this to Kotori.

Itsuka Kotori received a message from Takamiya Mana on the mobile phone that originally belonged to the internal communication system of the air battleship. The time and place of the appointment were written on it. For this reason, Itsuka Kotori also investigated why Takamiya Mana Being able to master such a method and directly invade the communication system of the air battleship Fraxinus is something that even the Tiangong City AST troops cannot do.

Then, Itsuka Kotori finally got some information about the company that Takamiya Mana worked for. This is why Itsuka Kotori and Takamiya Mana met in such a remote corner without any suspicion. reason.

At this moment, faced with Takamiya Mana's seemingly accusatory words, Itsuka Kotori frankly expressed his dissatisfaction.

Really, what the hell kind of place is this? Since you invited me here for the first time, at least prepare tea and cakes.

Tea and cake? We don't have those things, but I did prepare lollipops.

Itsuka Kotori raised a brow when she saw the well-known brand of candy that Mana Takamiya brought out, and it was her favorite flavor.

Has DEM Club already understood this about me?

DEM Society is the abbreviation of the Latin word Deus Ex Machina, which means God of Machinery, the world's most powerful enterprise. It is said that the wizards under its command who control the display devices are far more proficient than the AST troops in various countries that deal with space earthquakes.

Itsuka Kotori has already learned that Takamiya Mana, who calls herself Itsuka Shiori's younger sister and whose appearance does have many similarities with her sister, is an employee of this company.

As for the specific job, it is obvious that to be employed by the most powerful and largest company in the world at such an age, Mana Takamiya is the kind of talented wizard and controller of the manifestation device.

It is said that unlike the AST force, which can only stop elves, the few strongest wizards in DEM Club who control the manifestation device have power that is not inferior to that of elves, and can even defeat elves.

Is the Mana Takamiya in front of me that kind of person? Why did she come here specially?

Because the Aerial Battleship's parent company, Ratatosk Corporation, has a fierce competitive relationship with DEM Club, Itsuka Kotori didn't have a very good sense of DEM Club. She even suspected that although DEM Club and AST clearly treated elves The attitude is the same, they all adopt the strategy of surrounding but not killing. However, DEM Club, which has always been able to develop more advanced display devices than Ratatosk Company, has probably captured the elves and is even conducting experiments on them.

Now, Itsuka Kotori even suspects that Takamiya Mana has discovered something special about his sister and wants to capture Itsuka Shiori.

It's really bad. Maybe I should get back the elf power in my seal first, or have an air battleship on standby to respond to me at any time.

Itsukawa Kotori's body was tense at the moment, and she looked at Takamiya Mana's face full of vigilance.

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