However, Igarashi knew that even if he tried his best to cooperate, there would be no benefits. What he wanted to see more was Kurumi Tokisaki's unexpected expression.

Wait a minute. I'll use the stethoscope to confirm. You may not believe me. I'm quite knowledgeable in medical knowledge. I'll know if you're sick or not.

After hearing what Igarashi said, Kurumi Tokisaki would not let him check her. In fact, her heartbeat did not accelerate at all. If Igarashi, who was suspected of having medical knowledge, found out that she was playing tricks, All his efforts were in vain.

Seeing Igarashi going to find the stethoscope, Kurumi Tokisaki quickly grabbed his hand. The moment Igarashi turned his head, he tried his best to adjust his mood before two blushes appeared on his cheeks.

This is not a normal disease, but a heart disease. Igarashi-san, I seem to have fallen in love with you at first sight.

The girl's shy posture, flushed face, and soft tone of voice once again elevated her already extremely high charm to a terrifying level, enough to make an innocent young man fascinated.

But a gentleman like Igarashi will not give in.

No, just as doctors cannot heal themselves, most patients don't know what kind of illness they have. It would be better for me to check it for you.

Igarashi's attitude was very firm.

Kurumi Tokisaki didn't stop him from getting the stethoscope anymore, because the girl's heartbeat had already accelerated. It wasn't because she was shy when she was with the person she liked, but because she was angry.

Resisting the urge to summon his spiritual equipment and shoot the incomprehensible guy in front of him, Tokisaki Kurumi took a deep breath and reassured himself in his heart that the person in front of him was not a lecher, but a good person. .

However, even so, Tokisaki Kurumi wanted to deal with this guy. This was the first time that Tokisaki Kurumi was angry with someone who should be regarded as a righteous person.

Chapter 1004 Who do you think I am?

In fact, Kurumi Tokisaki is so cute that you can't stand it. It's almost like a junior high school student secretly drinking the old wine his father hid in the glass cabinet, feeling the dreamy mist and drunkenness, and then accidentally... As if he was drunk and collapsed on the ground.

And the look of anger on the face of such a beautiful woman, but suppressing it, is even more interesting, at least for Igarashi.

Taking out the stethoscope and pretending to put it on, Igarashi handed the chest piece of the sound pickup part of the stethoscope to Tokisaki Kurumi and motioned for her to put it on her chest. However, the girl did not take it, but said with a blush on her face.

I'm not very good at using a stethoscope. Since Igarashi-san understands it so well, please feel free to do as you please.

Kurumi Tokisaki is sitting on a white hospital bed, with white curtains and walls behind him. Against the pure white background, Kurumi Tokisaki is like a charming little devil, saying some unsettling words.

Seeing that the other party had repeatedly invited him sincerely, Igarashi felt that it would be rude to continue to refuse, so he nodded immediately.


When Kurumi Tokisaki was stunned by Igarashi's crisp answer, Igarashi had already pressed the pickup part of the stethoscope to her chest.

In fact, Igarashi's actions were very professional. He also studied knowledge in various fields when he was idle and bored. His behavior at this moment was meticulous, and he did not take advantage of Kurumi at this time.

Although on the surface, what Igarashi is currently doing to Kurumi is indeed very aggressive.

At that time, Kurumi Tokisaki wanted to take out his spiritual equipment and shoot the incomprehensible guy in front of him.

All of his previous temptations seemed like a one-man show, but then Igarashi suddenly became so direct. If it weren't for the fact that his behavior did not cross the line, Kurumi Tokisaki, who was already in a bad mood, would I really wanted to harmonize Igarashi on the spot.

Although Kurumi Tokisaki also knew that Igarashi, who was a senior executive of AST and DEM, disappeared after getting along with him, which would make his future situation very difficult, but Igarashi's series of actions really almost made this self-questioning person The already mature eldest lady was so angry that she ignored everything.


Taking a deep breath secretly, Tokisaki Kurumi reluctantly looked at the guy in front of him who appeared to be an ordinary high school student, but was actually the man in power behind the world, and said with a smile.

My heart is beating fast, right?

Yes, the heartbeat is abnormal, the blood and Qi are rising, and the blood and Qi are reversed.

Hearing Igarashi's somewhat advanced vocabulary, Tokisaki Kurumi blinked in confusion.

What do these words describe?

It means that you are in a bad mood now, or that you are very angry now. Miss Tokisaki Kurumi, what happened?


Tokisaki was shocked. She didn't expect Igarashi to be able to determine her mood just by listening to her heartbeat.

At this moment, the girl did not think that Igarashi was talking nonsense. After all, her true mood was indeed angry, but it should not be shown at all on the surface. Could it be that the guy in front of her was really an advanced doctor? In that case, you might want to pay more attention in the future.

With all kinds of thoughts circulating in a short period of time, Tokisaki Kurumi quickly straightened his face and nodded to confirm Igarashi's guess.

Well, I am indeed a little angry now. Hey, Igarashi-san, do you know how a girl would feel when facing a boy who looks like a block of wood. She has already expressed her feelings almost directly, but the other person is still pretending to be stupid. How would she feel? ?”

Probably very angry.

Igarashi gave the answer, and then acted as if he suddenly understood.

Are you saying I'm a piece of wood? Have you confessed your love to me?

Although I don't know how Igarashi-san defines the word confession, I feel that I have conveyed the signal that 'I am very fond of Igarashi-san' many times.

Tokisaki Kurumi tried hard to maintain the smile on his face.

And Igarashi pondered for a moment with a serious look on his face, and when Kurumi Tokisaki felt relaxed that this guy finally reacted, he spoke.

Being angry from time to time is not good for your health. It can lead to brain congestion, lung injury, gastric dysfunction, abnormal heartbeat, and liver qi stagnation. You should cultivate yourself and cultivate your character.

...Igarashi-san, are we talking about the same thing?

Because I think Kuang San's health is more important than love matters. After all, life is the most precious thing.

Does this mean rejection?

Actually, I don't want to refuse, but it's a pity that Shizhi-san and I are in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship now, and I don't know anything about other girls either. It would be better for Kuangsan-san not to fall into chaos. I told you before about the harm of being angry all the time, just because I hope you won’t get angry after I say something like this. Being angry is harmful to your physical and mental health.

Listening to Igarashi's words, Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly felt that the original image of Igarashi suddenly became a lot taller. He held the stethoscope so deliberately, even pretending to be stupid despite his previous obvious hints. The reason is for me?

...If I say that I don't mind Wuhe Shizhi or even other people's relationship with you, will you accept my confession?

When Tokisaki Kurumi said this, Igarashi's expression suddenly became solemn and he looked extremely serious.

Who do you think I am...

Another rejection? Tokisaki Kurumi was already doubting his own charm. Although he never intended to let Igarashi take advantage of him, he still resisted even though he threw himself into his arms. Tokisaki Kurumi felt like he was dreaming today.

I am not a saint, but just an ordinary person. When a beautiful girl like you, Kuangsan, tempts me, I really can't refuse.

The second half of Igarashi's words gave Tokisaki Kurumi a feeling of laughter.

If other people had said this, they would have been defined by me as a playboy. Why is it that now it is difficult for me to have negative emotions, but instead I feel a strange sense of relief that I have accomplished something?

Tokisaki Kurumi sighed helplessly, and then a smile appeared on his face again.

Then we are secretly boyfriend and girlfriend, Igarashi.

Chapter 1005 Pure Relationship

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