Yoshino repeated this novel vocabulary in a low voice, with shyness and curiosity in his eyes.

Chapter 1018 Little Loli, I will take you to eat... sweets!

Originally, in order to hide the existence of the air battleship, it was difficult for Itsuka Shiori to explain to Igarashi why she looked like she had just washed her hair. When she saw Yoshino's reaction, although the topic made her a little shy, Still following the topic.

Well, it's probably an unqualified relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

Igarashi raised his eyebrows and looked at Wuhe Shizhi and asked.

Am I unqualified? If there is anything that makes you dissatisfied, please point it out and I will definitely change it.

Seeing Igarashi's serious attitude, Itsuka Shizhi tilted his head in embarrassment, and then said weakly after a moment.

It's not that you are unqualified, it's that I am unqualified...

How could a girlfriend let her boyfriend have an affair with another girl? How could there be such a long time when the girlfriend and boyfriend only held hands and only kissed once, which was a level of intimacy.

Ignoring Igarashi's mistakes, Itsuka Shiori felt that she was quite unqualified, but she still didn't want to take the initiative to change anything.

What is it about young lady that is unqualified?

As expected, Yoshino was not the calm type. At this moment, even Itsuka Shiori's unwillingness to say more was obvious enough, and he still asked, causing Yoshino to look at Itsuka Shiori with sparkling curiosity. Wuhe Shizhi seemed at a loss.

That...just...is unqualified in many aspects...

Yoshino wants to be a proper couple. Have you found someone you like? Who is it?

The rabbit hand puppet continued to say some disturbing words, causing Yoshino to glance at Igarashi and pull down the brim of his hoodie, covering most of his face.

Igarashi didn't think that Yoshino liked him like a lover. His reaction at this moment was purely because he was the only male present.

Yoshino is the same ignorant type as Tohka who first came to the earth, and his personality is much shyer than Tohka's. Love at first sight? Now she doesn't even know what love is, she just has a normal level of affection.

Yoshino, do you want to see what this Tiangong City is like without space earthquake warning? Or have you visited it before?

Igarashi squatted down slightly so that his eyes were level with Yoshino's. The elf girl did not show any resistance and gave a gentle answer.

Hmm... I want to read... the words from the past... Bu

In the past, although Yoshino did not cause a space earthquake that was enough to set off the alarm, there would be heavy rain every time, causing people to hide in buildings to take shelter from the rain. Because Yoshino was very shy, he never took the initiative to contact humans.

The rabbit hand puppet Yoshino, who had been causing trouble in disguise before, finally began to cooperate with Yoshino, helping Yoshino organize his language, answer Igarashi's questions, and roughly describe the previous situation.

And Igarashi smiled, and after confirming that Yoshino's resistance to him had almost completely disappeared, and that as long as she didn't snatch her rabbit hand puppet, nothing would happen, he reached out and touched her head covered by a hoodie. .

Well, then let's go shopping and check out the dessert shop.

Igarashi didn't just name a place casually. Going to the dessert shop was the result of careful consideration.

Children generally like sweets, and Yoshino should be no exception. I think Itsuka Shiori has already had dinner and is not hungry. However, if she goes to a dessert shop, she can also buy something for her to take home and give to Itsuka. Kotori also buys one.

Igarashi is not sure which sweets shop in Tengu City is good and which is bad, but he thinks that if the shop can be favored by DEM Club, it should be good. He remembered that the branch industry of DEM Club's subsidiary company once opened to some people with unique tastes. The snack shop bought the formula, and the shop in front of him, the Apricot Pancake House, was one of them. Igarashi entered it without any reason, taking Yoshino and Itsuka Shiori.

It's obviously just a dessert shop, the kind of shop where customers leave after buying something. However, this Apricot Waffle House has made the shop look like a classic cafe, with a wooden structure and warm yellow lighting. It's a good feeling.

Sitting down at one of the wooden tables, the waiter in the store seemed to be in a strange state. He did not immediately introduce the snacks in the store to Igarashi, but hesitated and stood there.

Because he was influenced by some small means arranged by Igarashi to keep away irrelevant people. After all, Itsuka Shiori is so beautiful and Yoshino is so cute. In order to avoid possible trouble, Igarashi also did it quietly. There were some small movements, but Yoshino, as an elf, didn't notice it at all. As for Wuhe Shizhi, although she had the power of elf in her seal, she was still in a category that was not much stronger than ordinary people for the time being, and she also didn't notice anything abnormal.

Do you have any desserts suitable for girls in your store?

It wasn't until Igarashi took the initiative to ask that the waiter seemed to have received permission. He looked at the appearance of Itsuka Shiori and Yoshino, thought about the taste of girls of this age for a while, and then listed the items in the store. Desserts of various flavors were selected and recommended, and waffles of various flavors were recommended. As expected of a dessert house named after waffles, it seems to be very confident in waffles.

The so-called waffle is a type of cake, which has the characteristics of a balloon. It will expand with the air tension without bursting. It is a kind of food that has both fun and taste.

Adding exquisite sweet sauces, fruits, ice cream or chocolate, it is the special waffles that are now in front of Itsuka Shiori and Yoshino.

Even Itsuka Shiori, who had already had dinner, ate one portion without any resistance, and Yoshino also showed a slight smile.

This apricot waffle house is indeed very skilled, and Igarashi did not choose the wrong target. As for the portion he brought to Itsuka Kotori, although Igarashi wanted to prepare a mustard-flavored waffle for her, Butikawa was Shiori complained that it had changed and turned into a normal taste. Igarashi felt that it was a pity.

Chapter 1019 Is this a couple with a child?

Because Igarashi secretly adjusted Yoshino's spirit power, the girl at this moment will not return to the neighborhood again. After a short time in the dessert shop, she realized that she might stay on earth for a short time. Yoshino looked at Igarashi who was hesitant to speak.

When the rabbit hand puppet Yoshina was also hesitant and wanted to say something but could not speak, Igarashi spoke first.

Speaking of which, although I don't know how long Yoshino can stay on Earth, why don't you come home with me first? Even if Yoshino is summoned to return to the neighborhood on the way back, my efforts will not be in vain. After all, the sky is bright It’s late, it’s time for everyone to go home.”

Brother, thank you very much.

The voice of the rabbit hand puppet is very small, which is obviously different from its usual tone. It seems to be to prevent the waiter in the dessert shop from hearing it and causing any trouble. Although it would deliberately cause trouble before, when it is important, the rabbit hand puppet Yoshina is quite sensible.

Both Yoshino and Yoshino knew that if they stayed on Earth for a long time, they would encounter a lot of troubles. Just when they saw Igarashi paying the waiter money in the dessert shop, Yoshino understood If there is no help from others, I may go hungry or even be unable to walk.

From what Igarashi said before, it seemed that if a girl like her walked down the street alone in the middle of the night, she would either encounter harassment or be taken to the police station as a lost child. Either way, it would be troublesome.

When sleeping in the neighboring world, the elves will not feel any discomfort, but if they are on the earth, they will still have normal appetite and desire to sleep and rest.

Igarashi took Yoshino back towards home, while Itsuka Shiori walked beside the two of them carrying the sweets prepared for Kotori, just in time to protect Yoshino with Igarashi on the left and right.

Itsuka Shiori's hair is blue, Yoshino's hair is also blue, and although Igarashi does not have the same hair color, they look like lovers when walking together. Some Passers-by who have no vision, or who have bold ideas, actually regard Yoshino as the child of Itsuka Shiori and Igarashi, who seem to be only high school students. They express blessings, accusations, or surprise. Looking at the three people whispering, the words floating around from time to time made Itsuka Shiori, who gradually came to his senses, couldn't help but look at himself and then at Yoshino.

The hair colors are really similar!

But, no matter what, it would be too exaggerated to think of yourself and Igarashi as husband and wife, right? Obviously, even the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend still lacks decisive progress.

Wuhe Shizhi, who was thinking this way, couldn't help but look at Igarashi, his face turned slightly red.

Igarashi, who seemed to be looking seriously and calmly as he walked ahead, actually understood all the little moves of Shizhi Wuhe. He thought that was enough, so he secretly used methods to reduce the three people's insecurities in the past. The presence in the recognition of passers-by, those discussions quickly disappeared.

In fact, Igarashi could have taken action earlier to nip the discussion in the bud, but he did not do so.

On the one hand, the quality of the residents in Tiangong City is very good. Even if some people are shocked to the extent that such young boys and girls have children who look at least as old as elementary school students, they are still just bitter accusations. There is no objectionable malicious slander. As for the part of people who were surprised and blessed, don’t worry about it. What’s going on with the large number of people who look at them with envy and jealousy? !

Phew, the main reason why Igarashi didn't take action in advance was because he wanted to see Itsuka Shiori's reaction. As expected, the girl's reaction was very cute, like a frightened little rabbit or a touched mimosa. , which makes people smile knowingly.

As for Yoshino, as an elf, although she also heard the conversation of passers-by, she was just a little troubled by being regarded as the child of Igarashi and Itsuka Shiori. She was not uncomfortable at all, but because she had never been From the words of the passerby, he found that Shizhi Wuhe's hair color was indeed very similar to his own, and he felt some intimacy. He recalled that when he was in the dessert shop, although Shizhi Wuhe didn't talk to him much, he had been taking care of him silently. Yoshino, who originally ignored the existence of Itsuka Shiori because Igarashi's performance was too perfect, now has a good impression of this elder sister.

Soon, the destination was reached.

Come and sit at my house?

Igarashi who stopped walking looked at Itsuka Shiori and said this. Under normal circumstances, the girl might have agreed, but just now a passerby misunderstood that she and Igarashi were husband and wife, and now Isuka Shiori felt shy. But he chose to decline.

No, Kotori is alone at home. I'd better go back early. Also, thank you for the gift you bought.

Itsuka Shiori raised the bag with a lot of sweets in his hand. Of course, these things were paid for by Igarashi, and inside were the sweets bought for Kotori.

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